View Full Version : Decent EPG for S*y ^_^

01-09-2008, 08:29 AM
Search for E2_loadepg....quickly tried this last night on my Gemini 3.7 image under BA and worked a treat, need to have a quick play with some settings and set up a cron job to run this daily but seems to work very well. Currently got a 7 day EPG running quite nicely :king-042:

01-09-2008, 11:32 AM
Just wondering what image you're using this on?

From looking around, it looks as though the nabilo image uses a kind of this, so was wondering whether this has maybe already been installed for the nabilo image, and just requires the bskyb change?

BTW, I have no idea how to set this up and get it working. Had a look through, but must be missing something.

If someone could explain (mini_me maybe?), then I'd really appreciate it :)

01-09-2008, 01:22 PM
I'm away from home for the next week, so I'm going from memory....

Follow the instructions on the website to install the files.

Then you'll need to edit the .conf file to s** so it points to the right download modules....

Edit the enigma2.sh file

Run the script.

Simple as that :-)

As I said above I'm running this on Gemini 3.7.

01-09-2008, 05:37 PM
D'oh, missed the gemini note ;)

I didn't find any english notes on how to install (that were easy to follow), will try another search.

Thx again

01-09-2008, 05:54 PM

There's the install txt doc from the website mate, just follow that. It's the same as the readme inside the tar from memory....

01-09-2008, 06:22 PM
Cheers, managed to follow everything, and *think* I've done it all ok.

But when running the e2_loadepg.py file, in the log, I'm just getting:

01-09-2008 18:12:14 E2_LOADEPG by ambrosa http://www.dreamboxonline.com , ver. 0.43 beta
01-09-2008 18:12:14 License: CreativeCommons by-nc-sa http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
01-09-2008 18:12:14 Copyright (C) 2008 Alessandro Ambrosini
01-09-2008 18:12:14 OK, parsed 'e2_loadepg.conf' in '/media/usb/e2_loadepg/'
01-09-2008 18:12:14 Reading 'excluded_sid.conf'
01-09-2008 18:12:14 Removing old cached files

So not sure whether am doing it right?!

01-09-2008, 06:49 PM
please could some 1 tell me how i install this on my 7025

01-09-2008, 06:59 PM
as minime said, follow the instructions he posted in the link above.

As for the problem I was getting with it not working, i've discovered that it appears that it doesn't like the nabilo image.

Just installed gemini in barry allen, and it seems like it working great now :) Well, at least I can see that it's downloading the channels from internet :)

01-09-2008, 07:07 PM
yes but i am having trouble installing the package do i install it with barry allen?

01-09-2008, 07:17 PM
i have put the file on cf card but when i goto manual install i cant seem to find it am i doing something wrong

01-09-2008, 07:32 PM
i have put the file on cf card but when i goto manual install i cant seem to find it am i doing something wrong
Taken from hxxp://www.ambrosa.it/e2_loadepg/INSTALL.txt

-- (as root) go in installation directory ('cd /media/cf' or 'cd /media/hdd' or 'cd /media/usb') and unpack it with
tar xvzf e2_loadepg-nnn.tar.gz
the directory e2_loadepg will be created with the program files inside

So after putting the file onto your cf, telnet into your dreambox, and follow those instructions...

01-09-2008, 07:42 PM
ok i have installed it and i have the program directory please could you tell me if i have to change any of the config and how do i start the program plesase

01-09-2008, 09:12 PM
would be very gratefull if somebody could help me set this up please have been looking for a good sky uk epg for ages

01-09-2008, 09:17 PM
Installation instructions can be found in the Dreambox plugins forum

01-09-2008, 11:00 PM
i have it installed on my cf card but how do i start the program

02-09-2008, 07:10 AM
make sure that you have changed all the conf files you need to alter (i.e. the channel listing so that each channel is the same as the name in your lamedb file and the other conf file to say whether you reboot, where you're saving it etc).

Then, ensure you have changed the enigma2.sh file.

Then, go in to telnet, and cd to the dir on the cf. Then issue the command e2_loadepg.py

This should start fetching the data fromthe website...

