View Full Version : Ethernet & Serial Treat!!!!!!! 24/10/08

25-10-2008, 12:06 AM
There appears to be 2 lines of text missing from the version posted on this forum and the the version posted by Magic on the DM's forum, and these should go between Tested and Digi TV AU:

Important: Please no discussions about what 8281 and SSSP do


25-10-2008, 05:49 PM
Well it does NOTHING for me, as with both ethernet AND null modem cables connected to pcs all I get is 'Disconnected' and cannot connect even with yellow 'connect' button!:mad:

25-10-2008, 07:35 PM
same here can some one advise how to connect

25-10-2008, 10:14 PM
Like wise been trying off and on all day can't get the satbox to connect to my router and no idea how to get it going.

26-10-2008, 10:38 AM
Well I connect my null modem into back of desk top pc with extension lead into lounge into Super and ethernet from laptop in lounge with ethernet connected as very short ethernet cable - BOTH pcs connected to I/Explorer - but all I get is 'disconnected' - cant change it to 'connect'!:leaving:

26-10-2008, 10:59 AM
a few things to say about this as I do not have one to check any claims about this new feature

1) you should all really learn to use your pc,s and networks properly

2) just because a cable fits into a slot does not mean it is the correct cable or the correct slot

3) any cable joining 2 pieces of end user networking equipment like a pc and a receiver will require a crossover ethernet cable , whereas if going to a hub or router it would require a straight wired cable as the crossovers are built into the hubs and routers in their architecture

4) I think you will find that just like a dreambox or other linux box this requires straight wired ethernet cables into a router from the tm6900 lan port , and if it were to work from a pc ( which isnt the normal as a router is the normal ) then it would need a crossover cable and the lan configured for through port networking ( not easy when going through a pc )

so just to reiterate , the fact you have the same connections on your receiver , pc , laptop etc does not mean it will work , and even if it did you would have to know which type of cable you require ( same as you do with a serial port lead ) and how to reconfigure the pc or laptop to forward any networking

so any serial lead would have to be a crossover lead ( null modem cable )
and the probable correct lead for the lan is a straight wired lead directly from a router , or directly from a hub that is wired directly from a router

up to now I have seen no evidence of any of the above being correct , apart from you are all probably using the correct serial null modem cable as its what you would use for any programming with the dm loader

based on my networking pc,s , laptops , technomate 9100 receivers , and reading about dreamboxes and other kit , that any networking of this 6900 super receiver is going to rely on a direct straight wired ethernet connection to a router so it can get a direct ip address from that router , and all this talk about connecting via lan to a pc or lappy is pure speculation , and fraught with difficulties , and unlikely to work.

at least jamesjay was trying to use a router , although we have no idea which type of ethernet cable he is using

26-10-2008, 11:25 AM
@ Echelon thank you for trying to help us, I am using a bog standard ethernet cable that I have used to connect my laptop to my router with in the past...I did test it on my lappy yesterday and it still is working.
Regards, James.

26-10-2008, 11:41 AM
@ Echelon thank you for trying to help us, I am using a bog standard ethernet cable that I have used to connect my laptop to my router with in the past...I did test it on my lappy yesterday and it still is working.
Regards, James.

ok , thanks for some feedback , at least I know you have used this cable and are trying to use the correct one and not damage your equipment through sheer ignorance :)

so it would appear that this cable is a straight wired ethernet cable as you have used it from lappy to router and it works
ie:- your lappy gets an ip address from the router and can surf the net
this also means it is NOT a crossover cable as ppl would try to use between the laptop and the tm6900 super

now I would assume that like on my tm9100 ( or any other box using ethernet and networking like a dreambox for instance ) that you should be able to configure the tm6900 super in some menu settings to either get an ip address from the router , or that you can switch off dhcp and actually give your tm6900 super an ip address in the range used by the router ?

so if the router uses say then you should be able to pick an ip higher than 1 , so say 15 , and set that for the the tm ie:-

substitute your own router ip address range for the above details if its any different

once this is done I would think you can maybe ping the tm6900 super from your pc over the lan , and maybe prove its actually getting onto the net ? maybe some sort of test ? ( on a lappy or desktop or a psp or pda you would try a browser and try to surf the net ) ,or at least interrogate the router and see if its mac address is logged on

so my advice is setup the comms first , same as you would with any pc , laptop , psp , pda , linux box etc , then see if it helps

might also be an idea to try some of these sssp programs like fausto or one of the others that emulates what a skystar card does

dont expect results in 5 minutes either , takes a while to get a handle on this comms networking , ask any linux box owner , or ask any it expert that works for a company dealing with networking computers etc

it is not , I repeat not , plug and play like shoving a pendrive into a pc equipped with xp or vista , it is a whole subject on its own is this comms business and should be treated with respect so that you dont damage any equipment by putting square pegs in round holes :)

26-10-2008, 11:56 AM
Thanx for all that Echelon - but obviously it hasnt helped not being allowed to publically discuss all this in the cir***stances, so people like most of us who have no experience whatsoever cant be expected to cotton on as simplistically as we are being asked!:D

26-10-2008, 12:05 PM
not quite true m8

most of the above is typical networking of equipment using a router , and that is public knowledge with plenty of info about it on pcdudes and many other pc discussion forums and sites , and even on microsofts own website , or portforwarding.com

until you learn about networking I see little point in what you were attempting , as you dont even know if you used the correct cable , and you definitely did not use a router , not by your own admission, all basic pc comms , nothing to do with al sat or technomate or anything else. just pure pc basics about networking using a router

my point about jamesjay is he was using a tried and tested lead that works from his lappy into his router , so he knew he had the correct cable and kit , just does not know how to get the comms running on his tm6900 super , yet

my point to him is set it up as a fixed ip not using dhcp , same as you would do when using multiple pc,s etc on a lan using a router as the hub and gateway to the net , same as you should do with your laptop !!

