View Full Version : TM 1600 2CI problem?

01-09-2008, 07:58 PM
:confused:Hi Guys, Perhaps someone can help with this one! Since installing the latest patch on my TM 1600 2CI I've been having an intermittent problem which might just be coincidental. A couple of nights back I switched to Premier 2 and the box refused to to switch away from it - a "Please waite!" message kepy popping up. After a couple of power downs it seemed to rectify itself and normal operation resumed. Tonight however is has refused to co-operate. I've tried power downs and reloading the original TM firmware - all to no avail! At the moment to box is powered down in the hope that this will remedy the problem but I would like to know the cause so that I can prevent future re-occurences. If this is not possible can somebody suggest a cure please?

01-09-2008, 08:10 PM
i've actually had the same problem once or twice with my 1600. it was the timer that was causing problems with my box, everytime i tried to set the timer, it wouldn't change the channel once the timer had kicked in. couldn't even get into the EPG to remove the timer.

this has happened twice, the second time an accident.

what i've found works is the following:
re-installing the official firmware followed by a new channel list comprising of just a few FTA channels, ensuring that the channel that it was stuck on has been deleted!

Turn the box back on and try changing the channel then. If this still doesn't work then try selecting a channel by pressing the numbers. Once you can then change the channel again, you should be able to re-install latest patch and your original channel list.

this worked for me anyway. i remeber how annoying it was the first time this happened to me!!!

hope it helps ;)

01-09-2008, 08:55 PM
:respect-059: Thanks for the suggestion. So far so good - I've managed to get the channel change back but can't test any further at the moment as TV is in use by family!:toetap05:

Update: Problem seems fully resolved for the moment using your suggestion. Many thanks!!

Update to the update: Have now heard from TM

"Please put your receiver into standby mode. Then hold the top two
buttons on the front of the receiver for about 10-15secs until you get a
screen with a blue background and some options appear. Then go to NVRAM
clear by the remote and press OK and then OK again. Turn your receiver
off/on and do a Factory Reset. It should be OK from there. "

Many thanks to Ryan at TM. Will try this if I get the problem again!