View Full Version : record 1 channel and watch another

23-09-2008, 06:40 PM
As the 6900 has 2 tuners (1 sat and 1 terristral). Can you record from say the sat tuner and watch a channel from the terristral?

23-09-2008, 06:46 PM
no sorry you can not

25-09-2008, 03:45 PM
are you sure that this is not possible as the tuners [satellite and terestrial ]are seperate,.surely they made it so it could be done,ie,watch sat while recording freeview or ,.if this is not possible then how stupid is that???.dobrocop

25-09-2008, 04:20 PM
madsod is 100% correct. It has 2 tuners because one of them is for terrestrial TV and the other for satellite.

04-10-2008, 05:57 PM
cheers, seems it cant be done,..which is a silly design,.with 2 independant tuners,.tm what were you thinking??????,..

04-10-2008, 06:08 PM
its not just the 2 tuners you need but the video processing as well , being able to select a source and converting that source into a video output is typical of most modern boxes , but they usually only have one video processing section and so can only normally deal with the one source , even if it has more than one tuner or several inputs.

its a bit like a car with 2 drivers in it , but only 1 set of controls and so only 1 driver driving at a time , but you can switch over at the service station. so if you had a car with 5 drivers in it , how stupid is that to only have 1 set of pedals , 1 steering wheel and 1 drivers seat ? :)

04-10-2008, 06:24 PM
its not just the 2 tuners you need but the video processing as well , being able to select a source and converting that source into a video output is typical of most modern boxes , but they usually only have one video processing section and so can only normally deal with the one source , even if it has more than one tuner or several inputs.

its a bit like a car with 2 drivers in it , but only 1 set of controls and so only 1 driver driving at a time , but you can switch over at the service station. so if you had a car with 5 drivers in it , how stupid is that to only have 1 set of pedals , 1 steering wheel and 1 drivers seat ? :)looks like the tm is driving some people up the wall

04-10-2008, 06:28 PM
looks like the tm is driving some people up the wall

Looks more like some people read one thing in the specs and interpret it as something else. Then when it is pointed out that they are incorrect, they blame TM ;) TM have never claimed the 6900 can record one channel and view another live one. That would require 2 lnb inputs to handle the different polarisations surely, and three tuners.

04-10-2008, 06:34 PM
some ppl are referring to the 2 tuners it already has , wanting to record say freeview and watch satellite , or the other way round

but as you say , ppl are misinterpreting the specs which happens on many modern pieces of equipment with more than 1 tuner , ppl just expect it to do things that werent in its specification , just because they want it to , and not because it says it can do it

I see the same thing with my sony 970b , 2 internal tuners so ppl think it can do 2 jobs like record 1 channel and watch another channel , using both tuners at the same time , but it cannot do this due to having just the 1 video processing unit

so its not just technomate but all manufacturers unless it says different in the specifications in the first place , like a humax 9200t or a topfield twin pvr or some other similar box that can do both

04-10-2008, 06:34 PM
no not with the terrestrial tuner only one lnb input

04-10-2008, 06:38 PM
no not with the terrestrial tuner only one lnb input

The terrestrial tuner uses a rooftop aerial and not a lnb input.

04-10-2008, 06:39 PM
Looks more like some people read one thing in the specs and interpret it as something else. Then when it is pointed out that they are incorrect, they blame TM ;) TM have never claimed the 6900 can record one channel and view another live one. That would require 2 lnb inputs to handle the different polarisations surely, and three tuners.

and it would double the price too :)

04-10-2008, 06:39 PM
The clue to all these is really how many lnb inputs it has for digital satellite TV. I doubt it will be long before Technomate bring one out them we can al scream that the 6900 should have had one :mad:

04-10-2008, 06:42 PM
and it would double the price too :)
Absolutely. Won't be long though I reckon. My Sly + box is invaluable for recording 2 channels at once or recording one and viewing another. If only there was there were that many quality programmes to watch on TV :D

04-10-2008, 06:42 PM
The clue to all these is really how many lnb inputs it has for digital satellite TV. I doubt it will be long before Technomate bring one out them we can al scream that the 6900 should have had one :mad:

agreed , and when this humax here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=87613 hits the streets we will all want a technomate or similar receiver to do the same and more , and then 6900 owners will complain because their kit cannot handle it :)

they will never win as we always want more for less

this thread here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=93377 deals with the next stage of these developments for those wanting these abilities , albeit it may be just satellite and not freeview

for anyone wanting to record freeview off the aerial , consider buying a separate freeview pvr , or a freeview dvd recorder , or a combination unit like my sony 970b

