View Full Version : tps on CT 5000

25-09-2008, 11:51 AM
i download the 147p for my CT5000.
now i want tps channel, i heard i should download the file tps.bin via no modem cable.
but where to find the file tps.bin for CT?
is it the cable RS232 i need to connect from computer to usb slot on the receiver? and then download the file?
please could you give me the detail?
do i have to update the receiver daily?
do i have to search for tps channel on astra instead of hotbird?
thanks to all in advance

25-09-2008, 12:03 PM
moved to the correct section

the tps.bin files are posted here


the loaders are here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88393

use a null modem cable from your pc com port to the com port on the back of the receiver when loading in the tps.bin file

bear in mind a new patch is probably due out with tps as au

tps files are loaded every 2 days and are for hotbird only , not available on astra , just hotbird

25-09-2008, 12:04 PM
I guess the procedure is the same as with the TM6900, which is basically the same kit.

You need the tps.bin file posted in the viaccess section every 2 days, and using null modem cable, upload to rx using the darkman loader in the TM section.

The open TPS channels are on 13e (switched off at the end of the year), 19e is not yet open.

EDIT: Not fast enough... :)

25-09-2008, 02:29 PM
new patch is now uploaded here for tps fix https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=93070

26-09-2008, 08:39 AM
thanks for reply.
you gave me the link for the patch 199p and 146p, but they are for CT 1500 and 2500. i have the CT5000 so i need https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=93016
for tps.bin i have it with the file tps .zip. what shall i do with the file "full up to 24.09.rar"? do i have to download it also to the receiver with the null modem cable?

26-09-2008, 08:46 AM

do you mean that the patch tps.bin is good untill the end of the year then all the channel will be on 19e (no more on 13e). so from january 2009 we have to wait for new patch?
that is bad news.
i have also au channel open, do you know any other sat pachage with interesting english channel that we can have with CT5000 with soft cam https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88314
and patch 147P?
last question, when i download softcam for ct5000, i should use the file clarke tech or clarke tech plus?

26-09-2008, 08:52 AM
the tps.bin files work for 2 days at a time so you need to find a new one for today that is for the next 2 days , then find another on the 28th

unpack it and load it into your receiver using the null modem cable

what mrbleu means is that tps will cease on hotbird by the end of 2008 and so you wont get it after that anyway , and the replacements on astra at 19e are not hacked so you probably wont get those either

as for patches , use the correct one for your receiver model number , including firmware , patches and any softcams

02-10-2008, 11:05 AM
i connect the receiver ct5000 to my computer via RS232 cable, but my computer doesn't recognise the receiver.
how can i transfert the file .bin? do i have to do anything on the menu of my receiver to activate the com port?

02-10-2008, 12:25 PM
no , if using the correct cable and loader the pc should see the receiver straightaway , so if it doesnt you have a pc or a communications problem , or the wrong cable

you need a cable called a null modem cable for it to work , and you need the latest tps.bin file which hasnt been out for a week or so anyway

02-10-2008, 05:24 PM
i have the cable null modem, but i had to use an adaptor port com to USB because my pc doesn't have com port. is that can be the problem?
and i never heard about a "loader"; what is it?

02-10-2008, 05:34 PM
yes those adapters can give problems so ideally you should use a com port on a pc

I would assume you use a loader program on your pc and this should have a tps tab to load the tps.bin file into your receiver

no tps.bin files are about at the moment

03-10-2008, 06:14 AM
ok, i am out, i am just a private not a ptofessionel with program with tps tab..... i thought it was as easy as a usb download.
i guess i have to forget about null cable transfert file.
thanks for replying echelon even if it was basic question for you

03-10-2008, 11:10 AM
some one told me to twist the null modem cable.
can you have a look and tell me what do you think. do i have to twist the cable?

1. How to update the daily T-P-S?
================================= ======
1) Prepare a twisted RS232C cable(pin-2 to pin-3,pin-3 to pin-2,pin-5 to pin-5).
2) Connect your PC and receiver with twisted RS-232C cable.
3) Turn on the receiver and press "POWER" key to make it standby.
4) Find the corrent tps.bin and put it into the local folder.
5) Run the Downloadtpsbin.exe and select the COM. [It will display the valid data on the title]
6) Click the Start.

another information for you to update the tps.bin file yourself

*2. How to make the tps.bin ?
================================= ======
Every day the tps.bin will be changed.
You can found this .dat file everyday on ********** or other public uploads...
This file is builded by cristor and his name is like this: TPS_27_06_2008.zip (TPS DAT file for KYNG)

We recomended you to download from:
Here it is update very fast.

1. Open the tps.bat and edit this file,
for example:
stuns.exe TPS_27_06_2008.DAT

2. Save this file and Close.

3. Click tps.bat, after it is finished, you will find the 004e in the folder:!OutDeflate
rename the 004e as tps.bin

4. Copy it to the Downloadtpsbin.exe folder.
hope it works

03-10-2008, 11:28 AM
a null modem cable already has the twist in it , so is the correct cable

you may find the darkman loader may work that is used on the technomates , try it if you wish , or use a dedicated clarke tech loader if there is one

I have the technomate 1500 and the principles are the same for these receivers , but as I said earlier the tps.bin files havent been available for about a week for tps , only for the absat

I cannot help with the rest of your post

13-10-2008, 10:59 AM
did you heard about those card :“vista card” and “Abracadabra”.
is it a card you have to pay monthly or just one time? it is working woth CT5000?

13-10-2008, 02:24 PM
check these threads;