its only the part with 8281 and SSSP that are particular to this patch , the rest is pc comms, and pc comms should be discussed on pcdudes or some other pc discussion site , even on the dm host site as it has a pc section there that discusses communications , routers and other hardware issues

ie separate the coffee from the cream , learn about the coffee , and then look at adding the cream :)

like I had to do last year when setting up my shiny new technomate 9100 , its on all the forums if you actually look , its just not apparent in the tm6900 section , and as for SSSP that was widely discussed here in the tm1000 section

try here _http://www.pcdudes.co.uk/index.php and here _http://www.portforward.com , and practice with your lappy and a router first

26-10-2008, 12:30 PM
You are quite correct M8 - I dont pretend to have any prior knowledge of 'networking' as havent yet needed to - and hadnt even realised that was what 8281 & SSSP even were, so its a mega learning curve now probably for MOST of us?:respect-051:

26-10-2008, 12:35 PM
@ Echelon you are correct my router does say (, in the IP settings on the 6900 you can have DHCP off, on doesn't do anything...but there is also subnet mask I am using, and gateway, DNS, and a non-changeable Mac address. I have changed the (1) to
(15) and will do some more reading, Cheers James.

26-10-2008, 02:19 PM
dhcp ON means the router will assign your receiver the next available ip address

dhcp OFF means you will assign your own ip , so you ensure that its one not used by anything else on your system , including your pc or laptop

so I tend to assign all my equipment a different ip address and so have dhcp OFF on all equipment , and therefore as each piece of equipment is assigned its own unique ip address , it uses it when it logs in to my router , telling the router the ip it wishes to use , as opposed to asking for the next available ip address which is always subject to the order each item logged in , so this means on multiple systems you can find every ip is changed due to the order it logs in

with dhcp off and each item given its own number , its always on that same number , and so any port forwarding will be done to the ip number of the pc as required

this is especially useful with torrents or other sharing systems ;)

so my boxes are assigned 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 etc off my router , I think my lappy is on 5 , my main pc may be on 2 , my pda is on 15 etc etc

again , this is all networking stuff , and none of it really pertains to a 6900 super , it could just as easily be a dreambox , or a darkbox maybe ? :) or a laptop for that matter

I would suggest that once the networking is setup , you may find out what the taboo subjects do , but until the networking is setup you will never know

as for sssp , I remember playing round with that on tps earlier this year :)

26-10-2008, 02:32 PM
Thanks again Echelon, I now need some kind person to give me the default (Lan sharing) setting from their box after the new patch unedited...if that is not breaking any rules.

I was putting in all kinds of ID's and passwords from my own internet setting yesterday and I am unsure of the ones I started with, I know I should have left a server unchanged or made a note of the setting but I didn't.
Regards, James.

26-10-2008, 02:40 PM
I do not have this receiver, but here is some info from DM's forum, ref the last post by Echelon:

DHCP means the receiver is assaigned an IP by your router, this has to end within the range 2-254

when using the new features of the latest patch, there is no need to forward ports to your receiver as its not listening for incoming connections. as long as the details you are entering in the relevant sections are correct, itll work as soon as you press the yellow button

26-10-2008, 02:47 PM

You can find your IP configuration details if you go to Start -> Run -> Type in the box cmd and press Enter -> A black box will appear - -> Type in ipconfig/all - all of the details that you require will be there.

26-10-2008, 03:27 PM
or interrogate the router in its admin panel , which is the main router ip address , in my case its but can be different on other routers

I am still waiting for some actual tm6900 info to appear here :) lol

26-10-2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks Aldo, I have been able to ping my receiver and have gone into my router setting and opened the devices connected page and can see the receiver and also noted the Mac address was the same so my receiver is connected to my router thanks again to Echelon.

I know need to undo the mess I made yesterday when I stupidly altered the Lan Sharing setting on the receiver, but at least I know my receiver is connected to the router, and I hope ppl are learning from my mistakes and the good advice being given by you guys.

26-10-2008, 03:46 PM
as I said before , its all about networking up to now , and I think members should broaden their horizons and realise that its not always one persons fault (or his forum) every time they cannot do something. if they think any of this is hard they should try networking linux boxes and pc,s and laptops with routers and hubs etc :) lol

you only have to read this thread here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=94788 to see the hoops we have to jump through to get this networking up and running with members here , even though its a different technomate it doesnt mean the networking is any different , or on a dreambox either

anyway , glad to hear that at least some of this networking advice is proving useful to at least one member here , as believe me I have had to learn it too , and have been using it for 18 months with my tm !! lol ( shame I dont have the money for a tm6900 super to test )

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=92758 posted by bazza in here a few weeks ago has some pictures he took of his tm6900 super if thats any help , as I think he may show the basic settings , and he definitely posted a picture showing the ip settings and dns settings etc as I remember looking at it at the time he posted it , and wondering what could be done using it ;)

so maybe the settings you need are in that picture ? these pictures were also posted at the time over on al sat as well , so it isnt a secret about it being in the menu and technomate have always said they were going to bring out updates that would use that lan connection

26-10-2008, 04:15 PM
When you download the new software and put 8281 it opens a new box that was not available before (out of the box), and those are the settings I need.

