View Full Version : Darkbox HD 9000 Linux

24-09-2008, 09:33 AM
Seem a new box is on the way in next few week.
looks interesting if the price is right.

It is ment to have these specs but not 100% certain.

maybe darkman or Goldwafers will give some more info soon

DVB-S compliant DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-C supported
Smart tuner supported(Plug & Play)
MPEG-2 MP@HL Video Decoder
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 HP@L4 Video Decoder
DIVX® supported WMV(VC1),
WMA/WMA-pro Decoder
Dolby AC3 downmix decoder
HDMI with HDCP supported
Multi-format Audio Decoder
High Definition and Standard Definition
DVB Common Interface (2 slots) supported
Format resolution: 1080i, 720p, 576p
USB 2.0(Host)
supported USB 1.0(Client) supported
Network Interface Supported( high speed Ethernet)
VFD Display : Capability for display of various information
S*** and M*** receivable from C/Ku-band satellites
Channel list editing
Favorite channel list editing
True-color On-Screen Display (OSD)
Full Picture In Graphic (PIG) function
Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for on screen channel information
Subtitle & Teletext supported
Parental lock facility by channel and program event
Added hardware parts for future use.
S-ATA cable and 3.5 " HDD cradle(bracket) HDD SATA 1 (1.5 Gbps)
2 x mini PCI socket for several kinds of tuner
2 x smartcard reader
IPTV function to be added

24-09-2008, 11:06 AM
what is the price of that box

24-09-2008, 11:44 AM
already been posted m8.

24-09-2008, 06:53 PM
already been posted m8.

sorry, not seen it.
Any idea as to price?

24-09-2008, 09:28 PM
have to waite till its out, sorry

24-09-2008, 09:31 PM
sorry, not seen it.
Any idea as to price?

Posted as going to cost more than a dreambox 800hd, but it has twin tuners. So decisions, decisions.


24-09-2008, 09:47 PM
dreambox ever time need to be out for a long time to get a good name like the dreambox . so wait and see thats what i will say .

24-09-2008, 11:15 PM
what is the price of that box

You will find thrue Sponsor in future,only him is allowed to gave price here.

But for shure will be very good Price.

24-09-2008, 11:23 PM
Seem a new box is on the way in next few week.
looks interesting if the price is right.

It is ment to have these specs but not 100% certain.

maybe darkman or Goldwafers will give some more info soon

DVB-S compliant DVB-S2, DVB-T, DVB-C supported
Smart tuner supported(Plug & Play)
MPEG-2 MP@HL Video Decoder
MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 HP@L4 Video Decoder
DIVX® supported WMV(VC1),
WMA/WMA-pro Decoder
Dolby AC3 downmix decoder
HDMI with HDCP supported
Multi-format Audio Decoder
High Definition and Standard Definition
DVB Common Interface (2 slots) supported
Format resolution: 1080i, 720p, 576p
USB 2.0(Host)
supported USB 1.0(Client) supported
Network Interface Supported( high speed Ethernet)
VFD Display : Capability for display of various information
S*** and M*** receivable from C/Ku-band satellites
Channel list editing
Favorite channel list editing
True-color On-Screen Display (OSD)
Full Picture In Graphic (PIG) function
Electronic Program Guide (EPG) for on screen channel information
Subtitle & Teletext supported
Parental lock facility by channel and program event
Added hardware parts for future use.
S-ATA cable and 3.5 " HDD cradle(bracket) HDD SATA 1 (1.5 Gbps)
2 x mini PCI socket for several kinds of tuner
2 x smartcard reader
IPTV function to be added

I will try to gave some picture ....just to have some idea.

24-09-2008, 11:33 PM
So no info on what version of linux it will be running available at the moment?
I was hoping the box might give something away as to this :(

25-09-2008, 12:13 AM
You will find thrue Sponsor in future,only him is allowed to gave price here.

But for shure will be very good Price.

ok but i now that this receiver is same like ipbo***00
so if the price be lower then ipbo***00 than this darkbox will be beter choice and vice versa

ok so you dont know price only sponsors,so i m interesting does software and images from ipbo***00 will be compatibile with DARKBO***00

25-09-2008, 12:48 AM
So no info on what version of linux it will be running available at the moment?
I was hoping the box might give something away as to this :(

1 week agou was runing Enigma1.

