View Full Version : DM500 streaming solution

31-08-2008, 04:36 PM
I have been trying to get streaming working smoothly and have now found the answer (at least it works well for me).

The PLi-Jade image includes an application named Zapstream and this at last provides good smooth streaming to either Web-X-TV or VLC.

If you use VLC, enter your DM500 IP plus port 31344 and VLC will track channel changes etc made in the web interface. (hypothetically in the third box - HTTP/FTP/MMS/RTSP under 'file / open / location')

Now I'm off to try to get my MacBook interfaced with the main TV . . .
Good luck if you give it a go - PLi is a pretty good image in any case.

31-08-2008, 11:11 PM
I use Gemini Max Var image. The only streaming tool that I have got working is Tuxvision. Works ok apart from having to use Enigma Web Interface in order to change channels.

26-09-2008, 09:21 PM
use dreamstream and then you can also change channels....works great with any image.

27-09-2008, 04:24 PM
i can stream from the dm500 to pc but cant stream stuff from the pc to the dm, its really start ing to pi55 me off :(

05-12-2008, 12:02 PM
OK - I changed my image from Pli (which streams very well) back to Eagle v4 for a variety of reasons. Around the same time I tried the new release of XBMC for OSX (also available for PC) and it is relatively easy to set this up as a Tuxbox client which seems to read SD streams well. It is quite slow to start streaming following a channel change but the result is encouraging.
Will play some more and see what else can be done.

UPDATE - In fact it behaves very much the same as the web interface or VLC - once it is receiving a de-crypted stream it tends to pixellate, presumably as a result of the DM's processor having more to handle. SUMMARY - it looks nice but isn't progress in this case! Pli remains my best solution to smooth streaming.