View Full Version : Monoblock LNB setup help. HELP!

17-09-2008, 04:27 PM
So I replaced my single output LNB with a dual. I've got the 6 degree monoblock pointed at Astra 19 just fine. TOO FINE. I can't figure out how to get Hotbird to show up. I think I've tried every single setting on the box.

It's a Fracarro MBUTZ.

Thanks for any help. Hair is quickly disappearing. :respect-053:

17-09-2008, 04:42 PM
LNB Power on
Universal 2
Port 1
Tone auto
Discqc 1.1 1

That's for Astra.

Hotbird I've tried chaning everything but no luck

17-09-2008, 07:58 PM
Ooops. I think I'm pointed at 26 and 19. Doh

17-09-2008, 08:24 PM
Fixed that. Wonder why it was easier to find Hotbird in the dark. Still not sure about the rest but that'll wait .

17-09-2008, 08:33 PM
zeke , its been discussed in detail before.
look in the lnb section in sticky.
also just to add, clamp l n b on H/B then astra to the left as you look at dish from in front of dish.

17-09-2008, 08:54 PM
I may have figured it out. I found an old thread and made a few guesses. Which sticky is it in? Hotbird is working right now and I'm not changing anything until tomorrow.

I think I've got Astra in the centre of the dish. Hotbird is showing mid 80s for signal.


17-09-2008, 09:01 PM
look at LNB section second sticky under heading twin lnb i think ,also in this section (DISH) .sticky

18-09-2008, 04:26 PM
I didn't see anything about setting up the receiver -(

I wonder if I managed to some how screw up the receiver. I can't get Astra to show up no matter what. From all the threads I've checked I'm fairly sure it's set right but nothing.

BTW I was wrong Hotbird is in the centre of the dish. Good solid signal at 90 but nothing from Astra.

18-09-2008, 06:07 PM
Okay I'm an idiot.. Never mind.

18-09-2008, 09:04 PM
Hi Zeke,

It looks like your Monoblock is the wrong way round.
Undo the clamp, change the LNB arm over.
Then reline your dish, remember the LNB on the Astra side
of the dish is picking up Hotbird (Because the beem hits the
dish on the other side and bounces over to the opposite LNB).

Zeke, not shure if you have a Patched STB, or a Cam, but if its
a Diablo Cam (2.3), or a Dragon Cam (T-REX), Diable 2.3 has the edge
a this time, You will be able to open over 350 top class channels
over (40 Film...40 Sport) channels (90% English language) with
a Diablo Cam, on 1w and 5e.
Your Monoblock will pick up both Siruis 5e and the 2 sats at 1w,
Thor @ 0.8w, and Intelsat 10-02 @1w.
Thats 3 Sats in all with your monoblock.


19-09-2008, 06:50 AM
The problem was I kept pointing it wrong.

The first time I used the central LNB and must have pointed it to Astra. Assuming that would get Hotbird instead I had 26 or so [Badr?]

Then I moved it too far the other way so I had Hotbird on the outside and LNB1 pointed to I guess 7.

Last night my brain clued in to the point you made about the outside LNB being offset by 10 degrees. That remind me I was an idiot. I spent all that time trying to figure out the Discq settings when the damn dish was pointed the wrong way.

I just wish it didn't take so damn long to scan those two positions.

Thanks everybody.