02-09-2008, 08:11 AM
Anyone know whether there's a way to get any xml listings for french tv channels?

Cheers :)

02-09-2008, 06:31 PM
ok i ve done every thing and i see it downloading the data but i still only see 2 listings still in my epg on dreambox

02-09-2008, 07:38 PM
My enigma2.sh file has no 'ld_preload' :(



/usr/bin/showiframe /boot/backdrop.mvi

cd /home/root

# enigma2 exit codes:
# 0 - restart enigma
# 1 - halt
# 2 - reboot
# >128 signal

case $ret in
/sbin/rmmod lcd
/usr/sbin/fpupgrade --upgrade 2>&1 | tee /home/root/fpupgrade.log
sleep 1;
/sbin/rmmod fp
/sbin/modprobe fp

02-09-2008, 07:50 PM
how do you get the downloaded epg catch to show up in the epg gide on the dm7025 please

02-09-2008, 08:02 PM
Which box you using and which image?

ftp into your box, and check the e2_loadepg.log on your cf file, and look for any warnings. Also, ensure you have enabled epg cache in your image. Which image are you using (didn't noticed it showed...)

02-09-2008, 08:08 PM
gemini 3.6 so please could you tell me how i see the epg?

02-09-2008, 08:22 PM
Hi loveman - DM7025 and the Pli-jade image....

02-09-2008, 08:25 PM
gemini 3.6 so please could you tell me how i see the epg?

press blue button twice (at least in gemini 3.7 it works this way). Go down to near bottom of list, and there's an epg cache/refresh/etc. You need to tell it to create an epg, tell it on the cf and all other settings (can't remember fully, off top of head).

Then ensure you've rebooted the enigma. Then it should pick it up and work...

Another note, it's worth using cp instead of mv in the engima2.sh file settings, as everytime you reboot enigma, you'll loose the epg cache otherwise, and have to re-run the program...

Am just trying to setup a cron setting to get it run the script everyday...

02-09-2008, 08:26 PM
Hi loveman - DM7025 and the Pli-jade image....
Not sure whether it will work on pli image, as I couldn't get it to work on the nabilo image. As soon as I installed gemini 3.7 (dm800), it worked!

If you have barry allen installed, try installing gemini image, and getting it running. If not, maybe install barry allen, and gemini and try it :)

07-09-2008, 07:39 AM
I have done the install as per instructions and seemed to create the epg file OK on my usb stick. However when I display the epg on the screen I still just get the now and next programme. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help appreciated.

07-09-2008, 09:13 AM
any help with short reads trying to install this from hdd via telnet but when I run the unpack command I get tar:short read
I'm using gemini 4.1 on a 7020
I have now managed to unpack version 0.43 but now found that when coming to edit enigma2.sh usr/bin my file is only enigma.sh and not enigma2.sh
is it worth proceeding or do I update the image if so what images contain enigma2.sh or can enigma.sh be overwritten with enigma2.sh leaving the rest of the image intact

regards terrybobs

08-09-2008, 05:57 AM
Update on my earlier comment - I have now managed to get it to work. It was a problem with some subtle differences (and some not so subtle!)in programme names between lamedb and the config file. There really is quite alot of editing to do.


08-09-2008, 11:54 AM
Got this (Sky It) working at last with help from those in this thread - thanks!

Is there a way of getting the BSkyB module working with a cable tuner?

08-09-2008, 01:29 PM
Yeah I have this currently working with a DVB-C tuner...it requires a bit of tinkering with the channels in lamedb and the e2_loadepg but not too much.

Mainly just changing the provider to be the same through all the channels in lamedb and amending the e2_load files...a bit of copy and pasting of the files....again I'm not at home right now so don't have the detail to hand exactly. It's basically just the same as the difference between the *** and the *** Italia files though :-)

08-09-2008, 08:46 PM
Okay thanks.

So for example is my cable BBC ID:

p:01F,c:000258,c:010259,c:02025d, c:030258

? How do I then edit the e2_loadepg to match the channels up?

