View Full Version : Problems with Barry Allen

25-08-2008, 11:28 PM
Ok guys, I had the latest oozoon in flash all updates were done when the image was installed on the 12th (a couple of day after release of the image), I then installed barry allen 4.6.2 on usb, and added nabilo and gemini on the usb.

Didn't have any issues with that at all.

However last night I thought, I would boot into the flash image, and check for updates (best to keep things upto date in the flash right ?).

So I did the updates, several things were updated (can't remember the exact amount but it was a fair few updates that were applied).

Anyway I let it reboot to sort the updates out.

Load back into the flash image and then reboot again.

On reboot I get the ba screen, and the remote won't let me pic any options, it sits on the default of flash, I can't use up, down, left , right , 0,1,2 etc to select any images.

I have to wait for (12 seconds I think) before it auto carry's on a boots into the default (flash) image again.

After messing for an hour and getting nowhere.

I just reflashed the box with experimental dream image from 23-08 (so has all the latest updates in it), add barry allen back on, and it formats my usb :frown:

Anyway reinstall nabilo and gemini, reboot the box.

Still won't let me pic any image and just loads the default again.

I can get into nabilo if I set that as the default in ba from inside the plugins menu of the flash image, but it shouldn't need to work like that.

Anyone have any idea's what is going on here ?

26-08-2008, 01:00 AM
Ok I have just reflashed the flash file with the oozoon file from 09-08 and not done any updates.

Just installed barry allen again and it's working fine now.

So there is an issue in a later update of enigma it seems that is causing this problem.

31-08-2008, 10:44 AM
I seem to have the same problem on my DM800 i.e. I get the BA boot screen, but the remote won't allow me to pick the images.

This problem started when I upgraded BA from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3. I have Gemini 3.70 in my flash, so I don't think the probem can relate to the latest official flash updates.

Anyone have any clues?

31-08-2008, 06:25 PM
Ok I just updated to ba 4.6.3 and had the same, can't switch images at the boot screen.

So I let it boot into flash, then did a sw update (28 packages updated).

Box reboots and the remote works fine again at the boot screen now :D

29-10-2008, 01:54 AM
Was having the same problem with 4.5.7 I had installed originally, fixed by upgrading to v4.6.3 of BA

29-10-2008, 09:18 AM
According to the Dreambox-images site, the latest version of Barry Allen is 4.6.16 and in the header for this it says "IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THE BOOTMANAGER THAT IT DOESN'T REACT TO THE REMOTE CONTROL, THEN PLEASE TRY OUT FIRST THE RC DEVICE SETTINGS IN THE BARRY ALLEN SETUP ******* !!!"
Sorry about the blocks but I just copied from their site.
Hope this helps

29-10-2008, 11:05 AM
whem u have this prob just go to barry allen menu

1=w.i.z.a.r.d for setup
2=RC device
4=reboot your box

and should work fine

in case dosent work tray

reboot your box and should be fine now

22-03-2009, 11:20 PM
When booting a image in barry allen , after restart it is the same flash image. :@ dm800 gemin 3.90 in flash and want to boot onther image like peter pan.

23-03-2009, 07:41 PM
have you chosen the image you want to run from the startup menu? (0 = flash, so choose image 1 or 2 etc).

Have you actually installed another image into ba???

03-04-2009, 02:49 PM
I've had the same situation with my Gemini 4.1 after installing BA in flash of ihad CVS. After putting RC device in mode /dev/input/event2 at Gemini 4.1
it all stopped, remote didn't respond in Gemini, only in Flash at CVS.
Nothing helped until I reflashed DM800 with Nabilo R1 from june 2008. with secondstage.bootloader.62.
After that image in flash and after installing ss bootloader 72r1 it worked like a charm! Remote even work backwards.

There is also option in Barry Allen ********** for Setup ****bapoinst, sharing and copy options this option must be put to - deactivate -

Because if not, new versions of BA are transfering settings and satellite positions from flash to usb images, and it may sometimes be very nasty.
In images where some folders are the same as keys and bin files and cam files it's ok but there are images like NewEnigma, where files in folder positions are different then in most images, and result is that images in USB Barry alen doesn't work!