View Full Version : Has My DM500S Died (Again) SNR35%

14-09-2008, 03:46 PM
GOt problems with my DM500S (once again)

I switch it on and get the Message up on screen
"Please wait while the Motor is turning to 1.0W" For example.

The motor isn't turning and
SNR is 35% AGC 0% and BER 0%.

After a few Re-boots it sometimes comes back alive again. But as soon as I try and move to a different Sat. Problems start again. The motor moves to the correct position, but no signal is being recieved?

Last time I had this problem, the box had to go back for a replacement as the Tuner had blow.

Is this this same problem or is there something else I can try.

Curent PSU is a 12V 2A one? Would a 3A one help.

Or should I cut my losses and get rid of it?

Any suggestions for a replacement. And is the DM800HD any better in this respect for tuner problems?

As I know the 500s always has had problems in this respect?

ANy suggestions please?

14-09-2008, 05:08 PM
Just trying to re-flash the box.

Not sure it's going to do anygood though! :(

14-09-2008, 05:22 PM
As long as you box is original why not try latest Gemini but load via null modem cable

14-09-2008, 07:11 PM
Flashed to the Latest Gemini 4.5 (max Var)

Not got anything now.

It loads up no problem, but as soon as I go to set the motor up I get the same problem as before.

So I guess it's DEAD. (or at least the Tuner, unless anyone else has any idea's.)

I did open the Box up to see if any of the CAPS had blow but everything looks fine to me.

14-09-2008, 07:14 PM
Motor is Stuck on 1W.

So I've managed to tune in to them now.

But I think as soon as I go to move again to another SAT it will die again.

Looks like I'm stuck here until I can afford a new Box!


14-09-2008, 07:16 PM
What I don't undertand is the box will Drive the Motor.

It's as soon as the Motor stops that the Box goes wrong. Is this any tell tale sign of anything other than the box is dead?

14-09-2008, 07:37 PM
Can't even get the full set of channels on 1W Eaither.

They have scanned in, but then say No Signal.

If I change channels I loose signal.

It's not even if I change from a H to V Transponder. It's just very very flakey.

THink the box is dying!!

14-09-2008, 09:37 PM
failing power supply?

14-09-2008, 09:45 PM
Your motor may be broken and takes too heavy current. Current limit goes on in Dream. And you must start box again so many times until motor is right location.

17-09-2008, 01:57 PM

Something similar happened to me. Try and get hold of another psu.

As soon as i done that all back to normal.

There was another common fault with a capacitor, I will try and find the thread (you will need a volt meter to check)


19-09-2008, 10:39 AM
I don't think it's the motor.

I think it probably is the PSU. It's a 2A Version. I've been looking round the house to see if I can find any 3A PSU's but no luch so far.

Had a look at work as well but the only 3A PSU I could find won't fit int (Connector too big)

Other problem I seem to be getting now is even though it's stuck on 1W I can't even get all the channels on there now.

If I flick between channels some of them work some just make the SNR Drop and it say no signal. So looks like the PSU is at fault.

Just don't know if it's Internal or External.

I think I'll just order a new PSU, and see if that makes any difference.

Does anyone know if the DM800 has similar PSU problems?

20-09-2008, 12:31 PM
Do you think a 12V 5A PSU would be too much for a DM500s?:confused:

20-09-2008, 12:45 PM

Something similar happened to me. Try and get hold of another psu.

As soon as i done that all back to normal.

There was another common fault with a capacitor, I will try and find the thread (you will need a volt meter to check)


What replacement PSU did you use BTW?

20-09-2008, 03:15 PM
Got a New PSU.

ANd it's working again now.

I've gone for a 12V 2.3A one. So it's pretty near to what I had before.

21-09-2008, 01:55 PM
Looks like it's dies again.

Well at least it is when I try and move to another SAT.

I'm now stuck on 19E.

If I move to another SAT It makes it there and then dies again.

Not sure if it's getting confused about SAT positions or not.

I may try changing the LNB. If I had the money I'd try a new Motor. If I still had a second box I'd try that with the motor.

I'm fast runnign out of idea's and patience.

I just not sure what to try next. The Signal seems better with the new PSU, it's just moving the SAT that seems to cause the problems.

I can't seem to get the GOTOx function working either. (Not sure if that's an Image problem or not)

IS there a way to clear out all the Stored SAT Postions. Or should the Go to 0 and RECALC Functions do this?

I'm just fed up with it all now, and want a new box, but still don't know if that's the answer anyway!!:07:

21-09-2008, 03:43 PM
Start again do a erase two or three times using a old version of Dreamup,make sure you have no other cables or cards and other attachments connected when doing the erase just power supply and null modem cable.

Going outside make new LNB cable connection just in case of water damage same as for the LNB itself change it,follow your LNB cable that goes into the property if its a LNB wall socket check there as well for water damage as well and make new connection.

When you have done the above you are ready for a image and putting in your settings being as the 500s is short on memory keep the setting to a min only save what you want.

23-09-2008, 05:22 PM
Thanks Slap I'll give that ago when I get some time.

Any images you recommend. I've been using the Gemini Images most of the time

27-09-2008, 05:32 PM
i had simialr probs with my dm500 and a motor, in the end i gave up and got a multi bracket with 4 lnb's on it. a lot less hassle and much quicker zapping between sats, i only really use 3 sats anyway so the motor wasnt really needed. your not alone having probs with motors and 500's. what i did find was as long as i chose a chan on the vertical band my motor would turn to it and recieve a signal, if it was on the horizontal band then the motor would sometimes move but if it did it would overload the box and no signal would be recieved.

27-09-2008, 05:36 PM
get another power supply, cheap enough off the bay 12v 2a

29-09-2008, 07:35 PM
Start afresh make sure all connections are sound,do the erase,a good working 2 amp power supply,settings to a minimum,try a eagle image.