View Full Version : Viewing ch5

30-08-2008, 11:22 AM
I have a technomate 6900 hd which I'm very happy with. The only problem I have with it is receiving channel 5 from it's built in freeview receiver. My flat has an external aerial on the roof which is shared by other tenants. It's not so bad viewing ch5 early in the mornings but as the day goes by and more people use the aerial the signal get weaker and my picture freezes, sometimes I don't get any picture at all. I've tried different cables and boosters with no joy. Is there anyway I can view ch5 from 28e using a freesat card, or is it not possible. I have a diablo 2.3 cam and also a dragon cam.:smash:

30-08-2008, 11:36 AM
I think you should be able to use the freesat card in the dragon cam and get channel 5 from 28 degree, ive used the dragon cam with my sxy card in my tm1500 and i got channel 5.

The only thing is you might have to update the card through a sxy box every so often but im not to sure about that bit.


30-08-2008, 11:42 AM

Thanks mate.

30-08-2008, 12:05 PM
How close (miles) are you to the TV Transmitter.How high up is your Flat.Have you tried a indoor TV aerial depending on the strength of the Transmitter and surrounding area.

30-08-2008, 12:07 PM
I believe the freesat card MAY work in the embedded card slot , although I dont know if it will update or not

later this year ch5 should be fta like all the others in which case you wont need any cards for these uk based channels , just as you dont need them for ch4 any more

30-08-2008, 12:11 PM
I believe the freesat card MAY work in the embedded card slot , although I dont know if it will update or not

later this year ch5 should be fta like all the others in which case you wont need any cards for these uk based channels , just as you dont need them for ch4 any more
He'll need to update it in a sly box.. I have one for my passion so I can watch HD4 and CH5. I use a dragon with the passion

30-08-2008, 12:22 PM
Thanks or the advice lads, I think I'll listen to echelon and wait until ch5 becomes fta.:respect-048:

30-08-2008, 02:51 PM
I watch channel 5 with a s#y card in my 6900.

Only been doing it for about 6 weeks. I'm sure it will go off soon so will need to go back into a s#y box for an update.