View Full Version : Aghhhhh help please

15-10-2008, 02:49 PM
Been using dreamboxes for a wile now just upgraded from a 600 to the 800 hd, what a headache, cant change firmware as dreamup will lan will not work, neither does flash ******* oh and dreambox edit does not work either networking is ok and dreambox connects to the net ok, any help apreciated. Thanks

15-10-2008, 04:12 PM
to flash your DM800 use webif its faster and safe...

1- power of the DM from mains

2- old the power button and power on the DM u should now see the STOP and a IP adress in the DM display

3- Go to your web browser and type the IP adress showing in the DM display and follow the instrucions

to load channels use openDBedit make sure u put your DM IP and PASSWD

15-10-2008, 04:13 PM
Have a look at hda5 second post here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=88357

15-10-2008, 05:42 PM
Thanks I have read the thread and done as described and above all i get is
an error.
If you see this, your box didn't boot to Linux.
Unless you interrupted the boot process, this usually means that you have no valid operating system in flash.
Don't panic! It's not a problem. You can just flash a new version and everything will be fine!
Otherwise, you can boot from network or USB.
If you're about to give up, you might get help at the Dream Multimedia Support board!
Currently there aren't many other features...

15-10-2008, 06:00 PM
m8 go to dreambox site and get the last original dm800 image.
load to your box and after u can use any other image just do as i told u on my first post..
dont use dreamup or flas****** to load the image
make sure u let the image load it takes some time dont panic and wait until it finish ...
looks like u didint wait the first time

15-10-2008, 06:13 PM
Thanks I am trying to do what you have told me but my box aint having any of it, I cant load the latest image because I cant get to the uploading firmware bit.

15-10-2008, 06:16 PM
Thanks I have read the thread and done as described and above all i get is
an error.
If you see this, your box didn't boot to Linux.
Unless you interrupted the boot process, this usually means that you have no valid operating system in flash.
Don't panic! It's not a problem. You can just flash a new version and everything will be fine!
Otherwise, you can boot from network or USB.
If you're about to give up, you might get help at the Dream Multimedia Support board!
Currently there aren't many other features...

Thats great m8 your exactly where you should be !
now look at the last line of text (in orange)
you should have device info and firmware upgrade, click on firmware upgrade which will open a new page, now click on browse and locate your nfi image file then click on flash sit back and wait for completion
restart box ..........

15-10-2008, 07:09 PM
Yep thanx found it and loaded Gemini as I am used to this image, dreambox edit will not work could be that i am using vista is there another prog i can use to upload channel listings. cheers

trying to load channel listing found dreamset that does not work either, I have run out of ideas.

15-10-2008, 07:33 PM
look this post u have all the info here just need to look around


16-10-2008, 03:12 AM
Gone through the thread configured settings as stated, you can load but not reload get message saying reload manualy rebooted machine but no channel listings apear just get an error on screan saying tuner not configured.

Most expensive door stop I have ever bought.

16-10-2008, 09:42 AM
did u setup the turner with the sats u want to use??
what sat u traying to see??
what about manual scan u done it??
can u see any free channels??

to setup the turner go to

menu/setup/service searching/tuner configuration

them just chose the sat u want to use and save