View Full Version : BISS channels Softcam

16-10-2008, 01:36 PM

Can anyone give me instruction on how to edit BISS in the Softcams?

I have no clue what all the things mean, like frequenzy, odd even, provider,...

Currently no BISS channels are opening with the latest softcam posted here. I have Atlantic Bird 1 on 12,5 West, and FOX Serbia as well as FOX Germany should open, which they dont.

It seems BISS isnt working well with the Vantage or maybe I just dont know how to dea lwith it.

Can anyone help me?


17-10-2008, 10:54 AM
hi angels
the key biss dont work with softcam
you can put this only manualy.

17-10-2008, 12:31 PM
BISS lie wrong place in Softcam so it donīt work. They shall to last in keyeditor and work fine in Vantage. Example:


I have try to move BISS to last in Keyeditor v1.09, but i donīt know how...
Do something here can talk how we can move differently codesystem in Keyeditor?

17-10-2008, 05:14 PM
I managed to get it working without softcam, just with the latest firmware from here.
Its easy once you know the "how" It took me some hours to figure it out.

I'll give it try with softcam on the box if I find some time soon.

So if anyone needs help just post here.


17-10-2008, 09:58 PM
Itīs easy to put Biss-key manualy from EMU-firmware and work fine. But i know to they can work with softcam if Biss are last in keylist. It take many hours to put all key so i will have a softcam ready...

Itīs problem with software Keyeditor because they have Biss on a wrong place in keylist. I need help to correct software Keyeditor so Biss are last. I test to many methods, but it work not...

19-10-2008, 04:54 AM
Hello again,

I tried a little with BISS keys and didn't really have any idea what I was doing. Just grappling in the dark, really.
I'd be interested in opening groups like MCT or ***view if they can be opened with BISS, so if anybody knows about that feel free to guide me!

Thanks a lot.

19-10-2008, 07:21 PM
As far as I know, they are not open at the moment.

19-10-2008, 09:02 PM
As far as I know, they are not open at the moment.
ok, thanks, Angles.

nosmo king
19-10-2008, 10:07 PM

Can anyone give me instruction on how to edit BISS in the Softcams?

I have no clue what all the things mean, like frequenzy, odd even, provider,...

Currently no BISS channels are opening with the latest softcam posted here. I have Atlantic Bird 1 on 12,5 West, and FOX Serbia as well as FOX Germany should open, which they dont.

It seems BISS isnt working well with the Vantage or maybe I just dont know how to dea lwith it.

Can anyone help me?


Played around with available softcams and have not found any that work with the biss channels


Remote input

Fox ger 11188 h 5722 at 12.5 west

Provider 000005
Type key8
Index 01
Key ********
Do not post keys

Freq 011188
VideoPID 0308

To find videoPID on channel click info button

Also input frequency that shows up on your reciever
For the required channel

Change INDEX to 02
Add videoPID of nat geo ger same frequency

Id like to know how to input DCWs as i have not figured that out

19-10-2008, 10:26 PM
Played around with available softcams and have not found any that work with the biss channels
Id like to know how to input DCWs as i have not figured that out
I had the same success with DCW as I did with BISS. ie not much. :)
Manually entering BISS keys seemed too complex and fiddly for me. I assume that the softcam will do it automatically if it can. As Jedin said above, maybe the softcam needs to be re-arranged?
From what I can tell from reading random bits and pieces on the net, the Vantage (all models?) don't support editing DCW yet.

20-10-2008, 03:05 AM
Sure, Vantage donīt support to DCW, but it can work sometimes if we have luck... I have get to some DCW-keys as work with Vantage, but it donīt happen often.

I want to help from some with Keyeditor because software need to change with codesystem-list.

20-10-2008, 04:57 AM
By looking at the file,seem very easy to do using a hex editor,and some knowledge about ascii.

The key lines look like this

10270039D2260007FF9F24AA6D70922A2 C2052545649

Which breaks down to
10 looks like the header start
27 seem to be the flag for biss keys ( 8 bytes keys)
0039D2 seem to be provider id (can also be the channel SID)
2600 seem to be CA id
07 odd control word ( 06 even control word)
FF not sure,but is always the same for biss keys
9F24AA6D70922A2C biss key (control word)
20 separator,end of key
52545649 this is the name or the provider in ascii (RTVI)

So,the idea is to replace in that line the keys for the channels you use,the provider id/SID , the odd or even key flag ( 06 and 07 for even and odd), and the name of the channnel ( you can use any program that convert between hex and ascii,the lenght is not important.
Some of you guys seem to know that the biss keys should be last in the file,then the logical step is to insert the new lines at the end of all keys.
I would be careful to exceed the file size ,so,the idea is to replace bytes in the file,rather than add bytes to it.