I will probally need to do a factory reset and put the TM original software back on...then put the new software on again, at least I did upload all my channel and other settings yesterday so I am not starting from scratch.

I had to stop playing because the match is on and 4 uninvited guests turned up to watch it...with beers, so will get on with the learning later.
Cheers, James.

26-10-2008, 04:22 PM
sounds like a good plan to me

I didnt realise you got a new box onscreen with secret settings etc

but as you have saved all your settings and channel list etc , it would now make sense to start from scratch and reload the box , putting to good use what you have learned today about the networking , and I am sure you will then succeed :)

those that try will usually succeed , its the non-doers that will always fail
I know I have had to do the same with stuff like my tm9100 , but we all get better with experience
as for anyone trying this networking without a router....forget it
I cannot see why anybody would spend £300 on a receiver and not spend £30 on a router !!

26-10-2008, 05:59 PM
I think I am in trouble did a factory reset and reload the earliest software I could find and all went well...but after reloading the new software the box still shows my duff LAN Sharing settings.

I need some kind person with the 6900 and the newest software to give me the default setting from their Lan Sharing, not the ones they are using now but the default ones from before they connected there is a choice of 4 servers...and if that is breaking the rules to PM me.

What I need is the original ID, password, address, and port, but I will keep trying to see if I can sort it myself...I hope details of my self-inflicted problems help others.
Cheers, James.

26-10-2008, 06:21 PM
Hi M8,my 'original' settings on my 6900HD Super (as I hadnt yet started mucking about) with em are as follows:-

DHCP Usage: 'ON'
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Mac Address 00.22.d3.03.23.0a

I have also now connected a 'straight' ethernet cable direct from back of my black BT hub (router) directly into back of TM6900HD Super - and null modem direct from back of pc into back of TM6900HD too - and still get 'disconnected' - but maybe you will be able to help now please?:Angel_anim:

26-10-2008, 06:23 PM
its not those settings he wants m8 , as they relate to your equipment and what it picked up from your router if DHCP is set to on , as in your case it clearly is

he wants the details in the secret box and I would suggest those are sent by a pm message

26-10-2008, 06:25 PM
So assume thats the DES Key?:confused:

26-10-2008, 06:44 PM
@ Holmroad as Echelon said it is not those I need it is the ones you get when you key in 8281 and they need to be PM'ed to save breaking the rules thanks.

Echelon as posted some very accurate instructions on page one but you need to go into your router status and settings on your PC or lappy to make sure that your router is seeing your receiver, mine wasn't.

My router setting had a devices attached box which when opened show the receiver was recognized by the router it showed the IP address and Mac address, so that should be the first thing you need to do.

26-10-2008, 06:46 PM
(So assume thats the DES Key?)
No I need the ID details, the password details, address details, and the port details, cheers.

26-10-2008, 07:19 PM
Just had a look at mine and the details you want are blank apart from the port which is 10000. Hope this helps.

Regards, JT.

EDIT sorry user and pass both say test.

26-10-2008, 07:34 PM
Yes MY 'Address in secret box is blank too, so where now M8?:rolleyes:

(And yes to ID & password saying 'test' and port is 10000)

Just went back into TM setting to try DHCP as 'off' and all entries went to zeroes!
Went back to 'on' and my IP address has changed to from .64 at end earlier!

26-10-2008, 08:00 PM
the last numbers of the ip will change depending on who signs onto the router first , so each time will be different unless you change it to a fixed ip , so my advice would be to replicate what you see apart from making the last part say 70 or 80 or 100 or whatever , so it always uses the same details

so maybe something like

DHCP Usage: 'OFF'
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:


DHCP Usage: 'OFF'
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:

26-10-2008, 08:06 PM
Assume thats all in the secret box, before I go and cock everything up, knowing me? lol!!!:respect-050:

26-10-2008, 08:09 PM
Thanks Johntee50, that does help me...I know me setting in the secret box are right.

Holmroad, I think you still need to go into the BT router setting on your PC or lappy, you need to check if your receiver and router are connected to each other. On my router a S** Netgear one, I can get into a router status page which gives me most of the settings I need to put into my TM IP Setting, my router was not seeing the receiver, but after I put the details in manually then at least it was, I now know that the TM and router are connected. But I still in the same position I press connect and nothing.

26-10-2008, 08:28 PM
just a note here , I am also using a netgear router , and the router is on 1 and goes up to say 254 for other equipments

bt routers are a different ip address as can be seen in the reply by holmroad

networking settings can be different , which is why its a whole subject in itself

I would have thought the secret settings would be embedded in that newest patch

26-10-2008, 08:46 PM
coul someone please pm me this , secret box etc, massive thank you

26-10-2008, 08:56 PM
Been following this thread with a lot if interest-not because I've got a TM6900 but for the really helpful and interesting posts from Echelon (as ever) and others on networking matters generally.

I have a dreambox and had a hell's own job getting connected intially but this was largely through my ignorance of networking. Time spent following these posts has paid handsome dividends.

Cheers all for posting.:respect-062:

26-10-2008, 09:14 PM
The box does not retain the settings for User, Password and Address if they are longer than 16 characters. I can enter any length but when I go back anything longer that 16 characters are either lost or garbled. Anyone having the same problem?

26-10-2008, 09:24 PM
please please, lots of flowers or chocs...stella etc could some one please pm me what to change in secret box, am i ment to change test etc??

