View Full Version : vantage 8000T/S problems :(

24-10-2008, 03:10 AM
Hi All, i just got my new Vantage 8000 T/S. setup was pretty easy i must say, but im having serious problems with adding/viewing channels.

heres the deal...

sometimes when i view an encrypted sat channel, its cleared for about 1 minute then the receiver starts to go AWOL ! i.e sometimes box slows to a crawl in menus, channels freeze completely, or "no video/audio" error message!! resulting in having to do a forced hard reboot. (power switch on the back)!!

sometimes when i channel hop for just a couple of channels, i end up with the screen message "no video/audio" even though i have just viewed that channel!!! wtf?

Now , when viewing normal channels or freeview channels, the receiver works fine, no problems at all .... only on encrypted sat channels.

additionally, when im scrolling down the full list of channels in order to pick ones for my favs list, it only gets to about half way through astra1 and then starts again on the terrestrial channels, leaving out hundreds of channels i cant choose from ???

c'mon Vantage, get the act together, £500 for this trouble !!!

anyone else having these problems ??? does this sound like a hardware fault or firmware fault ?

thanks in advance

ps. using latest firmware, also tried h@cked firmware and same result.
tried normal firmware + diablo and same result.


24-10-2008, 06:20 AM
TS? Is that the model with the terrestial tuner? I've got twin sat tuner model and nothing like that.

24-10-2008, 07:50 AM
yes, its the one with sat and terrestrial tuners. giving me a nightmare at the moment. its gotta be a hardware problem, i think.

24-10-2008, 12:09 PM
If you think you got problems now and you are also using it on Terrestrial as well as sat then wait until next year when they are likely to start HD terrestrial using the new DVB-T2 standard!!.:eek:


24-10-2008, 05:14 PM
HD_02.38T-O just released, gonna give that a go....