View Full Version : how do i stream PC to DB

03-10-2008, 11:37 AM
Hello folks:respect-053:

considering the amount of time i've had one type of DB or another, also considering with my present setup i think it's only appropiate that i got into the subject matter:cheers2:

aint got a clue though even where to begin, done a search and that's revealed zilch, i know everybody on here is a w i z a r d on these matters, so can you help me out please:o13:

got a feeling this could open up a whole new world for me.

thanks & regards: canthackit

03-10-2008, 11:55 AM
Oops, did you mean pc to db or db to pc?? Heres how to db to pc anyway.

Hi mate,

It can some times be a little hit and miss depending what plugins you have and what browser you are using. But here is how I am doing it and it works well.

Download the vlc player for firefox. Picture of the shortcut attached.
The new version I think allows you to stream hd.
Open the package and click media, then network.
Minimize the box and launch you browser again. Put the ip address of you box in. This should allow you to get into the webif.(x) it will come up with lots of different channels on the left and in the middle. This is where you can select and turn over the box from the pc. When you get the channel you want to watch. right click on the little tv set. Then select copy link location.

Next paste that link into the network box on the vlc program and click ok. Thats it it should then stream to any pc in the house.

If you require to do this over the net from say you place of work then you will need to open a couple of ports in your router.


03-10-2008, 03:58 PM
Afore i read ye post.

my intentions are to d/l movies etc from the net and stream them to me DB:respect-069:

right now let's read what you've said:respect-057:

regards: canthackit

03-10-2008, 04:05 PM
@ kegnkiwi

to say i'm lost is an inderstatement, done a wikipedia on firebox it returned all matter of stuff nuffink what we're talking about though, or could it be a typo and you mean firefox, i've got that installed:respect-039:

Oh btw the attachment dont work mate.....................forget that mate i'm doing the impersonation of an idiot

regards: canthackit

03-10-2008, 04:09 PM
firefox mate, This is only for streaming from the box to your pc. Sorry. The attachment is just to show you what to icon to download is. Its not an actual file. ok ok just read you post again. edit edit. LOL


03-10-2008, 04:18 PM
@ kegnkiwi

ok mate i'm off to see what i can find thanks for yourr help:respect-013: one things guaranteed though bet you i'll be back pretty soon:respect-059::beatdeadhorse5:

regards: canthackit

09-10-2008, 11:19 AM
i have a LG Blu-ray and hddvd rom drive in my PC. I have many HDdvd's that i would like to play on my new hd tv through my DB800. Can I stream to my db800 from my pc to hd content on my tv.

The thread started and I am watching but it seems to have stalled, can this be done?



09-10-2008, 12:31 PM
OK....canthackit...you need to;
-Download and Install the vlc plugin on your DM800.
-Download and Install the vcl streamserver on your PC (latest version for Win32 at time of writing is 0.9.2).

To setup/configure;
-Enter the vlc plugin menu on your DM800 and configure a vlc server profile (IP of streamserver [PC IP] and file directory path for the map containing the files you want to play [for ex C:/videofiles]). Leave port 8080 as is.
Run the vlc streamserver on your PC using an extra webbinterface (if using a newer version of vlc, start vlc with the --extraintf http command [ex; start->run->C:\Program\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc --extraintf http].
Firewalls etc might cause problems so make sure you open up what need to be open.

To run;
-Start the vlc streamserver by the command described above.
-Start the vlc plugin on your DM800, choose your configured server profile and connect by pressing OK.

If all is well the files contained in your video map on your PC will be visible in a filelist which should be fully browsable and files fully playable on sellection (providing they are of a supported fileformat).

Should you get an error message...well then you messed up somewhere along the line!

09-10-2008, 01:35 PM

What I think he is asking is can he download films to the db800 hard disk then play them direct from the dreambox as opposed to streaming them over the network from his PCvia the dreambox

09-10-2008, 02:32 PM
It seems a little blurry to me, heŽll have to clarify it I think. I read it as if he wanted to watch the files (which he had already downloaded and stored on his PC) on the DM800/telly by streaming them.

As for "download films (directly form the net) to the db800 hard disk then play them direct from the dreambox...I guess one of the only ways to do this is to use the etorrent plugin and download files which have (by the DM800) supported fileformats?

09-10-2008, 03:58 PM
It seems a little blurry to me, heŽll have to clarify it I think. I read it as if he wanted to watch the files (which he had already downloaded and stored on his PC) on the DM800/telly by streaming them.

As for "download films (directly form the net) to the db800 hard disk then play them direct from the dreambox...I guess one of the only ways to do this is to use the etorrent plugin and download files which have (by the DM800) supported fileformats?

What i need to do is play a hddvd on my pc and watch it on my hdtv in another room through my db800 which acts as the receiver.

Can this be done?



09-10-2008, 04:34 PM
Regular DVDs can be played with the vlc setup I described above, as for HD-DVD, this I do not know.

09-10-2008, 05:37 PM
what you need to do is mount your pc to the dreambox although i did it on my dm500,not too sure how to do it on my dm800 though.
once thats done your dreambox will see all of your media,just select what you want to play from the menus on the dreambox and they will automatcally start

13-11-2008, 05:08 PM
good afternoon can soemone pls explain to me this procedure:

Enter the vlc plugin menu on your DM800 and configure a vlc server profile (IP of streamserver [PC IP] and file directory path for the map containing the files you want to play [for ex C:/videofiles]). Leave port 8080 as is.

i cannot find the vlc settings on the db
