View Full Version : manual input of frequencies tm540

11-09-2008, 06:36 PM
hi all just recieved tm5400 having problems figuring out how to search/input of frequencies manually.

on thor it shows hustler tv 12341v tp33 trying blind search etc could not find channel(not sure if they broadcast during the day)

channel list did show private spice which does not seem to appear on lynesat channel list for thor.

on my old humax you could input freqency /pid etc

thank you

12-09-2008, 08:20 AM
If you want to do a manual search of one frequency
this is the best way

Advanced search
(green button) add tp or select tp from top line
Fill in
Transponder 12341
symbol rate
polarize H?V
this will not show the sat info and strenght at bottom

Hit RED Button

Saves as exit