View Full Version : Prime focus to offset dish ?

13-09-2008, 02:39 PM

At the moment i have a prime focus 2.2m dish up, have had it up for a few years now but as it takes all the patio up and that is all you see from the kitchen window, i have given in to the other half and decided to downgrade to a 1m dish, i got hold of a 1m prime focus dish but the lnb and feedhorn from the 2.2m dish wont fit, as it will cost the same for a lnb and feedhorn as it would for a offset dish and lnb, i have decided to get a standard 1m dish.

Can anyone help as i want to keep my acuter arm and would like to know if the mounting for a prime focus dish with acuter arm would work with a offset dish ? (before i get hold of a dish and have to get new mountings)

Thanks for any help..

13-09-2008, 03:36 PM
cant say for sure as the mounts are not all the same iv used a polar mount of a prime dish and now on offset but you might have to mod it abit . the motor will be ok

13-09-2008, 04:58 PM
what i would do is downsize to a andrews 1.2m dish with a jaeger 1224 motor, this is a beast of a setup for satellite viewing

don't bother with them thin steel triax dishes

13-09-2008, 05:35 PM

Why don't you try Visiosat 1.20 with this ring on his feedarm for the old Lnb ?

Take care


13-09-2008, 06:40 PM
Agree with Wod - andrews 1.2m dish with a jaeger 1224 motor (But this it totaly out of my price range at the moment)

Glenn have had a look for a diffrent feedhorn but the best i can find is about 30 pound and as my old LNB is about 4-5 years old it will also need updateing, so as i have just spent out on a new projector and TM 6900, am also in the middle of doing the kitchen out for the miss, so i have a verry limited budget.

Doing the kitchen out is the main reason for a smaller dish, just as she has a view out of the kitchen window, told her i would paint some birds on the back of dish but won,t have it must go...

Thanks for the replys,

15-09-2008, 12:48 AM
cant you move the dish further down the garden?:respect-050:

Do you know what make your 2.2m is?