In any case,you can check the octagon key file maker,which use as similar layout for the key file,and learn from it.

My box didn;t get here yet,so cannot test any file,otherwise I would make the file and post it myself.

This should work the same for constant control words,the only difference would be you have to make two lines the same,but different key flag,one 06 and one 07 ( even and odd dcw).
Biss channels would also work using this two lines,one 06 and one 07.

20-10-2008, 07:09 PM
whats currently open with DCW?

I have 19,2° 13° 28° and 12,5°W


20-10-2008, 08:59 PM
I have found a solution how we can have Biss on last place in keylist.
It work great with many Biss-keys on my Vantage-reciever.

1. Save keydata from EMU-firmware to USB-stick.
2. Open software Octagon Keyeditor v4.2.0
3. Open saved Keydata from USB-stick in "File" --> "Softcam from a file"
4. Click on "Online Update" --> "Softcam.Key from the web" and click OK.
5. Save new keydata "File" --> "Save as" to a another filename in USB-stick.
6. Put USB-stick in reciever and update.

nosmo king
20-10-2008, 10:38 PM

Well done
will try that later

Thanks m8

21-10-2008, 12:40 AM
Hello again Jedin,

I don't have a USB port on my receiver.
Can I/we open a softcam release in the key editor, do the online update as you described, then re-save the softcam and upload that to the receiver using Winup26?
Or does the data we use for this process have to be derived from the receiver itself / its modifed firmware?

I've tried what I've described there, and the Edit Keys menu in the receiver now seems to have more in it, but I don't know how to check where the BISS keys are in the general order. In the Edit Keys menu, they are still in the middle if that means anything.

Also, which channels can I try to see if it's worked?

Thanks for your detailed thoughts too.

Thanks again,

21-10-2008, 01:07 AM
Just to add,
I've noticed doing what I described above caused many open channels to close.
I've now restored them using the last softcam from the 15th. I'm also using the new patched firmware which was released earlier today, if that makes any significant difference to anything.

By the way, BBC Prime in the Polsat group seems to have been 'closed' for me for a few days now. BBC Entertainment, however, is still open. The music channel W9 also seems to have 'closed' recently.

21-10-2008, 01:35 AM
Yes, if you have a correct keydata with last Biss in keylist so you can follow my instruction and do it with Winup26. All Vantage-reciever work best when Biss are last in keylist... (Only modifed firmware)

Online update keys in Octagon Keyeditor update to all keys in softcam so we need not do very job.. Itīs only Rai Africa on 13E Hotbird as need update with remote...

TET on Sirius 5 East, F:11766 H, SR:27500 Feq:3/4 are a great place to test Biss-key..

nosmo king
21-10-2008, 01:43 AM
Mtv/nick wallon
@ 33 east
11.139 v 4883

21-10-2008, 01:53 AM
By the way, BBC Prime in the Polsat group seems to have been 'closed' for me for a few days now. BBC Entertainment, however, is still open. The music channel W9 also seems to have 'closed' recently.

BBC Prime use to only Viaccess 2.5 now and are not hacked.....BBC Prime are not with in Polsat group and itīs from TPS-package...

W9 use to Viaccess 2.5/3.0 and Mediaguard 2 are not hacked too..

21-10-2008, 01:56 AM
Work my instruction good for you, Nosmo King?

21-10-2008, 04:30 AM
BBC Prime use to only Viaccess 2.5 now and are not hacked.....BBC Prime are not with in Polsat group and itīs from TPS-package...

W9 use to Viaccess 2.5/3.0 and Mediaguard 2 are not hacked too..
ok, thanks for clarifying that, Jedin, and your other reply.
Did my 'alternative' method fail because I was basically doing it wrongly?
How can I/we do it without a USB port available on the receiver? (I have a 200 series Vantage)
Specifically, which file do I/we need to 'extract' the key data from to then put into the Key Editor?
I've seen 2 (?) options in the receiver and also 1 in Winup26 to get data 'from' the receiver but I have never managed to work out how to do it, except when getting the channel.si file to download into the Vantage Channel Editor.