3 days Agou some mix beetwen Enigma 1 and Enigma 2..

when box arrive maybe even Enigma 2 it self or 3-4-5...The box is just born and has a lot of p0tentiallity...The Hardware si double of other boxes in UK around .Thats mean the future is there for everthink...Thats importend

25-09-2008, 01:54 AM
No comment:rolleyes:

25-09-2008, 02:01 AM
There are some unsubstantiated rumours that this box will run cccam. At the moment the only HD box that can do so is the dm800.

Not sure if this is a marketing pitch, so we will have to wait and see. The only chance of it being able to do so is if it uses the same processor as the dm800.

25-09-2008, 08:03 AM
I suspect it will have the SH4 processor, but i'm sure darkman will know what processor it uses and tell us all ... then from that we have the knowledge of whether it will do CCcam or not .... i suspect not, but wait to have my view changed

25-09-2008, 11:47 AM
Good morning

I currently own a Super HD 2008 and i have no issues. My questions concerns this new box what is the main differences from my box to this new one. What are its main selling points? and what does CCam mean ?

The reason for this a friend of mine wants a similiar setup as mine and i plan to give him my darkbox HD and purchase the new linux HD 9000 thats if the new box will give me better benefits.

Apologies if this seems like a daft question i am newbie to this and i am picking up as i am going along.

Kind Regards


25-09-2008, 01:25 PM
It's a linux based box so it will run extra programs called softcams or emus which emulate the encryptions systems and with the right other pieces will allow you to do a lot more with the box than a standard stb

25-09-2008, 02:08 PM

Cheers for the reply. That makese sense. Will this softcam emu approach eliminate diablocam and uploading keys via usb.

Or there softcam emu will be ontop of diablo and softkey enteries.



25-09-2008, 02:09 PM
I actual like the look of this box.

It does look a lot like one of the dgstaion receivers but I don't really care.
Just like when the db800 first came out and was one of the first guys on here to get one I will do the same with Darkbox 9000.

25-09-2008, 03:35 PM
Good morning

I currently own a Super HD 2008 and i have no issues. My questions concerns this new box what is the main differences from my box to this new one. What are its main selling points? and what does CCam mean ?

The reason for this a friend of mine wants a similiar setup as mine and i plan to give him my darkbox HD and purchase the new linux HD 9000 thats if the new box will give me better benefits.

Apologies if this seems like a daft question i am newbie to this and i am picking up as i am going along.

Kind Regards


Careful mate the Linux operating system will have you foxed for a while, it's not as simple as the Darkbox to get to grips with, unless you happen to be particularly good with PC's you will have to undergo a steep learning curve.

25-09-2008, 03:50 PM
Hiya Jimi

i am very strong on the server side of things. Wintel based ones.
I agree the darkbox is a very simple box to use once you get used to the basics.

Hopefully the benefits are upgrading to this new linux based system will worth the effort. I like the media player abilty, hopefully a working PVR and CCCam a lot more powerful then the good old dark box hd.

As for steep learning curve i have been going through that allready with STB as satelites, diablocam etc its all new to me.

25-09-2008, 04:05 PM

Cheers for the reply. That makese sense. Will this softcam emu approach eliminate diablocam and uploading keys via usb.

Or there softcam emu will be ontop of diablo and softkey enteries.



That is the point of it yes, there is virtually no need or reason to have a hardware cam in a linux box.

There are many linux boxes out there already if you want to learn more about them, look further down the forum for dreamboxes, tm9100 and the ipbox 9000 that this new darkbox is rumoured to be a clone of.

25-09-2008, 04:46 PM
Hi Guys
i agree with the above re Linux. There is a wealth of Linux experience here on the site and once you have taken the learning curve it is never ending but can be adapted to other machines I think - however the new box must be reasonably stable and have learnt from early linux box experiences. i for one will be interested but am happy in the interim to try the TM super 6900 for Hd until the new box is tested and up with support and experiences OR wait similarly for the DB8000 after a similar honeymoon period. I wil be happy to learn but dont want to rush into this expense especially since the sat scene could change very quickly as to access with HD. Looking forward to any new developments. Cheers - Brain

25-09-2008, 04:46 PM
Cheers Mytoza

more homework to do.

