View Full Version : These channels now 'closed'?

30-10-2008, 12:57 AM
Hello Vantage users,

I've seen quite a few channels become 'closed' to me recently / fairly recently. Can I please check if any of you are still able to watch any of the list at the bottom of this post. I can't see them at the time of writing this.

If you can see some of them on a Vantage, could you please say which Vantage model you have, which modified (emu) firmware, and which softcam / key method you are using.
I might then try your method and see it opens them for me without closing any others.

I am currently using Kobenan's '28/10/2008 New for Vantage X200 series', and I made and loaded a softcam using 'All satellites' in Vantage Maker 2.0
My receiver is the Vantage X221TSCI

Thanks a lot,

In no particular order :-

Cinemax - Hotbird 11488 (MHz)
Cinemax 2 - Hotbird 12188
HBO Comedy - Hotbird 10719
Kabel Eins Classics - Astra1 12544
Kinowelt TV - Astra1 11875
TCM - Astra1 11875
Mezzo - Hotbird 12245
MTV Base - Hotbird 11034
MTV Entertainment - Astra 11973
MTV Music - Astra 11973
AXN - Astra 11875
BBC Prime - Hotbird 11117 (Jedin recently posted about this)
Foxlife - Hotbird 12188
Romance TV - Astra 11875
RTL Living - Astra 12441
Sat.1 Comedy - Astra 12544
Zone Europ a - Hotbird 12284 (I had to add the space in Europ a to stop it being censored for some reason)
Discovery - Hotbird 12188

30-10-2008, 01:59 AM
A little update to the above post;

I just did a 'reset all keys' in the Vantage when in the Nagravision section under Edit Keys; now I get Mezzo and MTV Base coming through from my list.
I assume they are not currently simply in a free-to-air period because the channel banner on the Vantage still shows at least one encryption type in the right-hand-side box. If you know what I mean !

By the way, I assume 'resetting all keys' in the Vantage does so to _all_ encryption types; ie not just the specific encryption type you are in when you reset the keys? It seems that way to me, anyway.


30-10-2008, 06:55 AM
Check some of the older threads.

Prime changed .

The Preime stuff is also slowly changing stuff.

Not sure what is up with the rest. It might just be a key issue.

30-10-2008, 08:32 AM
The Polish chnnels that have gone off now have 1803 Ident on I thought 1830 was nagra 3 or are both idents nagra 3

30-10-2008, 08:12 PM
Thanks and hello again;

I was hoping / wondering if anyone could just say whether they can still get some or all of those listed channels on a patched Vantage. It sounds so far that maybe others can't get them, like myself.
If some people can still get them, especially on the same model as me, presumably there is something wrong with what I'm doing or using.

It sounds, in general, that some encryption changes are taking place on some providers? Presumably this periodically happens to stop hacked viewing, which of course makes sense.

Thanks again,

31-10-2008, 08:55 PM
It looks like the Premiere Blue Movie channels now need to be added to the list as well. From what I've read, this is due to a change to Nagravision 3. The other Premiere channels and Polsat will apparently all follow, leaving essentially nothing good open on Astra or Hotbird.

Assuming Nagra 3 is uncrackable at present, does anyone know a legitimate way to subscribe to the Blue Movie channels? I'm going to miss those, if any. I've searched the web a bit and haven't yet found a viewing card for the Blue Movie channels.
