View Full Version : ch5 t2 reg2 opening ?

10-09-2008, 10:04 PM
does anyone know if I can get an emu to decode ch5 in this thread here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=91622 please ?

tried ccam and gbox and updated the dcw keys with hacksat 9a but it doesnt open on my tm9100 , and yet it works using biss key entry on my tm1500 ok


10-09-2008, 10:44 PM
CCcam default location for the cw is /var/keys/constant.cw

Hacksat names its cw "constantcw" with the dot missing so CCcam cant find it ;)

So you either have to change the path in CCcam.cfg to

STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constantcw

or add the dot to the "constant.cw" file which is what I did to test in the file below and it works fine


11-09-2008, 01:08 AM
thanks m8 m but didnt work for me in nabilo or edg4.1 or in dsteam4 with ccam2.09

do I need to alter anything in var/etc in the ccamcfg file ?

or do anything else ?

or is the 0961 and name etc standard for this one ?

to be frank , I have never had much luck with ccam which is why I have tended to use mgcamd and gb*x as a pairing to open what I want most of the time :)


11-09-2008, 02:08 PM
It should have just worked with the constant.cw I posted without any change to the CCcam.cfg

Today its not working for me either worked fine last night :confused:
is it still working on your tm1500 using cw ?

0961 is the CaID for sly


11-09-2008, 03:31 PM
Here you go M8 I added the CW to the softcam.key which is all thats needed for mgcamd working here fine now :)

Not sure whats going on with CCcam maybe I messed up somewhere cant understand why it worked last night unless I had been on that channel
previously while running my freesat card ?

Cant test gb*x as I don't use it


11-09-2008, 04:26 PM
thanks m8 , that worked first time !! lol :)

and yes its still ok on the tm1500 biss menu as a dcw key

so no problems opening it with mgcamd , tried ccam and no go

but at least it shows there are ways around these things , and yes it does open with a freesat card so maybe you were sidetracked somehow

I would assume it should open in almost any cam once the requirements are known

11-09-2008, 05:45 PM
CCcam not working was my fault didn't include enough info it will work now I've added the parts I left out :117:

Yes any cam should work as long as you use the correct format for that cam


11-09-2008, 06:19 PM
CCcam not working was my fault didn't include enough info it will work now I've added the parts I left out :117:

Yes any cam should work as long as you use the correct format for that cam


and that one works fine too m8 :)

so whatever edit you made , its working ok now

now if I could find the gbox section that accessed the softcam or a constant.cw file or whatever :)

11-09-2008, 07:24 PM
Ok I did one for gb*x just send to var/keys tested and working on 2.25 ;)

( If you downloaded the gb*x one I posted briefly earlier delete it as it had a syntax error so wouldn't work )


11-09-2008, 10:03 PM
thanks m8 , tried that and it works ok too , so thats the ways we can open channels like this in these emus , very useful info and excellent work too :)

no I did not see any previous gbox file , but thanks for asking

11-09-2008, 10:39 PM
Yes its pretty straight forward when you know the format ;)


F Service ID, PID, Key


CA ID : Prov ID : Service ID : PMT PID : PID :: Key


0: { CA ID Service ID { Key }}