View Full Version : NEW!!! tring Package on 16*e

25-08-2008, 07:16 PM
NEW!!! tring Package on 16*e
A new Package has started broadcasting from Albania. It is called tring. Now it is testing on this freq. Eutelsat W2 11283 H 27500 fec 3/4

Here are some channels:

Prove 1=vizion+
prove 2=National Geographic channel
prove 3= blank picture
prove 5 = tring Films
prove 6 = Eurosport
prove 7 = Jetix
prove 8 = Fox life
prove 9= Dardan TV
prove 10= VH-1
prove 11= voyaer 1

other channels are coming next days. Unofical sourses tell that encryption system will be conax.

tinto de verano
25-08-2008, 09:47 PM
Hi sofien72tu,
Found them, also Prove 12. But 5/6, not 3/4 (at least on my HDCI2000).
Thank you very much.
tinto de verano

26-08-2008, 12:03 PM
All channels are now coded.
Nice while it lasted.

26-08-2008, 12:15 PM
Oh no the're not. In my best panto voice.All ok here.

26-08-2008, 12:41 PM

I have just tried them and all 11 are still clearing, and I saw some info on the DM's site that said that, they may be clear for a month

26-08-2008, 12:44 PM
Last week I watched the england footy (yawn) on vision + and it was scrambled in conax, my diablo didn't open it but my M2+ did.

Its fta at the moment.

26-08-2008, 01:22 PM
Yes,they are back in the clear.
They were certainly coded when i checked earlier.No change in weather,or signal strength,so i presume they were testing encryption.

terry l
26-08-2008, 01:29 PM
Cheer's for that m8 wern't a bad film on prove 5..

26-08-2008, 02:28 PM

Good find mate, watching channels now.


26-08-2008, 03:41 PM
hahahhah look at the channel Prov10
there is a picture of Nabilosat image hahahhahaha

seems they are using dreambox and make CS , hahahhahahha

nice pakege realy , what a noobs



26-08-2008, 04:05 PM
There seems to be a bit confusion as to which Company/s are behind these new channels, here is some info that I have copy/pasted from the DM's site:

This is New Operator Calling ACM .. Bihand to that is Vizion +

The bigest Competitor of Top channel in Albania or Digitalb and SuperSport.

This Operator will be with 22 channels soon and will be in Conax ..but will be maybe one month Free.

You are wrong there mate, its not ACM. Its actually AMC and they are a mobile phone company in Albania who are moving into TV. The Tring package is a PayTV+Internet+Telephony package.

Package will launch in September and will include Champions League. There is no website up yet for Tring however.

ASC is the other company involved with Tring. They are an Albanian satellite company.