View Full Version : Given up with my 800

09-09-2008, 11:00 PM
Its going back tomorrow, hope the shop doesn't give me any grief.

Got it from "official distributors" on Friday

I've tried a few images and even tonight, the orignal and latest image from DM and 15 minutes in on BBC HD its frozen.

The recording have never been watchable either, even SD channel, they've skipped and jump.

I'll be asking for my money back until they get all these issues sorted.

The good old 7020 will be back in service tomorrow :)

09-09-2008, 11:07 PM
its easy to sort m8, put original cvs on and do an update that should sort out the drivers problem which should give you proper viewing. also i had probs with the recording on gemini image but none on the lt image.

09-09-2008, 11:12 PM
I've loaded the original image from Dreambox on tonight and run an update, and its the same.

10-09-2008, 08:07 AM
Over Heating is an issue with this box I know, truth is i wouldnt install sata Drive due to over heating. And install a 60x60x10mm fan. I will confirm it solved my problem. bbc HD left on all day all ok.

10-09-2008, 08:45 AM
I don't want to knock dreamboxes as I still have 2 and am waiting for for 8000 to appear (if ever) but surely we are not supposed to buy a new product then have to fit a fan to prevent overheating?

10-09-2008, 09:01 AM
mine has an hdd fitted and works ok on hd channels

10-09-2008, 10:25 AM
If it was as simple as just adding a fan, I might consider keeping it, but I tried a 60mm one and it improved the locking issues greatly, the the recordings were still failing or were unwatchable.

The company must be struggling with HD boxes, otherwise the 8000 would be out by now.

10-09-2008, 11:56 AM
I applied to be an 8000 beta tester which would have meant spending 900 euros. I never even received a reply. I have heard of people who were accepted as testers and have paid for their 8000 but are still waiting for delivery.

10-09-2008, 11:22 PM
i've been quite lucky,mine does get hot,but hasn't froze as yet,although never really recorded anything yet

12-09-2008, 04:30 PM
Got round to taking it back today for a refund.

It looked like they'd had another 3 returned, as there were opened 800 boxes sat on the desk.

He told me they were having a fresh batch delivered in 2 weeks and they would be OK, but I wanted to my money and will wait a while.

12-09-2008, 05:16 PM
Its always the same with any new linux based boxes, the early people do all the testing and didnt realise the product was not realy ready, then when its about 12mths old the images start to get sorted and worth looking at.

12-09-2008, 05:30 PM
Got round to taking it back today for a refund.

It looked like they'd had another 3 returned, as there were opened 800 boxes sat on the desk.

He told me they were having a fresh batch delivered in 2 weeks and they would be OK, but I wanted to my money and will wait a while.

I have simular problems with mine even though it has no HD fitted.

I'm driving 60 odd miles tomorrow to return it to ******.

12-09-2008, 05:37 PM
release-dm800_20080912.nfi (http://dreamboxupdate.com/opendreambox/1.5/dm800/images/release-dm800_20080912.nfi) - Anti freeze(secondstage 62) fix is included in this image and all newer!
secondstage-62.nfi (http://dreamboxupdate.com/opendreambox/1.5/dm800/images/secondstage-62.nfi) - Anti freeze secondstage loader 62 (bootloader only update)

12-09-2008, 06:22 PM
Its going back tomorrow, hope the shop doesn't give me any grief.

Got it from "official distributors" on Friday

I've tried a few images and even tonight, the orignal and latest image from DM and 15 minutes in on BBC HD its frozen.

The recording have never been watchable either, even SD channel, they've skipped and jump.

I'll be asking for my money back until they get all these issues sorted.

The good old 7020 will be back in service tomorrow :)

I'll give you 20 quid for it

12-09-2008, 07:30 PM
I'll give you 20 quid for it
I'll see your 20 quid, and raise you by 5 ;)

12-09-2008, 09:47 PM
well no problems on HD channels, well at least not BBC HD, but I have to have a big fan pointing at the DM800!

12-09-2008, 11:41 PM
Have you tried the new 2nd stage loader?

13-09-2008, 01:48 PM
I've been getting regular freezing on HD channels and just discovered the new 2nd stage loader. Have installed it on my Gemini 3.7 flash just this minute and am now gonna watch the 2nd half of the football whilst also recording it and see if it freezes up.

From what I've read in German forums is that this seems to be doing the job and the boxes aren't getting really hot anymore.

13-09-2008, 04:47 PM
My box has been sent back to Germany for exchange today.

apparently quite a lot are faulty.

