View Full Version : Subscription payments

27-08-2008, 05:03 PM
I am a subscriber and have been trying to renew my subcription for many months to the very valuable Satpimps Forum. However, I cannot make any sense at all of the required PayPal instructions and Satpimps gives me no alternative method of payment. I am therefore now asking if any one can please tell me how to pay and renew my subscriptions using my Natwest Maestro service card or any credit card eg Visa, Amex, Mastercard.etc but without passing through PayPal.
Sorry to be a nuisance but the administrators have locked me out of virtually everything without giving me any advance notice. I have been rather a lot in hospital this year and may, of course, have missed this, in which case I apologise to them most sincerely. I don't want to go to another Forum if possible as I cannot believe that there is another as well managed and conceived.
Please someone help
Long time member

27-08-2008, 07:41 PM
Hi Mate

To pay via Paypal using your credit/debit card please do the following.

On the Paypal payment page you'll see pictures of credit cards, like Visa, Mastercard etc. Just above the pictures of credit cards you'll see the following words...

"Don't have a PayPal account?
Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue"

Click on the "Continue" link and you'll be able to donate using your card ;)

Thanks for the support mate ;)

I've double checked your account and there is no problem, you should be able to post in any of the sections. You haven't been locked out of any sections.

28-08-2008, 06:06 PM
Many thanks hda5 for very helpful reply . I will get on to it first thing tomorrow.
Sorry I misunderstood my present situation but every single post in the Stealth/underworld thread has a padlock on it even though some of them are of very recent date . When I open any of them I find no icon or other detail enabling me ,for example, to update even though my neighbour continues to get everything just as I used to. Could you please guide me to today's forums dealing with Diablo and Dragon. I do apologise for bothering you like this but do not know where else to turn to make these posts meaningful.