View Full Version : TM6900 - non-standard config ?

03-09-2008, 10:12 AM
I have just bought a TM6900 HD combo. My dish setup is slightly non-standard in that I have 3 fixed dishes and a 120 motorised going through a 4-way Disecq switch. The motorised dish has a good old actuator, and although I have a brand-new vbox sitting in its packaging, I prefer to use my 20 year-old Uniden positioner, independent of the receiver.

So my question is this - the motorised dish is on disecq position 1 - and if I scan say 1W, the channels are all saved and associated to this position. However, if I then move the dish to say 7W and tell the receiver to associate this position to disecq position 1, it *does* scan the chanels form 7W, but just saves them in the "all satellites" category. I appreciate that my fixed and motorised mixture is not "normal" but has anyone got a similar config and found a way round the problem. It's not the end of the world of course - the main thing is that channels from different satellites can be associated to disecq 1, but it would be handy to have them separated by sat position.