14-09-2008, 02:44 PM
@ sonic1
thanks for the posting.

just gonna install it myself, please post back your findings.

regards: canthackit

14-09-2008, 04:44 PM
ok my findings are:

i've installed the gemini updated cvs image on the flash, i've tried various other images with the bootloader update........and bootloader plugins and none work, everytime on 1st boot still freezing and mosaicing as this still continues as ever, this is on NDS_UK btw...... i've even installed a ccamd 2.0.9 primarily for gemini images with newcs 1.62.

still no luck, ****ed off to say the least.

regards: canthackit

15-09-2008, 07:38 AM

italia problem virtually solved, only mosaics now very infreqently now using OOzoon lean 13/09/2008 CCcam 2.0.8 newcs 1.62.

regards: canthackit

15-09-2008, 07:44 AM
When you say mosaics, do you mean the picture freezes every so often giving a weird mosaic type effect? If so, it's nothing to do with the dm800, but more to do with your cccam and not geting the updates for the card quick enough...

15-09-2008, 07:52 AM
yes mate i know it's nothing to do with the DB, i thought my post said that, anyways i'm atm messing with my config files......any help detailing what i should doing to get the card to update quicker will be appriciated.

regards: canthackit

15-09-2008, 08:51 AM
Sorry, didn't notice that you'd put anything to say that.

Anyway, check pm, hopefully we'll sort it out :)

15-09-2008, 08:55 AM
Make sure your prio file is up to date with the correct caids, also check ping time of peers. slow connection is a possibility.
Lastly check how many hops before you receive ecm.

15-09-2008, 03:29 PM
:respect-010:@ sonic

L O mate...... the SD channels still clear immediately @ 1 hop but to one of my peers on CCcam, and dont genearally use a prio file, dont usually need one on gemini images....or are you going to tell me different:respect-047:

regards: canthackit

16-09-2008, 11:51 AM
I'd like to confirm that with the new bootloader I'm getting no freezing and hanging on HD channels anymore and have watched them for ages now with no problems. So much so that I've removed an extra fan and put the lid back onto the box and its still running perfectly.

16-09-2008, 05:59 PM
if i were you, i'd probably put the fan back in to the box ... this'd help to prolong the life of the 800, and relieve the stress of components getting a little hotter... just as a precaution :)

28-09-2008, 11:16 AM
I'd like to confirm that with the new bootloader I'm getting no freezing and hanging on HD channels anymore and have watched them for ages now with no problems. So much so that I've removed an extra fan and put the lid back onto the box and its still running perfectly.

How did you update the dm800? i mean what tools did yu use and how?

28-09-2008, 11:42 AM
No tools required just load the second stage boot loader the same as you would a new image. It will not write over your old image and keeps all your settings (you may want to make a back up just incase). It only take about 2 seconds as the file size is only 147k.


28-09-2008, 12:23 PM
No tools required just load the second stage boot loader the same as you would a new image. It will not write over your old image and keeps all your settings (you may want to make a back up just incase). It only take about 2 seconds as the file size is only 147k.


thanks for the quick reply not sure what you mean this is only my second day with the machine. How would you load it? using dream control centre and doing what?

28-09-2008, 12:44 PM
Hi there you may want to have a read about the tutorials about how the flash the box.


Download the images you want to install, new gemani 3.8 out
(this will no doubt contain the new second stage loader anyway)
Extract to your desktop.
Turn dreambox off
Turn back on and hold power button on the front.
A message staying stop will appear on the screen. It will give an ip address.
Realease stop button.
Go to your pc and put the ip address thats on the screen of the box into your web browser.
A update page will appear, at the bottom scroll down to update device.
Click on that tab and browse for the file on our destop.
Click go and it will flash the box for you.


28-09-2008, 12:53 PM
Hi there you may want to have a read about the tutorials about how the flash the box.


Download the images you want to install, new gemani 3.8 out
(this will no doubt contain the new second stage loader anyway)
Extract to your desktop.
Turn dreambox off
Turn back on and hold power button on the front.
A message staying stop will appear on the screen. It will give an ip address.
Realease stop button.
Go to your pc and put the ip address thats on the screen of the box into your web browser.
A update page will appear, at the bottom scroll down to update device.
Click on that tab and browse for the file on our destop.
Click go and it will flash the box for you.


thanks alot for the explanation ; i tried with internet explorer with the box ip address but it doesnt open the update page. this is a bit weird since on dreambox control centre it connects to the dreambox?

28-09-2008, 01:14 PM
double check the ip address, I have once seen that the ip address is different to what you would expect.


28-09-2008, 01:22 PM
i changed some settings and entered the enigma2 webinterface however i cant see anywhere where do install updates?

28-09-2008, 03:55 PM
When you have turned your box off and then turned back on again whilst holding the power button until a message saying stop in the window appears, it should then give you a ip address which you put into your webbrowser. Dont restart the box again. This is the screen should look like this.


28-09-2008, 08:27 PM
When you have turned your box off and then turned back on again whilst holding the power button until a message saying stop in the window appears, it should then give you a ip address which you put into your webbrowser. Dont restart the box again. This is the screen should look like this.



thanks alot for this i would have never know this.!