View Full Version : Speedy 1.26 not patching on HD200C?

29-09-2008, 11:27 AM
I've just bought an HD200C as my first sat receiver.

I have tried several times to patch Speedy F1.26, but following what i thought was the pathcing route:

Plugged in USB stick in back of receiver.
Turned receiver on.
Went to Accessory, USB. Hit 'OK' on the .UAD file using 'S/W + all data update'.
Let the process complete and the receiver auto rebooted.
Removed the USB stick.
I did a factory default reset.
I went to Accessory, Key Edit. Key Edit was showing 'OK'. I turned UCAS On and UCAS Autoroll On.
Started to use receiver.

I still get the software version (in system information)as being the original D1.0A.

There's no access to the like of Premier, so the patch hasn't taken.

I have tried the OEM patch from Mvision and this does the same, so it must be my method of patching?

There is presumably something very very stupid that I'm doing, but can't understand what?

Who is going to point out the error of my ways? :001_07:


29-09-2008, 01:51 PM
I've just bought an HD200C as my first sat receiver.

I have tried several times to patch Speedy F1.26, but following what i thought was the pathcing route:

Plugged in USB stick in back of receiver.
Turned receiver on.
Went to Accessory, USB. Hit 'OK' on the .UAD file using 'S/W + all data update'.
Let the process complete and the receiver auto rebooted.
Removed the USB stick.
I did a factory default reset.
I went to Accessory, Key Edit. Key Edit was showing 'OK'. I turned UCAS On and UCAS Autoroll On.
Started to use receiver.

I still get the software version (in system information)as being the original D1.0A.

There's no access to the like of Premier, so the patch hasn't taken.

I have tried the OEM patch from Mvision and this does the same, so it must be my method of patching?

There is presumably something very very stupid that I'm doing, but can't understand what?

Who is going to point out the error of my ways? :001_07:


Flying at the mo so do not have receiver with me but from memory I chose the FIRST option of:- 'SW/UPGRADE'.....whereas the second option includes a bootloader reload and rarely used.

Unfortunately I only have the corresponding tutorial in the Spanish language format but you may wish to try the above.

From my previous postings in this section you will see that I too am new to this receiver but basically worked straight from the box.

The following threads cover both the firmware and channel list files I used and may be of use to you if the 1.26 version config fails:-

Firmware version....F 1.17

channel list....

Obviously v 1.17 does not contain the PVR facility found in 1.26 but 1.17 has proved its stability whereas 1.26 appears to have quirks with many users.

Whatever, perhaps you would let us know your results as this will certainly help other users.


Best of luck.

29-09-2008, 07:00 PM
Thanks for that.

Seems Speedy 1.26 was patching all the time?
I tried F125 and that removed the PVR function BUT showed on System Information page that it was F125.

I then patched Speedy 126 and this gave me back PVR.
F126 didn't leave its title on the Sys Info page though, it just shows D1.0A. Is this the same for everyone else?

I have a feeling that my combo was patched with the OEM 1.26 or perhaps Speedy 126 before it was sent to me.
All the details I see on the Sys Info page with Speedy F126 are the same as those as it came out of the box.
I'll check with the shop tomorrow.