Thanks again,

21-10-2008, 11:44 AM
Itīs hard to find a solution when you have a reciever without USB. You can not save keydata with serial and can only update with a softcam from PC. If you have a correct softcam-file with Biss last in keylist so you can update with my instruction.. Or do you know to some as have a Vantage with USB so you can copy keydata?:07:

21-10-2008, 02:12 PM
Thanks Jedin, I see.
No, I don't know any other users in real life.
If the order of BISS in the softcam is significant, I wonder why Kobenan cannot make the softcam in this way? Or whoever actually makes the softcam releases, if not Kobenan.


21-10-2008, 09:32 PM
Kobenan can maybe change in softcam when he have read what we write if Biss.. I hopes to he do it...

21-10-2008, 10:29 PM
Kobenan can maybe change in softcam when he have read what we write if Biss.. I hopes to he do it...
Yes, that would seem to be a logical move.
I doubt I personally would benefit by finding many other channels open, but others may do so.

I looked into, a little, the idea of editing the softcam in an editor; but not like the Key Editor; I mean one where you can view and edit the whole file, but I haven't yet found a way / suitable tool.
I assume the softcams are quite specialist in how they are made and compiled.

22-10-2008, 08:34 PM
Has anyone actually managed to get Rai Africa working on their Vantage? I edited mine with the remote in the keys menu , under Biss and against provider 2136, but the channel is not clearing. Was working fine until the recent key change.


22-10-2008, 10:52 PM
I looked into, a little, the idea of editing the softcam in an editor; but not like the Key Editor; I mean one where you can view and edit the whole file, but I haven't yet found a way / suitable tool.
I assume the softcams are quite specialist in how they are made and compiled.

You can find Octagon Keyeditor v4.2.0 in Satpimps. https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=409 and itīs a modifed by Keyeditor v1.09 with little better tools..

Itīs no easy to find a another keyeditor than bad Keyeditor v1.09.. :frown:

22-10-2008, 10:57 PM
Has anyone actually managed to get Rai Africa working on their Vantage? I edited mine with the remote in the keys menu , under Biss and against provider 2136, but the channel is not clearing. Was working fine until the recent key change.

It work fine with Rai Africa on my Vantage. I believe you have wrong key to Rai Africa. Test with key from here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=94803

nosmo king
22-10-2008, 11:13 PM
Has anyone actually managed to get Rai Africa working on their Vantage? I edited mine with the remote in the keys menu , under Biss and against provider 2136, but the channel is not clearing. Was working fine until the recent key change.


Read post 9

Any provider
Im using 001fff
Index 54

Freq 010992
VideoPID 0100

This is where i think an editor fails

The provider
Have a look most biss are 1fff with all have index 00
They overwrite each other

The frequency

The videopid

22-10-2008, 11:56 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. It's sorted now but kind of by fluke I was able to make any sense out of that Biss key system. Shortly after my original message I was messing around with the receiver based on what I read around and saw the code for switching the emu system on/off. I tried the code and it switched it off so then I switched it back on again. Then I gave up messing about about read all the replies and then just went back in to the key menu and it all looked different ie. Biss was now at the bottom of the list (as opposed to middle) and when I went into Biss all the codes were different but it had the channel names so I went to the one that said Rai Africa and checked the details Nosmo gave and all the info other than the key itself and the Index were the same. I just changed the key (I had the right one all along but it looks like the key menu had got messed up) and now its working. A good time to get a drink and head off to bed. Cheers! :respect-059:

23-10-2008, 01:21 AM
You can find Octagon Keyeditor v4.2.0 in Satpimps. https://www.satpimps.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=409 and itīs a modifed by Keyeditor v1.09 with little better tools..

Itīs no easy to find a another keyeditor than bad Keyeditor v1.09.. :frown:

Thanks, yes, I found those earlier. Are you basically saying that the Octagon Key Editor 4-2.0 is the same as, but slightly better than, Vantage Key Editor 1.09 which can be found here ?:-


What I meant, though, is in the Key Editor you can't see all the keys together can you? ie, how to see (and move) BISS to the bottom of the whole list?

I've tried opening the softcam.key file in a Hex editor but I don't really have any idea of what I'm looking at or how I would move all the BISS keys to the bottom.



23-10-2008, 01:30 AM
... now its working. A good time to get a drink and head off to bed. Cheers! :respect-059:
Well done!
I've had BISS / DCW explained to me a couple of times, but I find it all too fiddly and complex.
If it can't be done for me in a softcam or a softcam I can modify fairly simply, I basically won't be trying to watch any BISS / DCW channels!
I only have Astra 1&2, Hotbird and Hispasat, so my choices of new openable channels isn't great anyway, really.