25-09-2008, 05:53 PM
I like the look of it to, if it runs the cccam 209 then i'm having one and the DM800 can go in the other room,
i like the sound of 2 tuners record one watch the other, if its enigma 2 and works cccam then it's going to be a real seller and may even bring the price of the DM8000 down.


25-09-2008, 07:52 PM
If it can do all that plus the later inclusion of IPTV then it will be an absolute winner.
Trouble is there are a lot of ifs and maybes and history has shown that few linux boxes live up to the initial hype.

26-09-2008, 12:17 AM
That is the point of it yes, there is virtually no need or reason to have a hardware cam in a linux box.

There are many linux boxes out there already if you want to learn more about them, look further down the forum for dreamboxes, tm9100 and the ipbox 9000 that this new darkbox is rumoured to be a clone of.

A clone of !??

Tm 9100 is Sd linux very basic now..and is from It gate ,,ip Box is Dgstation !??

A clone of !?

no one from thouse to is really a Manifacture !!!!!!!!

Please One manifatcure can produse for many OEM Boxex ,but is base to every Company what is their support and what they asking to the mather Company what to produse and haw to support...

when you tolking for Clone !!!! fist you have to get information what that Mean!?

Please dont missundurtend Me ,,but the world Clone dosnt fit to any darkbox .....

26-09-2008, 02:59 AM
the manufacturer is INTEK from corea and IPBOX 9000 =Cuberevo=and surely will be this Darkbox 9000 (if you want to prove the oposite please supply the fotos of the Motherboard inside because the chasis is the exact same),the big point is IPBO 9000 been out for about 9months and so far there isn´t a major updates like E2 and Cccam on it ..so since you promote this product ..if you add more details and garanties about E2 and Cccam so many members will apreciate it...regards

26-09-2008, 04:15 AM
the manufacturer is INTEK from corea and IPBOX 9000 =Cuberevo=and surely will be this Darkbox 9000 (if you want to prove the oposite please supply the fotos of the Motherboard inside because the chasis is the exact same),the big point is IPBO 9000 been out for about 9months and so far there isn´t a major updates like E2 and Cccam on it ..so since you promote this product ..if you add more details and garanties about E2 and Cccam so many members will apreciate it...regards

i dont like do over this discussin ..But the manifatcure you mentions has nothink to do with both or 3 boxex you tolk before ( INTEK) ..that manifacture produse for Vantage..

But please forget about the manifatures ...because only 3-4 manifatures produse for all OEM brands in Europe..lol

Ip Box Dgstation Korea

TM 9100 is IT gate Korea

Please dont come and tell me manifactures all this you mention i know even sales managers and directors and am in any exibition in all the world and i dont think you will tolk with me about manifactures..lol

About HARDWARE i have nothink to prove to you and to anyone in thin momend untill the box will arrive ...haw i says doesnt mater if is same manifature some time dipent wich componets you request to the manifactures and s/w support to like patches Emus or Images..

Please if any other box is similar of the Darkbox ,thats is their lacky day.
Thats it.

26-09-2008, 07:40 AM
I think this box should and can only be judged upon its release and the level of support it receives. Any talk about the hardware or software prior to release is only speculation and imo is really getting nowhere.

If this box does as Darkman has stated previously then it is a big step forward in the linux hd scene and I will certainly be buying one.

It is up to each individual to make their own mind up about if the stb suits their needs and most of you experienced linux stb users out there know this is where the product will make or break it in the market place.

So no more groundless speculation on whether it is the same as this or that box as we do not know and all will be revealed in the near future when the box is released, then comparisons can be made and decisions on if it suits your needs as a customer can be made with some accuracy.

26-09-2008, 08:02 AM
oh here we go again ....

Darkman, you are supposedly in a position to tell us what this box consists of ... but apart from the basic information you have given us nothing new ...
Surely you must know whats in it ? what processor is used ?