26-10-2008, 09:40 PM
Same here with my BT Homehub router - thought had cracked it by putting Exchelon's settings into secret box, but not sure if that would be right now(his proposed settings that is)? :confused:

26-10-2008, 09:47 PM
I think my problem is the TM IP setting that I have which are

DHCP is off.

IP address is

Subnet Mask is

Gateway is

DNS is

Mac address is 00.22.d3.03.1f.60.

I took these of my router settings page, and although my router is connected to my receiver...still no joy. I think the gateway setting is wrong, and is stopping me connecting.

Regards James.

26-10-2008, 09:51 PM
@ Holmroad I think Echelon's setting need to go into your TM IP setting, not your secret box M8.

26-10-2008, 10:11 PM
I've made my box pingable, but what goes in the secret settings box and where do I find out. I've tried googleing it, but I can't make any sense of the information. Do you need to be a %^&*ing spy to understand these secret settings ?
I read on another site that someone had the triple S thing working through a serial cable, nul I presume. Do I need one or not.
Please, someone give me a clue.

Regards, JT.

26-10-2008, 10:30 PM
Ah well I'm TOTALLY confused now - so if I change my TM settins to Echelons - is that it, do I then get a connection within the secret box?:confused:

26-10-2008, 10:41 PM
Go to Digital World and look in the Technomate section. It tells you what you need to know. Gives masons handshake and buggers off.
Regards, JT.

26-10-2008, 10:42 PM
ok, with out getting banned....
you guys after you set up network, then go on a web site through google to get user and pass word etc to use secrete box. there are site that are free, sites that charge.
be nice if some one who has a set i could test on...pm it me please

26-10-2008, 10:57 PM
Well unless someone gives me a REAL 'fools' instructon step by step sheet, I'm going to leave it, cos I had impression that all you had to do was to get your TM settings sorted - and hey presto off you go? :puke:

26-10-2008, 11:32 PM
I think my problem is the TM IP setting that I have which are

DHCP is off.

IP address is

Subnet Mask is

Gateway is

DNS is

Mac address is 00.22.d3.03.1f.60.

I took these of my router settings page, and although my router is connected to my receiver...still no joy. I think the gateway setting is wrong, and is stopping me connecting.

Regards James.

the ip address is the one you have manually assigned to the box

the gateway address is the router hub address

so a netgear is usually for the gateway

and so your tm seems to be

it seems to me you have assigned your actual isp address and not your router address

and as you correctly surmised , these settings go into the networking box , same as on any other item like say your laptop , and not in any secret box

should be something like this I think :-

DHCP is off.

IP address is

Subnet Mask is

Gateway is

DNS is

Mac address is 00.22.d3.03.1f.60.

I have said all the way through this thread , and as minx said too , that all this is to do with networking which is a pc issue , and nothing to do with the 6900 super , it could have been a pda or lappy and the same would apply

its the stuff in post 1 which is this secret box that is different , the rest is standard comms

I also said a bt homehub is different than netgear , beats me why ppl dont go and do as they are told on say a lappy or a pc and learn to network , then come back to the tm6900 super once they have learned the networking side which is all standard pc stuff for lan networking

that is what i did before getting my tm9100 to network :)

what really amazes me is that its non-6900 users that are helping you on this , as I would have expected more 6900 users to be able to do some of this and give you the missing stuff , the bit I cannot answer

ps:- on my tm9100 I usually let DHCP be set to ON in the first instance , so the box picks up the correct settings

then I go back into the menu and change the tm address to say 013 as in your case after making it DHCP off

that way you get all the settings assigned first , then manually change it on just that one box after removing dhcp , saves all the hassle of doing it yourself. after that you should be able to ping the box , as johntee said , and then its down to setting up the servers in the secret box , assuming it isnt preset

26-10-2008, 11:52 PM
On your PC if you click on the network icon in system tray select "Support" then "Details" it will give you your Subnet, Gateway, DNS

Or start command prompt and type ipconfig/all


27-10-2008, 12:06 AM
The severs in the secret box aren't preset. As I discovered, you have to get on the net and look for them.
To make my box pingable I just turned off DHCP in the router and gave all my computers a fixed address, you do this on your computers in network connections, then I turned off the DHCP in the box and gave that an address as well. You find these settings under menu, system settings, I.P. Address.
The gateway address is the router address, in my case, the DNS is also the router address. Subnet mask is the standard 255 etc.
If you then open a command prompt and type in ping ( that's the address I assigned to my box ) you should be able to get a responce.
You then need to find a server that suits your needs, this is what you search for on the web. Enter the details in the secret box and press the yellow button.
I hope this is of some help to you all.

Regards, JT

EDIT Just read Echelon's post ( I'm a realy slow typist ) It explains things better than this. If anyone needs any help feel free to PM me. I have a good grasp of networking.

27-10-2008, 12:12 AM
The severs in the secret box aren't preset. As I discovered, you have to get on the net and look for them.
To make my box pingable I just turned off DHCP in the router and gave all my computers a fixed address, you do this on your computers in network connections, then I turned off the DHCP in the box and gave that an address as well. You find these settings under menu, system settings, I.P. Address.
The gateway address is the router address, in my case Subnet mask is the standard 255 etc.
If you then open a command prompt and type in ping ( that's the address I assigned to my box ) you should be able to get a responce.
You then need to find a server that suits your needs, this is what you search for on the web. Enter the details in the secret box and press the yellow button.
I hope this is of some help to you all.