23-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Thanks, yes, I found those earlier. Are you basically saying that the Octagon Key Editor 4-2.0 is the same as, but slightly better than, Vantage Key Editor 1.09 which can be found here ?:-

Yes, itīs correct. Octagon Key Editor are better than Vantage Key Editor.


What I meant, though, is in the Key Editor you can't see all the keys together can you? ie, how to see (and move) BISS to the bottom of the whole list?

I've tried opening the softcam.key file in a Hex editor but I don't really have any idea of what I'm looking at or how I would move all the BISS keys to the bottom.

Yes, Itīs Key Editor v1.09 and can work with many reciever, but itīs no good tool. Because software canīt move Biss to bottom of the list. I have try find a solution in sereval month and itīs very difficult to understand how we can change with regeditor in software Key Editor. I asked earlier here to help with Biss-moving, but i got no answer. :frown:

My solution with Octagon Key Editor v4.2.0 are to all Vantage 7100/8000 because they can save keydata from reciever to USB-stick.

23-10-2008, 04:58 PM
ok, thanks again, Jedin. I understand and many thanks for your detailed help and replies.

As we said, let's hope the softcam gets re-made with a revised order, to help those who may benefit by using BISS keys.
Hopefully, once one softcam is produced and released in a revised order, people can then simply load it in Vantage Maker 2.0 to update the keys online when needed.


24-10-2008, 12:14 AM
Fixed Rai africa for Vantage x200
reset key on menu key Biss


24-10-2008, 02:02 AM
Thank you Kobenan, but it donīt fix to Biss-problem for all Vantage (without HD-reciever). Itīs many hours job to put all keys if we do with remote after firmware-update without softcam.

Itīs more easy to update softcam with biss in bottom by the keylist. All another and your softcam have Biss on wrong place in keylist so it donīt work in Vantage-reciever... I hopes to you can find a solution to fix softcam.

24-10-2008, 02:15 AM
Hopefully, once one softcam is produced and released in a revised order, people can then simply load it in Vantage Maker 2.0 to update the keys online when needed.

Vantage Maker 2.0 have unfortunately Biss on a wrong place in keylist... Maybe, you know to where you can contact with peoples as make Vantage Maker and talk what they can change?

24-10-2008, 02:24 AM
As I posted before,moving the keys around the file can be done manually in a hex editor.
You can also notice that the keys are numbered,depend on which program made the file.

In my view,the best thing you can do is to play with adding keys manually into the file,that ill give you a better understanding on how the emu read the key files.
Finally,have a tracking number and my vantage is on its way,only then i will be able to play with the key files.

In another mattter,how to contact the people that release the emu firmware?
I think i can help them with certain things.

24-10-2008, 05:07 PM
Hello again guys,

It might be 'Grantor' who makes the Vantage Maker, but I'm not sure. I think the 'main people' including the emu makers might be German speakers at h**p://vantage-kicks-ass.net but I'm again not sure.
Maybe Kobenan knows.


24-10-2008, 08:16 PM
So I fooled around with DCW BISS editors, and god knows what else for a week now and I couldnt come up with anything on that matter.
I have to admit everything more than changing a simple key if way beyond me.

Maybe someone smarter than me has more luck.


24-10-2008, 09:41 PM
I have to admit everything more than changing a simple key if way beyond me.

Try not to feel defeated; I think this is all pretty complex for us end users to get our heads around. I think people do well if they just manually enter a BISS key with the remote control! Let alone understanding Hex (whatever that is) or guessing how the emu software works with softcams.

I think it can only really be the emu maker(s) who knows enough to fully get to grips with it all.
... whoever that mysterious person / people actually is /are ...



03-11-2008, 03:12 PM
I found out couple things since I have my box to make tests with.

Let me make a little description as to what it seemed to work for me.

I went into key edit,then selected BISS,it wasn;t the last one in the list
I pressed "reset all keys",it did bring the BISS section to last in the list.

Now,I decided to enter biss keys manually.
After trial and error,I found out how it works.

The first thing you need to know is the video PID,by using the info button.
You must the Video pid value in decimal and in HEX,so,use windows calculator to find out the HEX value.
Also get the frequency shown for this channel

To enter new keys you should do it this way

As PROVIDER you must enter the HEX value of the video pid,i.e. 00006E,003124,and so on

As TYPE you should use ODD or EVEN,seem irrelevant (maybe 8bytes option works,didn;t try)

As INDEX,you should use 00 ,if you use FF,it seem to make the list of keys to end here,as if it were the last key that the emu can read,so,best way if to use 00 for index.

