View Full Version : New Vantage 23201 for Vantage HD

02-09-2008, 06:28 PM
New 023201:

- UK cable is fixed
- EPG Search added Use the lense button in EPG.
- Crash in channel edit fix
- spanish language update
- UNICABLE problem fixed.
- Recordet timer on same channel problem fixed.
- Fastscan working correct.
- There was some problem to store more then 10000 Channels. Fixed
- Improved timeshift interface. When timeshiftmode is auto.
- Timeshift make pause after 11 seconds if you press >/II b
- Also possible to use dirct the rewind << button.
- Initialisation message from HDD is changed.
- Upload complete folder in FTP possible.
- In Vantage Player filesize shown correct.
- ITV HD work correct. Input follow.
- Menue open Scan-Mode(PID)/Satellite->Eurobird/Frequenzy->11426
Symbol Rate->27.500/FEC->DVBS/Video PID->3401/Video->H.264/Audio

PID->3402 Audio->DolbyD/ PCR PID->3401