Regards, JT

excellent post m8 , as it is what I suspected , and was the same in sssp too

so its all basic networking of your pc equipment and the tm6900 super , and when its all correctly set on your lan and talking through your router , you then find and input a server or servers of choice to deliver what you require as in the sssp part of the equation

I would assume that you could duplicate this using the null modem cable and that sssp type of program or maybe fausto , but the ethernet method would be better , easier , quicker and doesnt rely on the pc being on and the program running as it would for serial sssp

anyone not understanding this should give the tm6900 a rest and go spend some time learning to network your pc,s and laptops etc with your router and each other , and how to assign local fixed ip,s to each device

then apply that knowledge to your tm6900 super , same as a dreambox owner , or tm9100 would do

27-10-2008, 12:27 AM
The ethernet method is much the easier option. You don't have to instal any software on your computer, and you don't need your computer anywhere near your sat box, just run an ethernet cable to your router. If you dont have a router you really should think about buying one as they are quite cheap. once everything is set up it's just a case of press the yellow button and go, no mucking about with computer software. I'm begining to realy like this TM.

Regards, JT.

27-10-2008, 04:56 AM
Is there no way the TM can be setup like a Dreambox with just the ethernet cable attached or does it need the serial and a PC constantly plugged in? I really thought when I bought my 6900 Super it would eventually only be the ethernet like I used to use with my Innovative.

27-10-2008, 07:50 AM
You don't need a serial cable if you have a modem/router, just a LAN cable from the box to the router.
If you have no modem/router the 6900 has to connect to the internet through your computer via a serial cable ( nul modem ). This means your computer has to be switched on and connected to the internet. It also means that you have to instal software to handle the internet connection sharing part of it.
Due to the length of serial cables usualy being only a couple of metres or so, this means you computer usualy has to be in the same room as your box.
You could probably find a long serial cable but it would probably be more expensive than a modem/router. You can pick up modem/routers for under 20 quid these days. Don't buy a USB router as this means you still have to have your computer switched on to power the router. Hope this helps.

Regards, JT.

27-10-2008, 01:00 PM
What does 'ping' mean please?:respect-055:

27-10-2008, 01:13 PM
A ping is a test to see if a system on the Internet is working. "Pinging" a server tests and records the response time of the server.

Open up a command prompt and type ping satpimps.co.uk

You will see something like this:

Pinging satpimps.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=174ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=166ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=164ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 163ms, Maximum = 174ms, Average = 166ms

This means your pc reached the site Satpimps and shows you if there are any bottleknecks between you and the site. From your PC you should be able to ping the TM 6900 Super if the connection is sound.

27-10-2008, 08:11 PM
My router as become unstable it won't let me connect via wifi...I have had to refer back to the original IP address of and I have the receiver IP setting as follows:

DHCP is off.

IP address is

Subnet Mask is

Gateway is

DNS is

Mac address is 00.22.d3.03.1f.60.

as recommended by Echelon.

I can ping my receiver successfully so I persume I just need a reliable site to try it out, I have done a bit of a search and some sites look dodgy...I need to get my wifi going again so it could mean a start from scratch and a router reset.

If anyone knows of a good site could they send me a PM as I am sure it is breaking most rules to post, I will keep the post updated when I do get there, and thanks again to Echelon and co for all the help.
Regards, James.

27-10-2008, 11:09 PM
Can I leave DHCP both on TM and router on, or I have to manually assign IP addresses. With HDCP on, my TM is pingable from PC but nothing else happens!

28-10-2008, 12:50 AM
@ Kiza, as you can see from the posts I have been getting instruction from others but I would have thought if your receiver is pingable then your connected to the router, and now you need to find a site and put the data from the site into your secret box, and you can test out your settings...hopefully if I am wrong someone will correct me.
Regards, James.

28-10-2008, 12:58 AM
I have found some free servers, but I am unable to enter details correctly.
TM would not try to connect although the server details are correct. I just need advice of how to enter required details. Can I PM you server details so you can tell me of what goes where please?

28-10-2008, 01:06 AM
Yes no problem M8 but I think I am in the same position as you...I could test them see if I can get on to the site...but don't post any or we will be banned.

28-10-2008, 07:34 AM
I got a multitude of codes printed from a well known site yesterday so I too will have to experiment - will keep you informed!
Thanks also to Johntee - he's a star!:cup-006:

28-10-2008, 08:14 AM
I have found some free servers, but I am unable to enter details correctly.
TM would not try to connect although the server details are correct. I just need advice of how to enter required details. Can I PM you server details so you can tell me of what goes where please?
I'm assuming you're referring to the 16 character limit in the address field as the 6900 doesn't save all the characters when entered. The way round this is to use the IP address of the site instead of the long name.

To find the IP address of the site open up a command prompt and type "ping xxxx" (minus the quotation marks) where xxxx is the name of the site i.e. satpimps.co.uk

So to find the IP address of Satpimps you type:

ping satpimps.co.uk

Then you will see something like this in the first line:

Pinging satpimps.co.uk [] with 32 bytes of data:

Therefore the IP address for Satpimps is

Remember though, many sites use redirecting services like no-ip as their IP address is dynamic so they are likely to change and you may need to perform the above within hours or days.

28-10-2008, 08:38 AM
@ Bazza. Hi there, do you have this working on a 6900 ? I haven't got round to finding a server yet but if you have this working then at least we know it's functional if all the settings are correct.

Regards, JT.

28-10-2008, 08:47 AM
@ johntee50. Yes I have it working. I have tried it with two working servers and the 6900 connected instantly.

