View Full Version : Is the 8000S Blindscan Slow?

10-09-2008, 09:33 AM
Hi all,

My Vantage 8000S seems to be quite slow at blind scanning. When I put it on 5mhz and in 'fast' mode it doesn't scan half as fast as, say the Octagon 918.

I have the latest firmware from a few days ago and in the notes that show what has been fixed in that update the fastscan is now 'working correct'.

After this update there is now a seperate Fastscan mode which I find confusing. Can anyone tell me please what this is supposed to be for as it doesn't improve the speed of the blindscan.

I thought that the 8000S had hardware blindscan (according to the Doctor Dish review) and would be faster than a software blindscan because of this. https://www.satpimps.co.uk/images/smilies/confused.gif