This will undoubtedly be a clone of another box and more likely the IPBox 9000 or Cuberevo or whatever else you want to call it ....

You are going a great way to lose even more customers with the attitude you have to any small amount of descent away from your own opinion, forums are about discussion good or bad ...

We seem to have two camps of thought here, those that based on past experiences with some of your products and promises that have come up short ... and those who roll over and have their belly tickled each time you say something ... i'm in the former camp and hence why are a bit sceptical ...

But again thats what forums are about ..discussion good or bad .. for now i'll wait and see what comes up and whether your promises live upto what actually materialises

26-09-2008, 08:41 AM
There's a vast wealth of experience showing on this thread at the moment. People who own machines with the same processor (expected) ie the Kathy or people with the who have been working on the ab ipbox 9000. But I don't think to date enigma 2 has been ported 100% successfully it's still at beta stage (I will stand corrected.) The guys working on the ab ip9000 have been going to release a version for ages with enigma 2.

DM has a mass following and lots of people preparard to say they will buy this box without seeing the product. Seems on here people are a little wiser and this promotes healthy discussion. But if DM arrives with the goodies this product will no doubt kick ass. Time will tell.


26-09-2008, 10:33 AM
Enigma2 is being ported to the Kathrein as we speak and will probably be compatible with the ipbox 9000 with some tweaks and enigma 1 is being ported to the ipbox 900 and knowing the guys, as I do, who are doing this then it will most likely happen.

Darkman I am not trying to slate you or your box and if you do produce a linux HD box with twin tuner that is running enigma 2 (has to be 2 because 1 will not support twin tuners) and Cccam then I applaud you and your team.

However if this box is based on the SH4 processor as many of the HD boxes are then please do not give false hope on Cccam as it will not run on this processor even if enigma is running.

To do that you will have to have made a deal with the creators of Cccam as the code for Cccam is closed source and as yet the owner of that code has not shown any interest in developing it for any boxes other than Dreamboxes.

26-09-2008, 04:55 PM
So we have to wait when this hyped box will be on market.Yep, I have enough time to wait. I will not be first owners of this box but
looking curiously what time will tell.

Hopefully it will come out soon so we can see how it can handle some things .Competition is never bad...but promises should be kept.

So fingers crossed waiting.....and give it a chance.If it´s OK then having a great future, if not ...well...


26-09-2008, 09:41 PM
I am not going slate anything here, as we havent been it actually does or doesnt do something.

But as has been said before, the people on this forum seem to have quite a bit of product and technical knowledge and will not be blindly buying something, unlike others might.

I am inclined to currently agree with many that this will be an ipbox remake (notice how I didnt say clone, lol) and if it is and enigma2/cccam dont work then for many it will be a non starter, no matter how great the picture is.

But ofcourse if those 2 items do work on it, it will be the biggest selling hobbyist box in th U.K.

I am pretty sure we will be talking about and debating about this box for a while yet, but I hope to GOD there will no aggresive remarks to one another just cos one persons happens to love someone the other hates that person.

26-09-2008, 11:39 PM
have to agree their noff, if the hype that has been spouted is true then great, as long as recording,cccam,enigma2 and a good a stable pic,good tuners then it will do well. but it will sink in double quick time if there are problems from beginning as people have had enough to put up with with false promises from sat manufactures.

27-09-2008, 01:33 PM
I think I will be one of the first to order this receiver (I already have) and I will make a full honest report on it as soon as I can.
Thats all I can say at this point in time.

27-09-2008, 03:02 PM
Enigma2 is being ported to the Kathrein as we speak and will probably be compatible with the ipbox 9000 with some tweaks and enigma 1 is being ported to the ipbox 900 and knowing the guys, as I do, who are doing this then it will most likely happen.

Darkman I am not trying to slate you or your box and if you do produce a linux HD box with twin tuner that is running enigma 2 (has to be 2 because 1 will not support twin tuners) and Cccam then I applaud you and your team.

However if this box is based on the SH4 processor as many of the HD boxes are then please do not give false hope on Cccam as it will not run on this processor even if enigma is running.