05-10-2008, 03:34 PM
so how expensive is a videp procceser then? this is exactly like when i asked if the then new TM HD6800 had RF thru [ for other rooms ],i was jumped on and told that i couldent receive HD thru.RF [ as if i diddent know],..so why bother with an rf modulater on a HD stb,..well lo and behold what do we have on the 6900,..also i asked about the pos of USB on rear as well as front, and was told that 2 usb ports would not work at same time,and how stupid i was to suggest this and that some people are never happy,..and in a similar vein a once asked if other sat packages would someday become AUTO UPDATING as the then D+ and was told that this was impossible,..oh my, how stupid was i?and by the way the TM HD6800 super WILL NOT HAVE BLIND SEARCH,as a lot have said it would have,..so please lighten up people,.life is too short for s**t.

05-10-2008, 03:56 PM
eventually you may be right in what you say , as bazza and others have pointed out

but at the moment its not possible with the current hardware inside the box

and dont presume about the rest as he may have a standard combo and not the super

obviously all these things could have been built in , and may eventually all be in , but at the moment many features are not in the box , and this feature is not in the super either , so the answer to question 1 is no , not possible on his box , the one he currently owns

if a super plus comes out with it all in there , then you would be proved right again

05-10-2008, 05:30 PM
Then terrestial tuner uses a rooftop aerial and not a lnb input.indeed rooftop for terrestrial sat dish for satellite but two lnb inputs would not be needed for recording terrestrial while watching satellite see post by echelon the problem lies with the processing

05-10-2008, 05:44 PM
It's not in the processing, it's the design that isn't meant for dual tuner recording. The 6900 has dual tuners, yes. ONE for terrestrial and ONE for digital satellite. The two are not connected in any way shape or form. Therefore 6900 users can only RECORD a channel or VIEW one whilst watching digital satellite or terrestrial TV using one or the other available tuners. For the 6900 to offer "Record one channel whilst viewing another" it would need two tuners for each function i.e. 2 digital satellite tuners to record and view digital satellite channels at the same time and 2 digital terrestrial tuners to view and record digital terrestrial channels at the same time. It has never been marketed with these functions and I (like many others I'm sure) would love the 6900 to have all these lovely features. I'm sure they will come in the form of a future Technomate when the price of components is cheap enough and the demand sufficient. In the meantime the 6900 Super is a very capable receiver with two tuners :D

05-10-2008, 06:25 PM
I had a sat receiver once a kaon 1000 you could record 6 channels with that it had twin tuners both satellite but was a lot more flexible than the tm 6900 in the recording department that is the hard disk was in a caddy and could be removed easily I think technology is going backwards with some of the latest receivers

05-10-2008, 06:31 PM
I know what you man but the 6900 offers HD satellite and terrestrial as well. This in itself is a big step forwards BUT I would have liked the 6900 to have dual tuners and provision for an internal drive as well and in that respect Technomate haven't moved forwards much. Maybe a TM-8000 but I bet it would cost £499 :( One day maybe eh?, but I suspect that no matter who brings what out, it will be too expensive in many peoples eyes and they will still want more i.e. dual tuners, HD TV, toasted sandwich maker..... :D

05-10-2008, 06:37 PM
dont get me wrong people,..i have a long history of loyalty with TM from the start,..i think the stb`s are the best,.as is my older 6800,..endless hours of pleasure,.great machine,..so when i said " how silly is that" i was pointing out that if they had thought more about the 6900 super they could have made the provision for the "record sat n watch freeview"as there was 2 seperate tuners,.then Echelon pointed out that 2 vid proccesors were required,.this i dident know,..but as the price of set top boxes for freeview have gone extremely low, [seen them at £20] and as its a video proccesor for freeview that is needed and it would seem they are not very expensive,..then why wouldent they include the xtra vid proccesor,i would have no prob paying up to £30 extra on tm 6900 super for this feature..but as i say ,.tm is for me the best,..cheers,dobrocop.