View Full Version : skysports HD via a dragon

26-09-2008, 10:17 PM
If you have the skysports sub on a sky card and you put the card in a dragon cam and into a hd reciever like a 6900, Will sky sports HD work?

26-09-2008, 10:19 PM
Is it from a sly HD box?

27-09-2008, 07:49 AM
well yes!

27-09-2008, 10:56 AM
you dont say you have a sly sports hd sub in your first post.

you need to enter your sly box serial number into the dragon cam

28-09-2008, 09:04 PM
Sorry didnt realise i wasnt that specific! I know about entering the serial number. I dont subscribe to Sky sports at the moment or HD but if its possible to view the HD channels on a 3rd party reciever then I might well subscribe. I have a setanta sub on an Irish card in a sky box. This works fine in my dragon.

29-09-2008, 12:29 AM
You've lost me M8.

Why do you want to sub to Sly HD and sports just to put a card in another receiver? The PVR facility on Sly HD is technically very good. If you have the box you might as well use it.

29-09-2008, 01:09 AM
He might wanna keep all his channels in one box so he doesnt have to change between two boxes to watch descrambled channels and subscribed sky hd ones.

29-09-2008, 04:36 PM
He might wanna keep all his channels in one box so he doesnt have to change between two boxes to watch descrambled channels and subscribed sky hd ones.

Spot on! I prefer the 3rd party recievers to the digiboxes that sky provide. Plus i find the picture quality is much better. Channels also I have in my order of preference.

Big fact is that I dont have a sky HD box, Also dont fancy buying one either to be honest. Im just looking at my options.

I know when i used to have a sports sub the channels worked fine via my dragon, Just wondering if the HD channels did to?

I actually thought it was simple enough question, That a few people may have had interest in?

29-09-2008, 04:55 PM
As I dont subscribe, I can't be 100% sure, but if Channel 4HD works, then the others should work also (SS1 is even on the same transponder as C4 HD)

29-09-2008, 06:15 PM
Well I have to say that the Sly HD channels through my Sony W2000 are fantastic. Sly will be putting out a new HD EPG this autumn which will be the first major update for 10 years. They intend to download the whole EPG to the HDD of the sly box and I saw a mock up which was interesting.

I have a sly dish and a 1m dish for the TM6800 so don't need to worry about connections but I understand the one-box soution for those who prefer it.

29-09-2008, 07:09 PM
i have a fixed dish connected to a sky box and a 2nd box in kitchen also a 1.1m motorised powered by my 6900

29-09-2008, 07:25 PM
Sky won't let you have a HD sub unless you have a sky hd box. There paired. So unless you can find someone to let you use there box to pair your card too your a bit snookered. Also if you get a bit board and want to put your card back in your normal sly box you wont get the movies ect.


30-09-2008, 07:03 AM
Ok, well that answers my question.