To do that you will have to have made a deal with the creators of Cccam as the code for Cccam is closed source and as yet the owner of that code has not shown any interest in developing it for any boxes other than Dreamboxes.

Am not giving any falce Hope ,,and please stop gaving me the world "Falce" Min we are working and hoping ,but what you are doing !?

You says they work only fr DM....thats show is very bad ....because they not helping members od what forum is creat here, only doing Business ,,,We min do both,we are trying help Develop the box with CCcam and not only Darkbox but if is possible to any box.....

Mate one think is shure you have to be shure in your Life ...You will be dead...Because God says.But in other thinks do be so shure!!!!!

Never says Never .........

27-09-2008, 05:25 PM
I actual like the look of this box.

It does look a lot like one of the dgstaion receivers but I don't really care.
Just like when the db800 first came out and was one of the first guys on here to get one I will do the same with Darkbox 9000.

Even the name is simular :)
This is no coincidence eh.
But i wont never ever buy a product from darkman tho.

27-09-2008, 05:48 PM
Ill wait until it comes out and then see if it does what everyone is going on about or whether it doesnt.

Simple answer is if you are told by the seller it will do something and then you buy it, when you recieve it, if it can't do what you have been told it can do, just send it back.

I dont think its in the sellers best interest to say it will do something when it cant, but if the seller says it might be able to do this in the future then thats the gamble you take.

I simply wouldnt even consider one until the seller gives a full description of the item and what it can do, then i might buy one.

I mean if i would have bought the 8000 and it was supposed to be a pvr and it wasnt i would sent it back and im sure there would not be a problem with me getting for my money back.


27-09-2008, 06:13 PM
Am not giving any falce Hope ,,and please stop gaving me the world "Falce" Min we are working and hoping ,but what you are doing !?

You says they work only fr DM....thats show is very bad ....because they not helping members od what forum is creat here, only doing Business ,,,We min do both,we are trying help Develop the box with CCcam and not only Darkbox but if is possible to any box.....

Mate one think is shure you have to be shure in your Life ...You will be dead...Because God says.But in other thinks do be so shure!!!!!

Never says Never .........

of course you can never say never ..but at the same time reality is that CCcam does not work on these boxes, whether its Kathrein, IpBox etc .. even those with enigma2 ported across. It is upto the CCcam team to recompile for SH4 processors, if they do it then great ..if not then they do not lose out .. makes no odds to them whether they recompile or not .. money talks and customers walk ... just don't sell products saying that you never know it might support IPtv, CCcam .. nuclear missile technology, telepathy etc etc .... oh and i'm an atheist ..don't believe in god :respect-020:

27-09-2008, 06:41 PM
well if it like the last darkbox we are still waiting for a lot of bugs to go . all i will say is keep your money in your pocket . if it work then good but i will not buy one on it may work next month ,,,,,, , for me so far i find the darkbox hd , I have does not work very well and it feels very cheap . and i dont care who says what //// and thats a honest test on some one who has had a lot of stb , and i do no what im talking about , ...

27-09-2008, 08:44 PM
Darkbox HD receivers, ok there are Darkbox owners who would not part with their receivers for anything, there are Darkbox owners who say the opposite.
I refuse to be drawn into this argument but will state I have two Darkbox's one runs from 6.30 am to midnight the other from 9.30 am to 5 pm every day.
I do not experience crashing problems UNLESS I am using a Diablo cam to open Conax channels. This cam is notorious for crashing whatever receiver it's in.
It does not cope well when the encryption system is called upon to change from Conax to say nagra2 (for instance) then back to Conax.
This is a fact of life, I see this in Technomate receivers and other makes.
Having said that of course from time to time I do get the odd crash all patched receivers will do this now and again BUT this is very infrequent (I can only talk for myself).
I have installed many Darkbox HD and Super HD receivers in customers homes and these customers rarely phone with a cry for help.
Now it is possible to induce a crash by rapidly channel hopping, as when you do this you are asking the receiver to find different keys etc and if insufficient time is not allowed before calling up a new provider any receiver will get confused.
To sum up I really don't believe the Darkbox has any real problems, there are a couple of things yet to be added to the software but when this is done I think several owners may well change their opinion.

