View Full Version : keyeditor help

18-10-2008, 07:11 PM
Hi, wondering if someone could help me out. Have a ferguson fx6600 converted to octagon. In the keyeditor after "download to stb" step the keyeditor shows up and doesnt have a file selected to download the ird/receiver. If I try to select a file it's asking for one with extension *.kdb would that be same files as *.key (softcam.key) or do they differ?

19-10-2008, 08:37 AM
They differ.
The *.key fine is an ascii file (readable in notepad)
The *.kdb file is a binary file (not readable in notepad)

After using the octagon keyeditor to open the *.key file, you _must_ save it as a *.kdb file.
If you don't the box will do nothing with the file.
