View Full Version : Andromeda New - files and tools

27-08-2008, 09:19 PM
For those who need it Mgcamd 1.30d for Andromeda
Please note I have not tested this.
Mgcamd.ppc and extra run file in var/bin will need to have attributes changed to 755
*.cfg files in var/Doume/plugins will need to have attribute of 644 and *.sh files 744

From team allsats.

27-08-2008, 09:22 PM
Gbox for Andromeda

Please note I have not tested this.

Gbox and extra run file in var/bin will need to have attributes changed to 755 cfg files in var/Doume/plugins will need to have attribute of 644 and *.sh files 744

Team allsats.

27-08-2008, 09:26 PM
This is adpated to be a plugin for the Doume panel for those who need it.

Team Allsats.

13-10-2008, 10:20 PM
on the attributes in dcc2.95 i dont have the option to change to 744 it only gives me tyhe options 777 755 and 644
is there another way to set the attributes

13-10-2008, 11:10 PM
on the attributes in dcc2.95 i dont have the option to change to 744 it only gives me tyhe options 777 755 and 644
is there another way to set the attributes

Under "Owner" check all three boxes (Read, Write, Execute)

Under "Group" check only the top (Read)

Under "Other" check only the top (Read)

That will give you 744