View Full Version : DM800 tuner problems?

16-09-2008, 06:19 PM
Does the dm800 have tuner problems? Can someone clear this up for me?

17-09-2008, 07:18 AM
1: No
2: Maybe
3: We need to know what problems you're having before we can help.

regards: canthackit

17-09-2008, 08:45 AM
Thinking of buying one and i read that some of them are missing a capacitor? making the tuner dodgy? Is this comment true or are some people making things up?

17-09-2008, 09:46 AM
I would suggest that that's just speculation, as there are many people who are now very happy with their box. There were a lot of problems with it before, crashing on HD channels. That has now been solved with the latest bootloader, so seems like people are much happier now.

Although there does seem to be problems with lip sync on hd channels, so hopefully this will be the next thing to sort on the agenda!

As with all new things, it takes a while for them to be completed, and use early users are kind of like guinea pigs for them! However, it does work well on everything else I've tried... But then joe bloggs could come round and say he has no lip sync probs, but a problem with xyz...

17-09-2008, 10:48 AM
Thanks for your answers, it seems they had some software problems then (inevitable for all new products) not hardware problems.

17-09-2008, 10:53 AM
It was thought to be hardware, because it was overheating, but it could just be some very buggy software the caused it to overwork. Now, it doesn't get as hot (although probably still quite hot).

I don't know though, as I have installed a fan in mine, and it's nice and cool now :)

17-09-2008, 01:58 PM
how can you check to see what bootloader you have already installed and can you load the new bootloader over the top of gemini without corrupting the image?



17-09-2008, 02:28 PM
how can you check to see what bootloader you have already installed and can you load the new bootloader over the top of gemini without corrupting the image?


Put this in a pm to someone else, so will post it here also :)

Easiest way, is to take the top file from here (http://dreamboxupdate.com/opendreambox/1.5/dm800/images/) (secondstage-62.nfi), and then flash this, as if you were doing an image flash (hold down power button when booting up box, then go through ip address on computer).

Then, once you've done this, when booting up, hold power button, as if you were going to flash, but instead of choosing the flash option, choose the option of "device info". Should show you in there which version of the bootloader you have (should be 62, not 61)...

If you've already got gemini/nabilo etc installed, you just need to do this on top of it. No need to reflash an image or anything...

hth :)

17-09-2008, 02:48 PM
cheers loveman