View Full Version : Amazing box this is

10-09-2008, 10:13 AM
I just got my Technomate 5400CI+ today and i'm very pleased with it. It is sooo easy to use and setup compared to the Deambox. I'm in shock because I cannot believe how fast it scans the transponders. :champion-018:

10-09-2008, 10:37 AM
also the super is out

10-09-2008, 04:39 PM
I have come accross a bit a problem and i'm not sure if it is serious or not so I thought i'd better ask here. Sometimes when i'm channel hopping the box will display a red light and reboot itself, is there something wrong? I have not patched the box because i'm using a Diablo cam with it but I just need to check there is nothing wrong with the box. Any ideas?

10-09-2008, 05:13 PM
Best to put the latest patch on from magic, and then its lovely using the daily tps updates, agree the usb makes life easy, i only put the diablo in for the conax channels as i find my diablo like others gets hot in all my recievers.
So as the 5400 is far quicker at channel hopping use that for all bar conax.
You can leave the patch switched on they work well together but if you do want to turn it off 2004 is the code for on or off.

ps before you update, put in a usb pen, go to usb menu then back-up your channel list ( green button) load patch factory reset, load channel list, softcam, the tps.bin file it will reboot and enjoy

11-09-2008, 12:40 AM
Thanks, is it possible to update my technomate with the latest patch by just using a USB pen drive? I'm a bit confused, do I have to disconnect the box at all and use a null cable to patch/update it?

11-09-2008, 08:30 AM
No, you should no longer need the null modem cable, i do everthing with a usb pen.
Drop the file on the pen, go to the usb menu and choose as you wish.
Some early boxes needed the first software update from technomate to get the usb working properly, but from then on usb only required.
Always work puting on the latest original software prior to magics patch it will update the base software.
I always do a factory reset after software update prior to loading channel list, and softcams.
clarketech 3.07 works well as channel editor

11-09-2008, 10:32 AM
Thanks m8, i'l buy a 1gb pen drive today and try it out.

11-09-2008, 04:19 PM
I have just updated to the latest Technomate software and it has worked great. Now if I do a factory reset will this wipe my channel list? How do I backup my channel list because yesterday it took me ages to do and I don't really want to loose it. I press the green button but it gives me no options to back anything up. Any ideas?

11-09-2008, 04:33 PM

data transfere

Green button back up channel list to usb
or select file on usb hit ok sends to your reciever
So i always have on my pen, latest original software. latest magic patch,a couple of channel lists, latest softcam, latest tps.bin

Yes factory reset looses all on reciever, I do it when updating patch so as to ensure no old software about, so alwasy backup channel list first

12-09-2008, 04:08 PM
Thanks for all your help tr8, everything is up and running great now. :)

There is one problem that I am concered about and that is that when i'm channel hopping the box will turn it self off and back on again. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm just worried that whatever is causing it might be damaging the box, any ideas?

12-09-2008, 05:19 PM
mine is very stable. only on tps have i ever experienced this when they have been playing encryptions.
A good tip from others was turn it of at the back ( power ) for 1 min this has often solved patch probs as it does a boot-up but not clear software.

The usb is great for loading and so easy to back up make the box a pleasure to use

12-09-2008, 09:40 PM
Dreamlife - I too get the situation where the box freezes and then reboots when channel hopping. Doesn't do it often. Similar to the Dreambox when you are too quick on the keypad, but there you have to reboot manually - the Technomate does if for you!!!!

12-09-2008, 10:17 PM
i cant thank you guys enough for the info provided in this thread re using the USB function on the 5400 i'm getting one in the next few days and was struggling to understand how to use it.

13-09-2008, 12:10 AM
i must be to quick on the key pad, as all of a sudden the red light is on and it reboots, got used to it now.

13-09-2008, 12:17 AM
Thanks so much guys for your help. At least I now know i'm not on my own with the red light and rebooting problem. :)

13-09-2008, 09:55 AM
Has anyone tried loading latest patch from technomate 116
factory reset
Latest magic patch 145P
factory reset
then reload channel list, softcam, tps file

As stated mine never reset, may be its to do with the fact i use a vboxII to drive my dish, or made my own channel lists, one is posted here as the usb updates are so easy i always do the above.
The only box i suffer resets is the dm7020 as it has the worst tuner i use it very rarely now the software for the tm9100 is stable.