View Full Version : How many simultaneous recordings ?

29-10-2008, 01:01 PM
Finally got a hard drive hooked up to my DM800, it's a 500Gb eSata and was experimenting with recording.

I was amazed to see you can launch several recordings at the same time, even in HD, provided the channels are on the same transponder (?), went up to three, but image was broken up on playback. Then tried 2 seemed ok. Last night I let the box record 2 feeds for serveral hours and this morning same broken image...

Confused, anyone know for sure ? Thanks.

29-10-2008, 02:52 PM
Never new that webvan were the recordings FTA HD or encrypted HD just wondered because I had lots of problems with breakup on encrypted HD channels on my esata drive records and plays back fine on FTA HD channels, only ever recorded 1 channel at a time.

13-11-2008, 07:43 PM
How are you getting your recordings to play?

I've just bought a 500gb Western Digital internal 2.5" drive for my dreambox 800. Installed it, initialised it, told it to record something which it did as the files are there on the dreambox, but when I go to play the file using it's media player the screen just goes blank and pressing the green play button doesn't make it play at all, it just sits there at 0.00 and not advancing (playing).

I'm pretty stuck as I bought 2 of these drives, one for me and one for a friend. I'm not going to let him have his until I get mine working just incase it's a compatibility problem.


13-11-2008, 07:49 PM
It has been tried on another forum by a respected mod and it can handle up 8 recordings at any one time provided that all channels are on the same transponder.

I have had no issues playing back any recordings on my 160gb esata drive. The only funny bit is when it plays back and records all the different audio feeds and I have to select english each time.