28-10-2008, 10:40 AM
Hi Bazza, do you think you could PM me a server please if you can?

28-10-2008, 11:12 AM
You have a PM mate ;)

28-10-2008, 11:40 AM
Hi Bazza
Working on this now - how do you overcome the fact that if you are putting in an address as it is not possible to eradicate the other 00s - just 001? Also a pm with an address to point me in the right direction would be good - I tried digital*****z but dont seem to be getting very far. Would i be correct in assumin that if I have gateway/dns etc on my DB these settings could also be good for the TM - obviously the IP is different. Many Thanks - Brain

28-10-2008, 12:07 PM
I can now ping the server to find their IP address thanks to Bazza good advice M8:respect-053:, but still unsure of what info to put in which column in the secret box...although some info is obvious.

28-10-2008, 12:11 PM
Working on this now - how do you overcome the fact that if you are putting in an address as it is not possible to eradicate the other 00s - just 001? Also a pm with an address to point me in the right direction would be good - I tried digital*****z but dont seem to be getting very far. Would i be correct in assumin that if I have gateway/dns etc on my DB these settings could also be good for the TM - obviously the IP is different. Many Thanks - Brain

Hi M8 - I put in '001' where it read '1' - and it seemed to accept it ok!:respect-050:

@Bazza - thank M8 for PM - much appreciated!

28-10-2008, 12:22 PM
Well I have been playing with this box since Sunday and I think I can say fairly fammiliar with networking and the protocol concerned "DISCONNECTED" driving me mad now

28-10-2008, 12:43 PM
if the ip address is 1 , then by default its also 01 , 001 , 001 , 0001 , 000001 , zeros are transparent and you should know this from primary school :) so if the boxes only allow 001 , put that in , how hard can it be ?

all routers are different , and can use different ip addresses , but the basics are there , so as long as what you see is as you think it should be , say 001 and not 1 , then its correct

and when you can ping it , again its correct

I still maintain its the lack of networking knowledge holding some of you back , and that is nothing to do with this receiver , learn to network on your pc or laptop if needs be , then apply that knowledge to your tm6900 super , or to a dreambox or to a tm9100
several ppl have told you all this , in this very thread , and how to check these details on your pc or laptop too

once all this is done , you can either use pc programs to network using the serial port and a null modem cable , like we did on the tm1500 , or use the networking over ethernet built into your tm6900 super , like others users do on various receivers , the choice is yours

but do not blame this receiver due to any of your inabilities , or if you dont have a server that works , thats down to you , not the receiver
the receiver gives you the bility to input these settings , and server details , it isnt plug and play doing it for you , so learn to use the goodies you have been given , dont expect it all on a plate

28-10-2008, 01:01 PM
Wise words from Echelon, I completely accept that there is now't wrong with the TM6900 super, it is me...this was a good box for the price which was why I bought it, and that was before the Ethernet activation.

With a little experimenting, reading, and taking in the advice from others, some without the 6900 super, there is no reason why every owner can't get the box going to its full potential, and no I still haven't cracked it yet, but I will given time.
Best Wishes, James.

28-10-2008, 01:55 PM
hi, ive got my netgear router to see my 6900 super, as TESTHOST. my 6900 is on dchp, tried manual too
now ive gone into the secret box, put all the details given by a site i payed for, it will not connect? ive emailed them with no reponce, paid for 3 days to test. ido i have to port forward or any thing else in router?

28-10-2008, 02:13 PM
Not sure if this answers your question, I don't know what "Testhost" is.

Like some of the advice given in these pages I presume you have pinged your TM with your PC/lappy via your router, and it is connected.

But if you have paid for access then it should be just a case of making sure you are putting the data you paid for into the correct box in the secret box...also I believe the helpful post by Bazza top of this page on how to ping your active server to get the IP address could be useful to you.

28-10-2008, 02:13 PM
netgear routers are normally , with to 256 for all connected equipment ( approx )

so are you sure your router is actually and not ?

if it is then your dhcp has given your tm an ip of 4 ie

you could drop dhcp and manually give it a number , say 8 or 9 instead of 4 , just so nothing else logging in can take over the ip , that is why we advocate a manual setting of the ip , otherwise the dhcp in the router would allocate an ip on first come , first served basis, which means the ip can change

so double check your main router ip address first , and then make sure your tm is in the allocated range allowed by the router

so my netgear router is on and my tm9100 is on

28-10-2008, 02:29 PM
yes i have set my router as
all is correct, in my router page i can see the 6900 as test host and
also have ping, that works ok. help????

28-10-2008, 02:33 PM
well , in that case it would appear you have it all set correctly , but I would still advocate removing dhcp on the tm6900 super and changing the last number from 4 to say 9 , and then reboot it and ping it

assuming this all works , you have a network connection and internet access and I would then think its down to what you do in that secret 8281 box

and no I do not think you have to forward any ports on the router , you do for torrents and other programs but I dont think so for this scenario

28-10-2008, 04:33 PM
thanks for the help, tried no dhcp, even tried a few other sites, still no joy! cant some one please pm me with a working one they have tried....please

28-10-2008, 05:42 PM
Will try mine tonight when I get home M8!:king-041:

28-10-2008, 07:06 PM
Well, that's me stuck and asking for help again. Got the box pingable, so the network is set up OK. Input the server details into the secret box after pinging the server to get an address that would fit. Pressed the yellow button and guess what, that's right, SFA. The lights on the router flashed a bit and that's it. No messages in the box other than disconnected. Found another setting in the menu called options which has 3 choices. Off, Dongle and SSSP. Do I do anything with these settings ? Checked the cable in case it was a crossover cable but it isn't. Any suggestions ? I've tried 5 different servers, all the same result. Turned the firewall off in the router, so it's not that.

