View Full Version : Technomate TM 5400 CI+ USB Super/

24-09-2008, 09:48 PM
I need some advice for me and my mate... we are both thinking of getting this model receiver but need some feed back.

The box is not a grey import model so we would have to flash the box once we got it or is it better to get a dragon cam or a similar cam?

thanks guys

24-09-2008, 10:05 PM
good stb m8 no need for a cam but at this time a diablo will open the conax channels on 1 % and 16 % not all but a lot , but if you can get the new 6900 super as this will give you h/d and thats the way to go now , and both can have a patch on ect

10-10-2008, 08:10 PM
Hi. I’ve recently bought the above. Generally works great. However, I have an Aston Cam inserted into the CI slot to watch encrypted channels and every time you change channels there is a message from the CAM – usually only for a second or two but it is annoying.

Is there a fix for this?

The System Details are as follows:

S/W Version 145p (Sep 01 2008)

H/W Version 1.10

Boot Version 1.12 (08.20)

CH Version Dec 07

11-10-2008, 09:59 AM
Hi. I’ve recently bought the above. Generally works great. However, I have an Aston Cam inserted into the CI slot to watch encrypted channels and every time you change channels there is a message from the CAM – usually only for a second or two but it is annoying.

Is there a fix for this?

The System Details are as follows:

S/W Version 145p (Sep 01 2008)

H/W Version 1.10

Boot Version 1.12 (08.20)

CH Version Dec 07

The latest software for the 5400 is 147P from 25th september
Why not use the card slot it is multicrypt, you should not need the cam in.

I have just tried a aston 1.05 and works without messages.
The only cam i use in this is diablo 2.3 for conax, the patch does the rest.
The patch does the rest

11-10-2008, 02:05 PM
great box very easy to patch and download channels list etc,very quick much easier than dreambox and better tuner for weaker signals.

willie g
22-12-2008, 08:21 PM
Hello All ,very new to this ,havent got a clue to be honest.just downloaded
new files ,but when i try to load via USB , Memory Error comes up,turned machine off then back on .Incompatable mode showed up,, any ideas lads,
cheers and all the best for Christmas Willie G

22-12-2008, 10:54 PM
Hi M8

When the incompatable mode shows up, it means that you are trying to load the wrong patch for your particular receiver, there are different patch's for the 5400 & the 5400 Super Series, so check which receiver it is that you have and load the patch for that receiver.

willie g
24-12-2008, 05:55 PM
thanks Aldo, Its a TM-5400 CI+USB .you wouldnt happen to know which patch
is compatable with this box ? i dont have a cam in it just USB. A Friend of mine
who is a bit more up on this sent me this E/Mail ,,,,
You have put some corupted files on the box you have knacked the boot sector you will need to come over to see me with the box the only way to flash it is with a serial cable and the original firmware.
Hopefully sort it after xmas .But a big thankyou for replying cheers mate ,have a good un

24-12-2008, 06:09 PM
check the front.
see if it says super or not on the front flap.
compass has loaded the latest patch on 19th in section above, just choose the one that suits.
You need a null modem cable if it will not start to boot. do it the same way as the tm1000 series.
If it boots so you can get to menu un-zip file and use usb.