View Full Version : chid's?

27-09-2008, 03:16 PM
hi folks, put my uk *Censored* card back in proper box to update, had it on a few chans and have got all chan id's to update apart from one (looking in gbox centre) anyone have a list of what chid's correspond to what chanels? the one not updated is B860

cheers mick

27-09-2008, 03:42 PM
Just stick it back in the box it sometimes takes a while 24 - 72 hours normally the card gets updated about a week before entitlements expire

If your running gb*x then it shouldn't need to go back in the original box just make sure you have the following set in gb*x_cfg

# AutoUpdate
# 00 is ignored (default)
# 01 enable AU
# 02 Auto AU !!!!! always use this !!!!!
A: { 02 }

If you want to guarantee it gets updated use A: { 01 }


27-09-2008, 05:02 PM
i was using those options in gbox to update my card and it was fine for a year or so then my card died and have been a bit reluctant to keep trying it lol. i suppose i could turn it on then once the card has updated turn it off again. out of curiosity would be good to know what id's correspond to what packages though.