View Full Version : Dead on Arrival

01-10-2008, 11:10 PM
Got my new tm6900 super on Monday.

Couldn't believe I couldn't even power it on when trying to install it today. Dead as the proverbial parrot.

Returning it tomorrow and hoping for a quick replacement of course but not betting on it.

I was just wondering whether anyone else had had the same experience?

02-10-2008, 08:09 AM
Mine wasn't dead, but it was poorly. I got a 6900 super combo in black. The white audio out was dead so I sent it back and asked for a replacement. The shop was out of stock and didn't have a silver one either. They said 10 days before they would have any stock so they have sent it back to Technomate for repair. Looks like a delay before I get it back. Just have to be patient.

02-10-2008, 02:11 PM
I know that this may sound silly, but I fell for it - The 6900 has an on/off switch on the back, which I did'nt notice, and almost sent mine back for the same problem !!!!!!!

09-10-2008, 11:32 PM
Got mine back quite quickly. Faulty wiring apparently.

10-10-2008, 09:46 AM
I had just the same Hamrag1 M8 - I hoovered up behind my spaghetti junction of 50" Panasonic TV, Sly+HD, TM6900HD, Panasonic HD DVDR - and found my TM stb dead as a dodo - thort I too had the dreaded 'dead' prob, then found that hidden switch at back - why DO they put it there and what DOES it do anyway? lol!!!:bowing-036: