View Full Version : 42PFL7403 or 40A656 or 40W4000 ?

07-09-2008, 06:15 PM

Which LCD is best among:

Philipps 42PFL7403 or Samsung 40A656 or Sony 40W4000 ?

Best for Sports HD and SD stuff via DM800.

I am oriented on Samsung 40A656.
(Sony 40W4500 is a bit too much)

Thanks Attaros

13-09-2008, 07:50 AM
Well to be honest, I've looked at all of these panels but as a man reared on plasma, I'd say if you wanted it really for sport then LCD is not what you really want, but if its about cash and your looking for the best you can get for your money then its the Samsung as the cheaper one. But the Sony because of it's refresh rate using it's processor more efficiently would be better. You say it's for sport then you really would want a better refresh rate as the LCD panel cannot work as fast as the plasma hence you result to having the picture drag on fast moving images, take a look here..



22-09-2008, 11:16 PM
Easy - Sony 40W4500 !!

23-09-2008, 08:11 PM
I got the philips. I pondered over a long time as ive always been a sony man. In the end i went for the philips as the HD picture is pure stunning i feel. after viewing many LCD sets, the philips quality of picture came out best for me.