27-09-2008, 08:47 PM
pvr works well then ?

27-09-2008, 08:55 PM
Maybe a bit of a biased opnion then from Jimi as he is dm's darkbox mod. and distributor?? No mention of the superglue fix for the front flap.


27-09-2008, 09:16 PM
Darkbox HD receivers are something I can not recommend to any of my friends.I have also some other receivers.In fact quite many during these years.And I understand why people are suspicious about this new one.

But I am in open mind to see what a new linux darkbox will do.It will go up...or deep in ...

27-09-2008, 09:17 PM
I have started to post on this site to help Darkbox owners, as I stated in my introduction that I would not be drawn into slanging matches.
Now the PVR function does not as yet work as all very well know and is one of the software additions I mentioned above.
The front cover flaps have been redesigned and replacements are available from your dealer.
All I said above is true, yes I sell Darkbox's so what? (I am NOT a distributor), as a seller it's my responsibility to my customers and if you've ever had to deal with the public you DO NOT supply substandard goods, if you do you get an enormous come back, you will find if you look on another forum that I also spend a lot of time answering members problems but any section of any forum has the same sort of problems.
Well you can think what you will about me but I'm here to help Darkbox owners with their problems I won't join in pointless arguments, if anyone needs help just ask.
If you simply want to post insulting posts then go ahead I won't waste time answering them, constructive critic is fine these lead to improvements, but if your real problem is with a dealer take it up with them lets get on with the real job of the forum which is to get the best from our receivers whatever make they are.

27-09-2008, 09:20 PM
Maybe a bit of a biased opnion then from Jimi as he is dm's darkbox mod. and distributor?? No mention of the superglue fix for the front flap.

ki as for the front flap we were total to fix it with magnets or we could have a new one free by darkman and £5.00 for p&p what a rip of as i said its cheap , and thats ture ,
i dont use mine now as i so feed up with it , does not crash , just menu are so bad edit channels no software for the pc could go on all night but i will not lower my self to this , i dont like it and that it , THE END :respect-040:

27-09-2008, 09:23 PM
as for the front flap we were total to fix it with magnets or we could have a new one free by darkman and £5.00 for p&p what a rip of as i said its cheap , and thats ture ,
i dont use mine now as i so feed up with it , does not crash , just menu are so bad edit channels no software for the pc could go on all night but i will not lower my self to this , i dont like it and that it , THE END :respect-040:

Please try the latest software released yesterday along with my channel and favourite list. You might get a nice surprise.

27-09-2008, 09:34 PM
If someone sells the boxes they are going to say they are okay, ive had the same problems with my protek 9600ip, as soon as i slag the machine off has i think its no good, i get a load of people who sell them saying they are great.

I have no vested interest in any reciever, so why would i want to give advice to people telling them not to buy one when it makes no difference to me financially?

To be honest i dont take any notice of what people say, who sell them, or the few people who follow them around arse licking.

Im not saying this 9000 is not good but i would take anything from people who are connected any way with selling/promoting these recievers with a pinch of salt, has they havent got one themselves yet.


27-09-2008, 09:40 PM
Well keeping the thread back on track, and avoiding any insults that have not been put forward by anyone apart from DM talking about God and other stuff i can't quite grasp ...

It seems its going to be very difficult to get impartial advice on this product because as soon as someone says anything remotely derogatory, DM and his mates all chip and say what a great box it is ... i'm sure those that have been in the satellite game for quite a while will know whats what and who to believe ..

I have no affinity or relationship to any darkbox products or other supplier and just say as i see ... and based on past history and promises ... lets see what happens ..i for one would not recommend anyone one of these .. as the wonderful paint advert says 'it does excatly what it says on the tin" (unless its a darkbox) :)

27-09-2008, 09:41 PM
If someone sells the boxes they are going to say they are okay, ive had the same problems with my protek 9600ip, as soon as i slag the machine off has i think its no good, i get a load of people who sell them saying they are great.

