View Full Version : New s/w TM 6000 Series Super

10-10-2008, 08:11 PM
New s/w TM 6000 Series Super
tm-6900 hd super

tm-6800 hd super

1-just dowenload new after that all ok
2-blind search fixed

It's on the DM's site now, sorry I do not know how to upload it.

10-10-2008, 08:30 PM
New s/w TM 6000 Series Super
tm-6900 hd super

tm-6800 hd super

1-just dowenload new after that all ok
2-blind search fixed

It's on the DM's site now, sorry I do not know how to upload it.

Uploaded here : https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?p=562306#post56230 6

10-10-2008, 08:31 PM
Don't be put off by the download label - 658 etc - Inside it is the latest V 6.6 dated 10/10/2008 !!!

10-10-2008, 08:35 PM

Sorry M8 I did not see that.

10-10-2008, 09:47 PM

Sorry M8 I did not see that.

I read your post first that alerted me to the release of the new 6000 super series patches just thought i would upload them then shamelessly leave a link in your thread.

take care Aldo

regards Compass

10-10-2008, 11:10 PM
Many thanks for the latest s/w link, Compass - uploaded to the Rx with no problems.
As a newbie, not sure if this is the right part of the forum to mention this, but on the TM6900 Super I have, the mosaic button (even with this recent s/w, and a factory reset) pulls up the channels ok, and displays them. However, only one is active, and if moving to another with the arrow buttons, the set locks up, and the only way to reset is to switch the Rx off, and on again. Do you know if this a general problem, or just present on my bit of kit ?

10-10-2008, 11:27 PM
It freezes with mine as well!

10-10-2008, 11:27 PM
Many thanks for the latest s/w link, Compass - uploaded to the Rx with no problems.
As a newbie, not sure if this is the right part of the forum to mention this, but on the TM6900 Super I have, the mosaic button (even with this recent s/w, and a factory reset) pulls up the channels ok, and displays them. However, only one is active, and if moving to another with the arrow buttons, the set locks up, and the only way to reset is to switch the Rx off, and on again. Do you know if this a general problem, or just present on my bit of kit ?

No other reports of this problem ATM.

11-10-2008, 12:11 AM
Thanks for the replies, Kiza and Compass. Looks like the mosaic problem is present on more than my Rx, so that's comforting - in a sort of a way.

Assuming it were working properly, and you selected a 3 x 2 mosaic for example, would you expect to see all pictures actively updated, and not just a single one ?

11-10-2008, 09:58 AM
Not even sure of what real use the mosaic option is?
Have never even tried mine on 6900HD Combo - not sure what it is!!:respect-050:

11-10-2008, 10:35 AM
mosaic has only ever let you view one moving picture at once on most of these receivers

so only the active window will show what is on , the rest are always frozen

just checked on a 1500 and it tiles the images but only the active one is in real time

no it should not lock up , you can select the one you want and it should then display it full screen

11-10-2008, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the info, Holmroad and Echelon. I agree entirely that it's a pretty useless ajunct - especially since only one tile is active. If they were all active, albeit intermittently, you could at least see when a programme started on adjacent channels etc, and make a change to that.