View Full Version : 6900super sent back

23-09-2008, 12:27 PM
I have put this in the HD receiver section but I will repeat here.
Sent m TM6900HDsuper back to supplier yesterday. Resetting every few minutes, e-mailed Technomate, no reply.
Will wait till bugs are sorted.Shame, great picture quality, superb specification, released too soon.:respect-061:

23-09-2008, 01:01 PM
maybe just a bad one as most are getting on with it ok from what i have read

23-09-2008, 01:20 PM
My 6800 started resetting itself from yesterday on France4 13E. Dumped France4 from the favourites (had to move it off 13E to do it because of restting) and it's now ok. Odd??

23-09-2008, 01:45 PM
i have read that now the au does not work on tps some t/mate are doing this , and most have to take channels of . so you could be right this was on the 1500 but could also be on others ,

25-09-2008, 12:44 AM

Sorry to hear of your experiences, however, the TM6900 Super was not released too soon, rather, it should never have been released at all. It has been a catalogue of disasters ever since it was launched.

They have just released a firmware update via their website without any mention of what the firmware update rectifies. In addition, there is still no option to select SR's or frequencies in the blind scan even after the official firmware update.

The TM6900 super is the most comical receiver launched in recent years and the whole thing has now descended into a farce. Technomate's rival vendors must be p1ssing themselves laughing at these goings on.

I will reiterate what I posted several days ago in the "review" thread.

"anyone buying one of these boxes is a mug, me included"

Do not be deceived by the glib promises of updates etc to resolve issues, they have just released one and the blind scan is still rubbish.
