View Full Version : Converting apollo 2ci + mc to openbox?

04-10-2008, 09:38 PM
Hi all,

I'm presently using my Phoenix Apollo 2ci+mc very successfully with a Diablo Wi-Fi Cam.
The only thing that I've noticed is I'm having to manually enter some missing frequencies on certain satellites to receive some channels.
I've noticed the Openbox X820 is advertised as having Blind scan, If I flash my receiver with openbox software will I be able to do blind scan with my apollo?

Dark Cloud
05-10-2008, 02:22 PM
No. I changed mine to Openbox. If you have a Diablo, then I think there is no benefit to change from the original software.

05-10-2008, 02:33 PM
and with openbox its a lot less channel memory from what i recall p/a is 6500 and the open box is 5000 but after saying that pach will open all the diablo does less conax . i sold both mine now but a very good box

05-10-2008, 08:10 PM
Thanks for your reply guys, the apollo is a great box, very easy to navigate. It's a shame it doesn't have the blind scan facility like the openbox.
When I first got into the satellite hobby, I started out with a fortec star lifetime ultra, which had blind scan, it was great for finding new feeds etc.
Just have to stick to Lyngsat for my info. Cheers for the info guys!

01-11-2008, 07:37 PM
I've converted to openbox x820 with 5.41 version of the firmware.
I cannot connect using POBedit .922 and continue to get a com port connection timeout error.
I'm using a PC with a null cable to connect to the RS232 socket with the 5.41 f3k file.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong -I have tried changing the COM port from COM1 but to no avail.

02-11-2008, 01:07 PM
I've converted to openbox x820 with 5.41 version of the firmware.
I cannot connect using POBedit .922 and continue to get a com port connection timeout error.
I'm using a PC with a null cable to connect to the RS232 socket with the 5.41 f3k file.
Any idea what I could be doing wrong -I have tried changing the COM port from COM1 but to no avail.

Had the same problems..
The solution was to Turn OFF the Box on Mains..and FIRST CONNECT the Null Cable..and then Switch the Box ON and Open the Proggie and start the sequence.

Seems the Box and Proggie are a little sensitive..

If this does NOT work..
Delete the Proggie COMPLETELY also clean the Registry Files ..to get rid of any Entries...then Re-Install..OK

Maybe also change the NULL Modem Cable ..try another one..OK
They are NOT expensive.


05-11-2008, 03:51 PM
Hi Andrew thanks for your suggestions.

I have now tried them but am still getting the same message. I got a new null modem cable but still the same COM port connection timeout error.

I have reinstalled the POBedit 0.922 with v 5.41 of software (Boot is v1 if that makes any difference).
Is poss the COM port has blown on STB? Know a good way to check it?

07-11-2008, 01:52 PM
Hi Andrew thanks for your suggestions.

I have now tried them but am still getting the same message. I got a new null modem cable but still the same COM port connection timeout error.

I have reinstalled the POBedit 0.922 with v 5.41 of software (Boot is v1 if that makes any difference).
Is poss the COM port has blown on STB? Know a good way to check it?


It has happened to me on TWO occasions that I have tried to load diffferent S/Ws and BLEW the Serial COMM Ports...each time on a C-T Box

OK heres what to do..!
First try it out on another Box....just to be sure you still have NO connection and it is the serial COMM Port..
Then try it with your New Null Modem Cable..!
Are you using a PC or Lappie..?
Assuming you are using a PC..then you probably only have one COMM Port on your PC..right..
Do you have any space in the rear to Insert another Serial Interface Card with 2 Serial COMM Ports..?
If you can find one that is..NOT many around.!

Get one and Install it..be careful to assign the right Ports in your PC Set-Up > Hardware Manager > COMM Port Connections..OK
Then Check that you have the right Speeds..
Bits per Sec = 115200..
Data = 8....
Parity = None..
Stopbits = 1..
Flow = None..
if that is set correctly then you should be oK..

Sorry I do NOT know another way to Test the Serial Port except with an Old Mouse..read about this option somewhere..!

Hope you get it back up and running..M8y..


10-11-2008, 01:15 PM
Ok I finally got it going!
I was using a laptop to connect so I changed that for another one having exhausted all the other options -and it worked first time.
I think the problem must have been connected to having an older version of the POBedit software on the original laptop which may have been interfering with the .922 software. I tried removing it but didn't solve it -only a laptop which was completely clean solved the issue.

Thanks a million for your help.
