View Full Version : Warning re - Magic channel list

12-10-2008, 12:16 PM
I made a mistake of installing this on my new super. Given the problems it created the advice I received on another board is that it shouldn't be used with the super.

Loading it with my set-up where I'm using a VBox to drive my motor caused a lot of problems seemingly because it has been designed with Usal users in mind. It would appear to have it's own satellite positions built-in which won't apply in a VBox scenario.

Consequently I had to set-up satellite positions again after loading the channel list. More irritatingly I can't now use the favorites function as they too seem to have been defined for a Usals user.

Seems I will need to revert to the default channels and manually set the favorites.

12-10-2008, 12:34 PM
See my thread & the responses at:-

Satpimps > Digital Receiver Discussions > Technomate > 6000 series » TM6900 Super Firmware Udate

12-10-2008, 01:43 PM
See my thread & the responses at:-

Satpimps > Digital Receiver Discussions > Technomate > 6000 series » TM6900 Super Firmware Udate

I hadn't seen that but not quite the same scenario as the problems I was reporting were due to the use of the MAGIC channels list - especially where a VBox is being used to drive the motor.

I understood an official upgrade would give you new software plus the latest transponder details. It seems strange but nevertheless important to know that you would need to re-load your saved channels list to get your satellite positions back.

In my case, I may do that but I'm not sure whether it would be worth saving as it seems to have been quite badly corrupted to the point where the favorites function is totally unusable.

12-10-2008, 02:22 PM
I also use a V -Box to drive my dish, and initially had great problems in getting it set up correctly from my TM6900HD Super. I now keep a copy of my preferred settings on a flash drive in case of problems!!. I also created a simple spread sheet with all the Sat heading and V-Box pulse counts, which allows me to re-enter the setting manually if required. The only puzzle I now have is the V-Box Sat numbering which must be allocated by the TM, but appears totally random ??, and will change every time I do a manual set up

15-10-2008, 11:59 AM
I didn't need to do a factory re-set as I discovered that the problem I had making the 'favorites' function work was down to my unfamiliarity with the receiver. With a little patience I discovered pressing a particular favorites category e.g. films causes the receiver to find the last viewed favorite films channel. If like me you hadn't already used favorites function the receiver takes you to a dummy header for the most eastern satellite - in my case 28.2 degrees east. If you press favorites again it gives you a list of pre-set film channels to chose from. You can add and subtract favorites using the channel editor function.

Consequently I think the channels list is not the problem I thought it was.