View Full Version : dm800 sky uk ftv

20-10-2008, 07:37 PM
I can not find the answer through google or in several forums, maybe someone can answer here:

What methods are there to use a legit Sky UK ftv card that will auto-update in a dm800?

I have read cccam+newcs1.6 allow the card to work but will not update.

I also read that using only cccam it can be possible to overclock and burnout the card.

I know its possible to use the sky digi box the card is paired with to update but this is somthing I am trying to avoid.

Can someone give me a solution please, thanks.

Do other soft cams allow this to work?

20-10-2008, 07:50 PM
This thread might be of some use to you...

20-10-2008, 08:47 PM
Thanks H4XoR for your quick response. I have just read that thread.

I am 'currently' using newnigma2
Just installed Newcs1.6.1
Just copied the cfg and xml files to their appropriate places using the download link in the other thread, rebooted and inserted card. (I hope that config/xml file are ok to work with newcs1.6.(1)

Currently no picture. The card has not been used for a while (few months).
If I leave it long enough will it update with this configuration?

20-10-2008, 08:55 PM
Suggest you shove it in a sly box first and activate it. Some times some people have trouble getting the cams to read the card. Better off knowing first the card is working then you can put it in the db and you will be sure if works.


20-10-2008, 09:59 PM
works great thanks
if i add the n line to my current cfg will it be compatible

20-10-2008, 11:00 PM
Thanks H4XoR for your quick response. I have just read that thread.

I am 'currently' using newnigma2
Just installed Newcs1.6.1
Just copied the cfg and xml files to their appropriate places using the download link in the other thread, rebooted and inserted card. (I hope that config/xml file are ok to work with newcs1.6.(1)

Currently no picture. The card has not been used for a while (few months).
If I leave it long enough will it update with this configuration?

If you want to check its all working then you can do the following

Start command prompt on your pc and paste the following and hit enter (correct the IP to your dm800 IP)

telnet 3001

When it asks for password just hit enter as there isn't one

Then just type sub and hit enter and it will give you the dates on your card if its working

If you want to check CCcam is communicating with newcs then enter the following in your web browser (correct the IP to your dm800 IP)

In the page that opens click server, if you see a newcamd entry then you know its working


20-10-2008, 11:31 PM
I can confirm this is now working fine :) chnl5 etc are now available as they should be.

Thanks for the advice guys

@TNT, I tried what you said, its nice information. Nice to learn new stuff like this, thanks!

It is somewhat satisfying to see the encryption symbols showing as green :D