View Full Version : Protek 9600 ip dont buy one!!!!!!

30-08-2008, 09:58 AM
Okay here goes i bought one of these so called Protek 9600 ip LAN recievers back in May, it lasted a month and then the server went down, i do have to say it was good while the server was working.

I know its always a risk buying these type of things and im always willing to take a gamble, but i have to say this is the worst piece of satellite kit i have ever bought.

Anyway there was a few packages back in May but when the server went also all the support went and even the place i bought it from vanished.

I tried contacting them and there was no response, eventually a server did come back but it lasted a day and now it has come back again 3 months later but with a load of issues, and not half the packages it had before.

Ive tried all the latest firmware and i have gone back to the old firmware, as i was told to do, ive also changed the ports over and still the channels are unwatchable, due to the constant freezing due to the server.

It wouldnt be that bad if the freezing was once every 5 minutes, but its every 10 seconds and sometimes it goes off for a few minutes.

The only reason i have started this thread, is i dont want people to make the same mistake has me and waste your money by buying one.

Has anyone else had a lot of freezing issues and the server not working like myself or am i the only one?


30-08-2008, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the warning.

I was at the point of buying one as I have read that you could get D+ with it!!!!


30-08-2008, 03:37 PM
Glad to be of some help.:king-042:


31-08-2008, 01:01 AM
same again tonight there is a server but its

really slow again and thers loads of freezing.

Maybe its the time of day but whenever i try it after5 pm its ****e.

Oh and by the way i only bought this reciever so i could give bad advice on it, i know people can go around casting dispersions on my character, but i know i can hold my head up high and say i told you so.

just ask yourself why would i give this advice



31-08-2008, 12:00 PM
As you write, you bought your Protek a month before problems started. I had my NanoXX for over a year before the problems, and before the problems, had experienced virtually no outages or freezes.

Due to the nature of the hobby, providers will fight back, and the harder they fight back, the more that needs to be done to get around it.

Unlike many icescraper teams who take the money and run, that is not the case this time. The action that has had to be taken is far more radical that most owners realise, and more than I can share on here, but there is a difference.

There is commitment to bring back service to it's former glory. It will take time so I understand if patience runs out.

Fortunately as the doc, I have a lot of patients :D


31-08-2008, 12:59 PM
As you write, you bought your Protek a month before problems started. I had my NanoXX for over a year before the problems, and before the problems, had experienced virtually no outages or freezes.

Due to the nature of the hobby, providers will fight back, and the harder they fight back, the more that needs to be done to get around it.

Unlike many icescraper teams who take the money and run, that is not the case this time. The action that has had to be taken is far more radical that most owners realise, and more than I can share on here, but there is a difference.

There is commitment to bring back service to it's former glory. It will take time so I understand if patience runs out.

Fortunately as the doc, I have a lot of patients :D


Yes but im not going round telling people this reciever is great, it was great when it works, but at the moment if i went out and bought one i would be very disapointed.

If the server comes back to its former glory i would recomend it to anyone, but the simple answer to this question at the moment is the server is very unstable and not very good.

i know certain people on here have said its back, and you can guess where they have come from.:cool:

Ive just done this post to warn people not to buy this reciever has the all dancing and singing machine some people are making it out to be.

You seem an honest chap, and i know you help a lot of people out, we both know the server is back but can you honestly say there is no freezing and the server is very stable???????

well Doc?

If you read some of the post's some person is saying they are working great, if you bought one today, Doc based on that persons advice on here, went home and plugged it in would you be happy?????

i will be patient and i hope it does come back to its former glory and when it does i will be the first on here to say its back and its great.

fingers crossed Chelseaboy

sparky 7
31-08-2008, 03:13 PM
agree :nopity:with every word people are coming from nowhere with claims it is working when it clearly isnt buyer be WARNED its now a nono xx unless things change dramatically !!

31-08-2008, 03:51 PM
I have never laid claim to it being back anywhere near 100%, and as far as I am concerned it is not, but it is intended to be. Can I say when? No I can't as it I have no involvement in the "resurrection", but my very reliable sources say that they will not stop until it is back to a full service with a lot more packages than now, and no (or minimal) freezes.

Would I buy one right now based on this, probably not? Do I believe that they are worth holding on to, or buying in the future when a full and resilient service is available? Yes I do. Mine is going nowhere.


31-08-2008, 08:00 PM
Thanks Doc, it nice to see some people still have the integrity and can give an honest answer.