Regards, JT.

28-10-2008, 07:15 PM
i think we have a few "duff" 6900 supers out there? i read on forums such things as the blind search reset, the bookmark not working on prem etc etc.
im not a newbeee, been in IT 20+years, install sat systems on the side, never been a fan of techno, but thought id give a go! if this was april, then i could see the joke on us, but users say they have got this to work. does your 6900 show as testhost on your router? making my kathrien910 look dead easy to use..lol roll on dm8000

28-10-2008, 07:51 PM
Most of the probs with the Super 6900HD has were caused by people loading the wrong patch - the one for the basic 6900HD - especially the blind scan and the rebooting itself probs!
Will the FIRST person to actually get a 6900HD Super working within the subject matter in this thread please post here?:respect-040:

28-10-2008, 07:54 PM
Somebody on another site said that this update was an early Christmas present. I see what he meant now. You can stick the router in the Christmas tree and watch the lights flash.
Yes, when I ping it I get Testhost. Been trying a few things but no joy. If it would change the message from "Disconnected" to "HoHoHo" that would be better than nothing. Still stuck.

Regards, JT.

28-10-2008, 08:05 PM
holmroad, u not got it going either then, has any one? as for the flash, if factory reset then install the correct flash, it would cure it???

28-10-2008, 11:16 PM
Well I finally manged to get the long antisapated "CONNECTED" message sadly nothing clearing despite the same data working 100% in a db

28-10-2008, 11:21 PM
@ spec119 Great news. Don't keep it a secret, tell us all what you did to get it to work, cable connections, router and sat box settings etc. Big PLEASE.

Regards, JT.

28-10-2008, 11:39 PM
Yup - Im still struggling but havent cracked it. Having had excellent initial help with the 6900 super espec. Ech all seems very fine and patches going on fine from usb. All running well but some silly little operating quirks. As someone who has pretty well mastered the DB I too look forward to the 8000 but it has been fun to try somehting new and the HD is super. @ Ech - While I dont mind the primary school quip I was thinking computers over the 001 thing and in binary these numbers do count. Just wanted to check there wasnt a weird quirk here. Would I also be wrong in assuming that with the router the gateway/DNS figures would be the same with the 6900 as the DB or is that very primary?? Thanks for a great forum and lots of goodnatured support. Brain

29-10-2008, 12:49 AM
Success.:hurray: Finaly got it to work. Haven't changed any settings, so it must be down to the server you are trying to connect to. Had enough for tonight, I'm off to bed.

Regards, JT.

29-10-2008, 01:07 AM
router ip addresses are set by the router , so interrogating the router will give you its primary address , which can be done from a pc as mentioned in earlier posts using ipconfig/all , or in the router admin panel , and will also be sought by any connected equipment running dhcp

I do not have a dreambox and have never used one so cannot comment on that box , or on a tm6900 super as I do not have one of those either , all these points have been made earlier in this thread ( do ppl not read ? ;) )

you must think we are all made of money :)

I do know that I can see on screen about what dhcp is saying, so you just adjust the last box on the right to suit what you are doing , and so on my netgear the range is 001 to say 254 or thereabouts , but you can change that upper limit in your router admin panel

the point here is to interrogate the router and go with what it tells you , not what anyone else tells you it is or might be , unless they have the exact same equipment as you have

basically its common sense , look at what you have got and alter it to suit your methods of either auto ( dhcp ) or manual

mine are all set manually , after seeing what the router is setup as in the admin panel , and after looking at what dhcp says in my connected equipments when in auto dhcp , and then changing them from auto to manual and setting the last address in the last ip box

lastly , I would like to make one extremely valid point about this thread and it being in here

this forum is about the tm6000 series receiver , not networking pc,s routers , laptops and associated equipments

so if members want to learn all this networking stuff they really should be going over here http://www.pcdudes.co.uk/index.php and learn all about it , and then come back to satpimps after they have learned it and applied it to their actual receivers

I have let this thread slide a bit as its highly relevant and keeps it all in one place , but I would prefer to see this thread retain the flavour of post 1 and not degenerate into a networking thread of about 4 or 5 pages so far , thank you

and as for this thread https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=95378 its totally on the wrong forum so I have closed it with the relevant info as to why and where it should have been posted , which is surely obvious after over 18 months of it being live ?

29-10-2008, 08:46 AM
How much detail can we go into regarding the "secret box" ? I realise that this may well be a taboo subject due to the fact that it is a very dodgy area in the legal sense. I think it may be the case for a lot of people that, they have everything set up correctly but are failing to connect due to conditions relating to the servers that they are trying to connect to. Is it OK to discuss this, without giving out addresses and information that is obviously on the naughty side ?

Regards, JT.

29-10-2008, 09:13 AM
Success at last. Following different threads this is what I did:
* Name in LAN box : You can leave it blank
* It seems not to work with servers whose name ends with .tv
* Address has to be converted to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format
* I was using WSP 096 to test the server, and if it works then I would enter those details in LAN box (quicker to check on PC)
* The best time was after midnight when new lists are available for that day and not to much people were trying to share.