I have no vested interest in any reciever, so why would i want to give advice to people telling them not to buy one when it makes no difference to me financially?

To be honest i dont take any notice of what people say, who sell them, or the few people who follow them around arse licking.

Im not saying this 9000 is not good but i would take anything from people who are connected any way with selling/promoting these recievers with a pinch of salt, has they havent got one themselves yet.


Thanks for the insult but if you would take a little trouble to read my posts you would have seen that I use two Darkbox receivers every day of the week.
Your comment on arse licking is totally out of place and as you have never met me or know anything about me and is the sort of drivel I would expect from an idiot.
Ok I came here to help members with their problems you apparently need no help so get on and find yourself a life, I'll help the members who need it.

27-09-2008, 09:46 PM
don't think you have read his post very clearly Jimi .... suggest you re-read what he has said and think again about what you have posted

27-09-2008, 09:55 PM
Thanks for the insult but if you would take a little trouble to read my posts you would have seen that I use two Darkbox receivers every day of the week.
Your comment on arse licking is totally out of place and as you have never met me or know anything about me and is the sort of drivel I would expect from an idiot.
Ok I came here to help members with their problems you apparently need no help so get on and find yourself a life, I'll help the members who need it.

Did i mention you? i dont think so, i was saying how i find things and the way i treat things, if you feel insulted m8, im sorry but i didnt do it intentionally.

Oh and by the way, are you calling me a idiot?? I dont mind thats your opinion, but that is a insult.

Im not going to get into a slagging match and i was not directly posting directly to you, unlike yourself when you called me a idiot.


27-09-2008, 10:05 PM
Did i mention you? i dont think so, i was saying how i find things and the way i treat things, if you feel insulted m8, im sorry but i didnt do it intetionally.


Ok say I misunderstood, if you have a real problem with a Darkbox let me help, I have over 3500 posts on another forum helping members with many different receivers.
Tell me what the problem is with yours and I will sort it out, please understand that my Darkbox receivers work almost all day one from 6.30 am till midnight. It does not "crash frequently" I would not supply any receiver that I thought would cause my customers to lose faith in me.
It would simply not pay if I had to fix faulty receivers all day long.
Darkboxes are reliable and work well if given the chance.
If you need my help on any subject that I can help with just ask.

27-09-2008, 10:26 PM
Well keeping the thread back on track, and avoiding any insults that have not been put forward by anyone apart from DM talking about God and other stuff i can't quite grasp ...

It seems its going to be very difficult to get impartial advice on this product because as soon as someone says anything remotely derogatory, DM and his mates all chip and say what a great box it is ... i'm sure those that have been in the satellite game for quite a while will know whats what and who to believe ..

I have no affinity or relationship to any darkbox products or other supplier and just say as i see ... and based on past history and promises ... lets see what happens ..i for one would not recommend anyone one of these .. as the wonderful paint advert says 'it does excatly what it says on the tin" (unless its a darkbox) :)

Ok lets be clear about this, I do sell Darkbox receivers, BUT if I did not sell this item would that make my statements more believable?

I could name a few companies who do not sell Darkbox products that I would not buy from under any cir***stances. So simply selling or not selling an item is no guarantee of a dealers honesty.
I am sixty one years old, 40 years spent in the electronics industries in both maintenance and design of both analogue and digital equipment.
I am not stupid and easily fall for paper specifications I actually buy and test an item before I decide if I am going to stock it.
I state that I am happy with the Darkbox range of receivers and with planned software updates things will only get better.
Now I own and use these receivers but I find many posts are in fact from people who don't own one and have no experience of them.

Again if you have a problem with a Darkbox ask me and I will try to help you, in all honesty that's all I can say.
You can believe it or not it's your choice.

27-09-2008, 10:27 PM
can I suggest that anyone with an issue with a darkbox HD or a darkbox SD post a reasoned thread detailing the technical issues and hopefully jimihendrix or diavolo or someone may be able to help that person out , especially as I have given jimihendrix upload rights to those sections for just those purposes , he is here to help if you would let him do so ( within the parameters of what the boxes are capable of as opposed to what they are perceived to do )

as for the new 9000 , its not out yet so everything is pure speculation and so arguments and innuendo abound

lets just wait and see if its as good as woodsheen or if its more like artex when it actually arrives shall we ?

and no more insults please , lets keep it civil on all sides if we can do so

thank you

27-09-2008, 10:30 PM
Thank you echelon, I am here to help if needed and that's all I want to do.

