View Full Version : TM Softcam Converter v1.0.0

04-10-2008, 12:38 PM
TM Softcam Converter v1.0.0

Date Released: 08 March 2008
Written by smiyako for Al sat Forum members only.

Open a non-TM Softcam.key and convert it to a TM Softcam & Handset key file,
compatible with Technomate Series receivers:
1000, 3000, 5200, 5300, 5400, 5600, 6800, 6900.

This program requires Microsoft Netframework2 installed on your system,
you will be prompted to download & install it during setup if needed.

Tested with Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 & TM 1500 CI+Super.

smiyako. al sat mod