29-10-2008, 09:38 AM
I think the last post is probably just about where we draw the line here regarding this add on

so if the information given was more than the above I would have to censor it

bear in mind most sites would not allow you this much leeway on these issues

and setting up the comms could easily be discussed on a pc site using a pc or laptop with your router as an analogy , then transferring similar details into your receiver

ie:- lan networking is a not a technomate issue as it applies to any lan device and its all IT and PC related , not technomate related

so partial ambiguity will have to rule here and if the ppl wanting precise and totally accurate info and cannot fill in the bl*nks a f*w times in a s*nt*nce then they should not really be doing this sort of thing :)

30-10-2008, 07:20 AM
Well I STILL havent managed to get connected via ethernet using BT black hub router 2.0 with my 6900HD Super Combo - anyone else please?:cuss:

08-02-2009, 10:05 AM
6900HD Super Combo sends wrong CAIDs to server in automode.
On channel press 8282-> blue button->select right encrypting system-> select right CAID from list if more then two. Save then 8281 and try co connect.

08-02-2009, 10:08 AM
press 8282-> select right encrypting system->blue button->....

08-02-2009, 01:23 PM
So is this something new which DEFINATELY works?:respect-048:

08-02-2009, 06:03 PM
when i press 8282 nothing happans if i press the blue button the enter pin menu appears then if i enter pin the diseqc moter control box appears. what have i done wrong

08-02-2009, 06:16 PM
when i press 8282 nothing happans
Change the patch to the latest one.

26-03-2009, 01:54 PM
ive connected my hub to the tm6800hd,put the server in, can get a picture for about 1minute then goes off,but at least im getting somewhere.ill keep playing around as it might be down to some settings i have done wrong

28-03-2009, 03:10 PM
Obviously appreciate the whats been done with the patch but is there a chance that it could be/will be done to do cccam as well as or instead of newcamd?

31-03-2009, 07:55 PM
got it working at last,i only get picture freeze for a few seconds then all ok again.but it works.i can also get sssp to work,but not as stable as my hub.getting more impressed with the tm 6800hd

01-04-2009, 12:00 AM
echelon m8 you wrote this

I do know that I can see on screen about what dhcp is saying, so you just adjust the last box on the right to suit what you are doing , and so on my netgear the range is 001 to say 254 or thereabouts , but you can change that upper limit in your router admin panel

i dont understand what you mean by this ,port 000 and port 255 are reserved , if you try to use a bigger number than 254 you are using a wan network not a lan, therefore your subnetwork mask would be forced to change ie the 3rd 255 would change ,dont know if u understand this bit or you meant about changing your ip to 1 nearer the max of 254 can you please be clearer as this is very intresting

01-04-2009, 12:13 AM
was sorry in the last post to sound so abrupt its just that im a network engineer and to me networking problems are the norm but people must clarify there problems and fully show there results or solutions to recieve help on these matters as 1 small error can give headaches for days believe me i have been there many many times

06-04-2009, 09:21 PM
can any please put on the right direction my 6900 is pinged with pc through the homehub i didn't have any problem with that . but now what i m struggling to find is 8282 is it a channel ? sorry if i have been too demanding
i could not find it ? pressed the number on the r/c and nothing happen

06-04-2009, 09:40 PM
try 8281 thats what works on my box

06-04-2009, 10:03 PM
thanks mister
i am through but i keep getting network error can you pm me the setting on that box ? please
thanks mate

08-04-2009, 09:59 AM
can any one help me with this i still get network error even if i put the right info in the xxxx box is there a way of configuration to this ?
i ask the question somewhwere else and they suggested to have some kind of DMZ router .
my setting is tech 6900 combo s connected through the bt homehub router . the box is ping to the pc but still get this network error.
any one managed to connect with the same setting as mine .

08-04-2009, 10:33 AM
can any one help me with this i still get network error even if i put the right info in the xxxx box is there a way of configuration to this ?
i ask the question somewhwere else and they suggested to have some kind of DMZ router .
my setting is tech 6900 combo s connected through the bt homehub router . the box is ping to the pc but still get this network error.
any one managed to connect with the same setting as mine .

Patience is a virtue M8 - mine is identical set up to yours, but its a long job checking them ALL!:cheers2:

08-04-2009, 11:57 AM
hi holmroad
did you get it working with that setting ?
please can you pm me
thanks:confused::confused::confus ed:

09-04-2009, 09:29 AM
connected through the bt homehub router . the box is ping to the pc but still get this network error.
Check your cable. You need straight-through cable (both ends are the same), not cross over cable.

09-04-2009, 12:48 PM
Hey, I don't suppose anybody knows how to get the tm6900 super combo to us a usb wireless network card (lol)

seriously though a wireless access point plugged ino the ethernet port sould work shouldnt it?

09-04-2009, 12:58 PM
hey sous is he stb connected directly to the router or connected to the pc

09-04-2009, 01:32 PM
here is an interesting link I found: www_satellites.co.uk/satellite/technomate/99095-technomate-sssp-what-all-about.html

change the _ after www to a .

09-04-2009, 01:35 PM
sorry wrong link. here is the proper link:


again replace the _ with a .

09-04-2009, 03:59 PM
hey sous is he stb connected directly to the router or connected to the pc

I did say in my post above Joany that you plug the straight ethernet straight into hub/router ethernet connection directly from the stb!:cheers2:

20-07-2009, 08:37 AM
after some testing:
TM 6000 (non super/super/super +) are only C S clients? What are reliable solutions for inhouse c a r d s h a r i n g by ethernet cable? and working with the latest official e n c r y p t i o n s m a r t c a r d s