View Full Version : Lnb fault?

27-10-2008, 06:49 PM
Was getting fluctuating "Quality" signal from my reciever,on checking my lnb, i found that the coax cable connection had gone quite dirty redid the connection ,still fluctuating signal ,slightly moved my lnb everything settled dowm 72%quality on thor 1 west on my manhatten, my question is my Lnb on the way out? do they deterioate or do they just stop working ? appreciate any feedback also i don't know the make of the lnb.

27-10-2008, 07:13 PM
Hi there
Yes they do - any form of damp ingress can shorten their lives and the cover also wears. also it would seem that the most modern receivers need a different lnb - my invacom was fine with the 4 year old DB 7000 but when i added a new TM 6900 transponders above 11700 would not come in. TM very helpful and sent me a free one and this was no problem. Make sure all connections are fully insulated and damp resistant. All the best - Brain. PS that angle can be all important to - from 0-80% and back.

27-10-2008, 07:21 PM
Thanks for quick reply Brain,have ordered new one from goldwafers i usually have no problems with moisture as i use self amalganating tape (think that's how you spell it),must have slipped up with that perticular connection, againg thanks for advice.