As KEY,of course the biss key you have

As FREQ you must enter the frequency of the channel tuned

As VIDEO PID you must enter the DECIMAL value of the video pid.

In this way,as long as channels use different video pids between them,you can enter endless channels.

A note for the PROVIDER field:
The provider id of the BISS sistem is generally 001FFF,with some exceptions.
But emulators seem to understand the video pid in hex for this field,,maybe a way to make channels different from each other and find usable keys quicker.
But surely,a provider of 001FFF will not allow the emu to read any other key after that,even when they are listed (I have seen most all key files using this keys last in the list,which support the theory)

I;m not sure as to what is really reset in keys when you press this option,but seem to locate BISS section last,and this is what is needed.
I didn;t do it again since then,but if you guys have time to try,please give a report if any keys are removed at doing this,i didn;t notice any missing,but not sure what was there in the file before I reset it.

03-11-2008, 04:11 PM
Thanks for that, Kebien.
If I can find any channels available to me that reportedly can be opened with BISS, I'll try your manual methods and report back.
Maybe you could also post if you successfully open any.


03-11-2008, 05:55 PM
I opened all channels I have keys for already using the method described.
I assume all of them can be added the same way.
As I said,not sure how the emu behaves when it finds two identical providers,as I have no way to test that.

04-11-2008, 02:55 AM
ok, Kebien, thanks.

Where are you finding your BISS keys and for which channels?
I tried your method by choosing one of the ***View channels on Hotbird and entering a new BISS key for it, using the key found in yesterday's Vantage softcam release from Kobenan, but the channel hasn't opened for me. I think I did it carefully as per your clear instructions.
By the way, should the frequency be entered as follows:-?
If the frequency is 12360 Mhz, then we enter 012360 ?

The channel I tried was *** View G ay, and my BISS entry in the Vantage is as follows :-

Provider 001019
Type Even
Index 00
Keys - we can't post them here I think, but it's taken from the last softcam release, looking at it in Vantage Key Editor 1.9
Freq 012360
VideoPID 4121

I don't know if that should be correct or is working for you, Kebien, or anyone else?

In general, I don't know how old some of the BISS keys are in the softcam release. Also, channels don't routinely use them anyway, do they? I mean, Viaccess, Irdeto and Conax seem to be the encryptions in place on the channel I tried, according to the Vantage channel banner.

Thanks again,

PS I did 'reset all keys' first; BISS then appeared at the bottom in the Vantage menu.
PPS The 'reset all keys' lost/closed channels for me that the softcam previously opened, such as those that are still available on Polsat and Premiere. However these came back by themselves after tuning to one of the channels and waiting for a minute or so.

04-11-2008, 04:31 AM
If the key you entered as index 00 is after any key that use index higher ( index FF or 02,03 or so),then the emu won;t see it.
This key must be placed before all those.
In my tests,I deleted all keys that are not available in my area,leaving only the ones I could use,only a few.
So,all the firsts key index are 00,then only after them the 01,02 and so on to FF.
But I only used 00 as there is only 4 or 5 biss channels in my area.

04-11-2008, 07:22 AM
ok, thanks. Well done on attempting to work this out - I've no idea how you did it. (Nor would I understand it !)

It seems any new BISS key I enter has to go at the bottom of the list and cannot be moved?

I've just deleted all the BISS keys except for the one I made, and that channel still hasn't magically appeared. If I happen to find a newer key somewhere or other, I'll post back if i find that makes any difference.

Maybe if you or somebody else has your method working on a channel on either Astra1, Astra2, Hotbird or Hispasat (I can only get _some_ Hispasat transponders), you could kindly post the key details as I did above and say where you got your key from. I can see those satellites so should be able to replicate your success, if possible in my model using the same method.

04-11-2008, 01:40 PM
Well,actually I know all this because it was my suggestion to mgcamd people like 3 years ago (which they kindly added to their emulator),for using the video pids and other channel specs to identify channels differences and being able to make a key selection more feasible.
At one point,the biss emulators available were only using one key at a time,because they were all using the same provider id,so was natural to look for more specs to find a way to select a key.

Unless you have a c band dish,you won;t see the channels i can get in my area,pointless for you to try on those if this is the case.
If you only see less than 10 biss channels,my suggestion is to remove all biss keys,and enter them manually as detailed one by one,in this case you can test if each of them is correct.
You might have the wrong key for the channel.

04-11-2008, 04:49 PM
ok, I see, thanks.
If I have a change of success, maybe with a different BISS key, I'll post back. It would also be nice to hear from anybody else who has it working with your method on the same model as me. I suppose it may make a difference.
