View Full Version : DM800 And OpenDBedit Problems.

10-10-2008, 07:20 AM
Mornin Guys. Has anyblody else had this problem yet. I got my new Dm800 from the sponsors yesterday. It came with Gemini 3.8 installed in flash and a basic sat.xml file already installed. Ive managed to get the motor setup done and view some channels ( not bad for the first night ). I wanted to copy over my old channel lists from my DM7000 so I uploaded them to my PC using OpenDBedit. When I try to send them to the DM800 the files copy across ok but the reload command wont work, and if I manualy reboot the box the settings dont update. Ive got the software set to enigma2 mode and I can FTP to the box using Flashfxp so I know the FTP settings are ok. The only thing Im not sure on is what port I should have the http settings in OpenDBedit set for, Its currently set on 80. Anybody help please??

10-10-2008, 04:29 PM
it's the reason i'm here.

only recently started using opendbedit b4 i've always used dreamboxdeit, i've modified likra's settings as i always do to suit my setup, everything's been working fine till now opendbedit wont load the files from the DB tells me i need to use an older version of dreamboxedit.

Hmmm bit ****ed off really.

regards: canthackit

10-10-2008, 05:38 PM
Thanks Kink. That works great. Looks like I'm going to be spending a few hours getting my lists back how I like em.

TNT. I will give your Idea a try as soon as ive got everything backed up. If I get any joy I will post the results here.

Thanks again guy's.

10-10-2008, 06:29 PM
Forget my previous advice as theres another file involved called "bouquets.tv" which gives the user bouquets order although its simple to create manually

But theres no need to do any of that :rolleyes:

Load your dm7000 settings into OpenDBedit then go to "Tools" and select "Switch between version 2 and 3 settings" when thats done save and your good to go :respect-051:


Dr Watson
10-10-2008, 06:43 PM
my sogesten to waitng next vershion fix problem

11-10-2008, 03:22 PM

Spot on again TNT. Ive now got my old settings in the box.
