View Full Version : New house - lost the birds!

06-10-2008, 10:21 AM
I've just moved to a new house - 2 degrees north of my old one. Thinking I was being smart I kept the dish on excatly the same angle, altered my motor angle by the two degrees, put up my dish on my new house, and . . . . . . could not locate 1 West! I have a Humax 5400, and movement of the dish registered fluctuations in Signal Strength - but nothing at all on Signal Quality. I then played with all ajustments - scanning the heavens each time - but failed to ever get a flicker on Signal Quality.

Am I right in assuming that the LNB is probably OK (since I can register fluctuations in Signal Strength) and that the most likely cause is that the feed-arm got bent in transit (the dish was moved with the feedarm attached in a removal van). There is no obvious bend , but I guess that just a few degrees will have the effect I am seeing. If this is the case is it a matter of a new dish?


06-10-2008, 01:11 PM
You'd still get a signal from a slightly bent feed arm. All that does is move the LNB away from the focal point but you'd still get a signal albeit at lower gain.

The most likely problem is errors in elevation and azimuth. I suggest you start at the beginning and if your due south satellite is Thor at 1W then take your time with finding that one then the arc will be easier to sort out. Also check that all cable connections and connectors are tightly connected and that you haven't a loose connection anywhere which would totally screw you up.

06-10-2008, 01:55 PM
Thanks for the reply prontopro.

Your suggestion of cables is a good one - however, the LNB to receiver is a single uninterrupted cable - so I cannot see that being it. Regarding errors in elevation, I spent almost an hour varying elevations etc. - but not a sniff. I agree that a bent feedarm that moved the LNB totally away from the focal point should be bent enough to see. This has me puzzled, but I will go around everything one more time.