View Full Version : Got my 800 and not impressed

30-09-2008, 09:49 AM
guys i got my 800 yesterday,
shopkeeper installed new gemini in it,
and cccam is in it,
but at first look not impressed,
1. zapping is slow
2. i cant transfer any setting prigrame says error, tried all programes,
3. lot of channels not open, it says sid not found,
and then after 1 hour i was watching FX hd and after 5 min i saw completely green screen, and db completely dead ,
no light and nothing,
plug ut and in but no light nothing completey dead,
so my new db 800 payed 450 eruos for 1 hour,
and after 1 hour its dead i think,
is it normal?
any 1 have idea plz

30-09-2008, 10:07 AM
The only thing you can do is either try loading some new settings.
Likra setting for the 800HD updated yesterday and in the settings section.
Or re flash and start over, from what I read LT seems to be one of the better images. Again the latest is on the board for you.
Make sure the box is also well ventilated as over heating does still seem to be an issue.

30-09-2008, 12:55 PM
hi guys thanx for quick reply
last night i left box without power,
today morning i pluged in and its working again for 1 hour again was watching NGC UK
and after 1 hour again no light only on back side i can see ehernet light,
and s/w was gemini 3,7
shall i try new img or send it back to dealer?
now waiting when it will alive again,
vantilation is fine
and room is cold ,
aany other idea?
thanx again

30-09-2008, 01:31 PM
thanx now its alive again, after 30 min
now i have installed 3.80 as u guide thanx,
and i have notcied when i try to see network settings it reboot ,
but let see what happen with 3,8
will report in 1 hour, thanx

few more questions
when i zap on HD channels i can see on some channels SNR about 25 %
and on some channels 0
and even i have all HD channels truough net,
and and most of time it saus tunefailed,
is this normal?
thanx in advance

30-09-2008, 01:58 PM
Make sure you load the laest settings from Likra as already mentioned.

30-09-2008, 03:20 PM
using latest lirka settings,
but on most channels it gives tune faild 0 snr,'
and it dosent decode itis it tuner problem?
i am uisng 8x1 diseq switch

30-09-2008, 05:26 PM
using latest lirka settings,
but on most channels it gives tune faild 0 snr,'
and it dosent decode itis it tuner problem?
i am uisng 8x1 diseq switch

m8 take the diseq out and tray in 1 satellite only to see if u have the same prob im sure the prob its the diseq.....

01-10-2008, 10:49 AM
oki i will try without diseq, but i have notcied db dosent scan al channels ,
and on most channels snr0 and says tune failed,
but i will try without diseq and then report,

07-10-2008, 12:27 AM
guys i have changed lnb, from maximam quaard to titanium twin,
an dchanged diseq
working lil better but still many times it says tune failed,
but better then b4,
zapping still slow
will do some more test and will report
try 320 gb hdd in it