View Full Version : Question for clever guys

25-08-2008, 07:40 PM
This is really a question for efeoglu or anyone else with connections to Octagon team.

In the network setup page you have the option to connect to a server but the maximum number you can connect to is 10.

Can this be increased ?

Does it require firmware to be re-written ?


25-08-2008, 08:41 PM
Together with this question I've got an additional one...
Is there any way to have the boxes behave as server ?

Imagine this setup:
- Home network, more as one card, more as one box
- box1=card1
- box2=card2
- box"n"=card"n"
- All boxes connected to LAN
- Every box wants access to all the other boxes' cards, and every box shares its own card with all the others.

Now I'm using NewCS on a permanent PC to do this (all cards in "n" cardreaders with "n" processes of NewCs), but I'd like tot have the boxes run their own communication through LAN without the necessity for a PC.


26-08-2008, 07:41 AM
It can easily be done from the developers by sending a udp string in the whole network on a specific port every now and then ( visionnet receiver did that ).
In this way all the running Octagons can listen on that port and receive the string,buffer it and show it in the menu for shares.
Actually a sharing LAN like this doesnt need adaptation of login procedure,so something like radegast protocol can be used.

26-08-2008, 11:29 AM
OK getting back to the question I asked in the first placed.

Can we increase the numbers of servers the Octagon 918 can connect to ?

26-08-2008, 05:05 PM
Does it require firmware to be re-written ?

Yes, the firmware needs to be rewritten.
Also for the boxes to behave as server, firmware needs an internal addition.

This is all in the hands of he guys writing the actual soft, so let's hope they read these postings too.


27-08-2008, 02:52 PM
It appears that the sooner the 918 firmware/software is made open, the better. The backlog of requests for functionality (some promised on release), seems to be beyond the capabilities/timescale of the "official" developers. Also the hardware quality control appears to be very poor, there are reports that very few production units are fault free.

The "support" guys are in fire control mode, playing the "we know the problems, wait for the guys to fix them" card. Looks like a car crash in slow-mo at the moment...

Boy am I glad I didn't buy this box :respect-applause-00

Oh, and I have no axe to grind, I don't have anything to gain if this box fails, it's just my opinion based on reports on this and other forums. Beware...

27-08-2008, 04:28 PM
I have to say that the box is fine I have not heard of anyone having any major problems with it.

I like the box and it has never failed me yet, I have the db800 too and I can tell you that the 918 is 10 times more stable than the db800.

The only problem I have is that I have more than 10 "friends" and the 918 currently only lets you connect to 10.

It would have been decent for someone to reply to this thread with a answer, even when pm is sent and they ignore it hey but thats life.

I may have to look at the cuberevo mini, aka i p b o x 900 now which is a pity because I do like the 918 but its no good to me if only a maxium of 10 friends allowed.

27-08-2008, 10:29 PM

Well, meanwhile I've got two of these clones (sab ultimate HD), must say no problems at all, even when using them to their limits (even networking is on here).
Maybe the very few users having defect boxes are making the most noise about theirs :lol:

Today the PVR soft was published on sabsatellite.nl, but I think I'll wait for the dvbstand emu-version before testing it.


28-08-2008, 12:42 AM
I have to say that the box is fine I have not heard of anyone having any major problems with it.

I like the box and it has never failed me yet, I have the db800 too and I can tell you that the 918 is 10 times more stable than the db800.

The only problem I have is that I have more than 10 "friends" and the 918 currently only lets you connect to 10.

It would have been decent for someone to reply to this thread with a answer, even when pm is sent and they ignore it hey but thats life.

I may have to look at the cuberevo mini, aka i p b o x 900 now which is a pity because I do like the 918 but its no good to me if only a maxium of 10 friends allowed.

Hello mate.

I dont thing any post sent here has been ignore and they all listed by software guys and octagon software team so i am sure we wil get tald yes thats will be fixet or not, i belive they working on for PVR emu software at the moment there is test version already but not with emu so far as i can see this box has great support, if you look at some other boxes come out well before octagon pvr dont work just yet so, yes there is lots of things to be fixed but non of them searies + software very stable,
i am sure we will hear somethig soon.

just one more thing i got rumers that will be free server for 918 and 908 model? can not comfirm at the moment time will show, lets hope so.:drool5:

28-08-2008, 08:37 AM
at the moment there is test version already but not with emuThe second pvr firmware rerlease, here in uploads 20/08/08, does have emu function. Working fine here in local network to newcs & mpcs servers.

I now have newcs (openwrt build) hosting my 0961 card & have given the Octagon AU rights. Is the current Octagon emu capable of passing emms over the newcamd protocol back to the server? Haven't seen any evidence so far... that would be on my wish list.

btw Keano, you may be able to get round your 10-server issue by using mpcs to combine some of your friends into one server for your Octagon. I haven't tried, but think it has that functionality.

28-08-2008, 09:10 AM
So i should guess that SAB - Octagon - On Lien use the same firmware?

@gooseye: Depends on the filtering done on the ecms and if the firmware follows the newcamd standard.

28-08-2008, 04:48 PM
So i should guess that SAB - Octagon - On Lien use the same firmware?

Sab Ultimate HD / Next YE2000 / Golden interstar GI890/ Octagon SF918....
All clones, firmware for the main part identical but not (yet) exchangable between "brands"

As far as I know only sab/octagon have eSATA, Next doesn't, and for GI I'm not sure.