27-09-2008, 10:55 PM
as far as i can see the only insults have come from those who are supposed to be here to help .... thats not what i call help ... if i require help i'll ask elsewhere thanks ... somewhere and someone impartial

27-09-2008, 11:16 PM
Like i said in previous post i will wait until the 9000 comes out and see what people think, the only reason i didnt buy the 8000 was because of all the bad reports ive heard about it.

Hopefully the 9000 will be great and we will all live happily ever after, but like i said earlier no one will know until it comes out.


27-09-2008, 11:21 PM
of course you can never say never ..but at the same time reality is that CCcam does not work on these boxes, whether its Kathrein, IpBox etc .. even those with enigma2 ported across. It is upto the CCcam team to recompile for SH4 processors, if they do it then great ..if not then they do not lose out .. makes no odds to them whether they recompile or not .. money talks and customers walk ... just don't sell products saying that you never know it might support IPtv, CCcam .. nuclear missile technology, telepathy etc etc .... oh and i'm an atheist ..don't believe in god :respect-020:

Ok Heretic...

If you dont Respect the God am not wating you will Respect anybady..

Stop telling me what to do!? what i sell or not !
stop takling bull****s... like nuclear or missile because you look redicules.

DarkBox is Darkbox and nothink to do with other Stbs...

Please stop changing topic all time this thread is Darkbox 9000 .

28-09-2008, 01:46 AM
Am not giving any falce Hope ,,and please stop gaving me the world "Falce" Min we are working and hoping ,but what you are doing !?

You says they work only fr DM....thats show is very bad ....because they not helping members od what forum is creat here, only doing Business ,,,We min do both,we are trying help Develop the box with CCcam and not only Darkbox but if is possible to any box.....

Mate one think is shure you have to be shure in your Life ...You will be dead...Because God says.But in other thinks do be so shure!!!!!

Never says Never .........

I'm sorry, but where in my statement did I call you false. I merely made a request and you attacked me over it.
I said I am not slating you or your box and I meant it, then you have a go at me :confused:
You say what am I doing about it, what would you like me to do?
You are the one with the clout and buying power to make a difference not me.
I really hope you do get Cccam running on this box particularity if it is an SH4 processor as it will benefit many others besides Darkbox owners plus the spec of this machine with Cccam on it will make it a winner.

Darkbox is Darkbox you say, well that's fine with me it's a Darkbox.
But Cccam is Cccam and I know about that.

You are right about one thing though - never say never.

28-09-2008, 12:16 PM
jimihendrix, All I said above is true, yes I sell Darkbox's so what? (I am NOT a distributor), as a seller it's my responsibility to my customers and if you've ever had to deal with the public you DO NOT supply substandard goods, if you do you get an enormous come back well is that not what you are getting due to selling an item that don't do what it says on the tin, i.e. no hard drive, don’t matter if its coming or not, it wrong as a lott of people are saying. as for the 9000, which is tread is about, then the **** will hit the fan if the 9000 is sold in the same mannor . and in the end this forum is surely not for pushing goods for other retailers other than gold wafers to advertise once the 9000 out if he so wishesand then the users to say what they think at that time. just a thought

28-09-2008, 01:24 PM
I will explain once again that I have supplied many Darkbox HD and Super HD receivers to my customers and not one complaint so far.
Now I can't speak for other dealers just my self, but when I sell one of these receivers it goes out with all the latest software installed and I demonstrate to the customer how to use it.
This is all I can say and with regard to the 9000 it's not been released yet so all the posts here are based on conjecture or simply malice.
Please don't bother to quote me on anything as I will not post in this section again. I will continue to post updates and softkeys but with such a hostile attitude towards any Darkman's products I'm clearly wasting my time in presenting the facts.

28-09-2008, 01:37 PM
time to close this i think as all what can be said has been