Many thanks

09-09-2008, 08:35 AM
I'm going from memory here so bear with me.....

I just edited the b***b-channel_list.conf to have V***** as the default provider then used Dreamset to change the provider on all the channels I wanted to V*****

Then you have a choice....either edit the b***b-channel_list.conf to match the channels in Dreamset or the lineup in Dreamset to match the channels in b***b-channel_list.conf.

If you have a 7025 they should be able to very happily co-exist together using the option in the b***b-channel_list.conf to add both V***** and b***b to the provider on the channels that are the same.

This is a very nice little module :-)

17-09-2008, 05:34 PM
i have a dm 7025 i installed the LT 5 image it has the sky epg built in, you need a cf card or usb stick, i set mine to downlaod 7 days at a time, it does it at 1.20am every day. gets the info from radiotimes website, also works on dm 800

26-09-2008, 04:37 PM
please could some 1 tell me how i find the channel ids so i can add new channels for e2_loadepg

26-09-2008, 05:53 PM
Go to your channel listing (/etc/enigma2/lamedb on dm800, should be same on 7025?!).

In here, you will see a load of numbers etc. You should be able to work it out fromthere...

06-10-2008, 10:26 PM
am i right in assuming the new version of lamedb (v4) is what's causing this to stop working for me?

Was using this perfectly fine with gemini 3.7. But since upgrading to 3.8, I'm getting problems getting this to run, and crashes out with following messages:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./e2_loadepg.py", line 192, in <module> epg=epgdat.epgdat_class(INSTALLDI R, CONF_LAMEDB, CONF_EPGDAT)
File "/media/usb/e2_loadepg/e2_coremod/epgdat.py", line 133, in __init__ self.read_lamedb(lamedb_path)
File "/media/usb/e2_loadepg/e2_coremod/epgdat.py", line 262, in read_lamedb self.log("ERROR parsing \'" + lamedb_file + "\' channel_name section: provider name")
TypeError: log_dummy() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

06-10-2008, 11:14 PM
OK, seem to have found out the prob...

In the new lamedb format, it's change the way it works, and loadepg doesn't work with it... The new format of the listing is like:

Redlight USA

The old one, was like:

Redlight USA

In the python language code for loadepg, it expects the p: to be at the beginning, as in the 2nd code above. But in the new lamedb, it isn't first for some reason.

Anyone explain why this was changed?! Hopefully the programmer can look in to the code. As I can't figure it out in my tired state :p Altho hopefully tomorrow I might be able to sort it out ;)

BTW, this is using the new loadepg 0.44...

10-10-2008, 09:59 PM
I'm going from memory here so bear with me.....

I just edited the b***b-channel_list.conf to have V***** as the default provider then used Dreamset to change the provider on all the channels I wanted to V*****

Then you have a choice....either edit the b***b-channel_list.conf to match the channels in Dreamset or the lineup in Dreamset to match the channels in b***b-channel_list.conf.

If you have a 7025 they should be able to very happily co-exist together using the option in the b***b-channel_list.conf to add both V***** and b***b to the provider on the channels that are the same.

This is a very nice little module :-)

Hi mate, finally getting round to giving this a go - I change all the providers using Dreamset to 'virgin' and transfer the new lamedb over but the DM7025 always seems to revert back to the original provider!

Any ideas how to fix this? :respect-039:

12-10-2008, 12:58 PM
Set the flags Untouched by SDT and Locked to yes

12-10-2008, 11:19 PM
OK, seem to have found out the prob...

In the new lamedb format, it's change the way it works, and loadepg doesn't work with it... The new format of the listing is like:

Redlight USA

The old one, was like:

Redlight USA

In the python language code for loadepg, it expects the p: to be at the beginning, as in the 2nd code above. But in the new lamedb, it isn't first for some reason.

Anyone explain why this was changed?! Hopefully the programmer can look in to the code. As I can't figure it out in my tired state :p Altho hopefully tomorrow I might be able to sort it out ;)

BTW, this is using the new loadepg 0.44...

Thanks to ambrosa, anyone who might've been stuck with this can update to 0.44a :)