View Full Version : DM8000 Price

30-10-2008, 07:55 AM
Now we have some prices for the DM8000.

I thought I'd ask a quick Poll.

So will you be getting one for the £850+ Price??

30-10-2008, 11:27 AM
I had been waiting patiently for the 8000 to be released, I even bought a Fortec Star Passion as a stopgap, but at that price I will look elsewhere for my next receiver.

30-10-2008, 11:34 AM
the price just gone up
from 779 pounds to 869
im sure im not getting 1 :banghead:

30-10-2008, 11:50 AM
I think it will be the ***** 9000 HD (or clone).Less expensive and the images are becoming good.

30-10-2008, 01:32 PM
Put up my 800 for sale this week, its not been used in two months and is gathering dust under the bed.
I have the cuberevo baby ( aka ip box 900 ) running sweet as a nut and the wife is happy with it so now going for the 9000.

Even if the DM8000 was £300 I would not consider it.

30-10-2008, 01:54 PM
I think its SCANDALOUS at that price - or anything ELSE above £300 - seems like we idiots are being asked to subsidise all EIGHTEEN months of DB's R & D on this box - but ALL in ONE go! They must be taking the PI*S?:conehead:

30-10-2008, 02:33 PM
just crazy , hahahhahaha we can buy our self a nice tv with those money

are they nuts , instead of going down in price they go up

Keano i have to agrea with you, IPbox HD does the job more then perfect
even beter then DB if you ask me.



30-10-2008, 02:42 PM
Even though the DM8000 (much like the DM800) really on the overall is in a class of it´s own, actually buying it really depends on whether or not you actually NEED it. It is to put it plainly a big brother to the DM800. It will have obvious hardware differences and slightly more possibilities due to a more powerful processor. Otherwise it is really not much different then the DM800 as far as -regular usage- is concerned. Channelhopping will be much the same. Dual tuner (+support for DVB-T & -C[4 tuners in total]), WIFI, DVD player/burner etc...well that is for the ones who actually feel the need for it. If you do not need these things it´s a waste of money.

I personlly see no reason of upgrading from the DM800 just yet. But we´ll see just which things the DM8000 will really be capable of in the months following its release.
I will probably eventually upgrade.

30-10-2008, 03:02 PM
I have lusted for one and applied to be a beta tester, I eventually had a reply saying "hard luck"
I have a kathrein (£250) which will now run E2, reshare is possible with mbox, kbox and keys open channels (similar to mgcamd) and incubus camd will connect to gbox and Cccam (and others) at the same time.
development is going ahead at pace for these and similar boxes, the major problem if you want to share is of course the lack of a card reader.

30-10-2008, 08:21 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one then that thinks it's too expensive.

I was begining to think that sort of price was fine and dandy and everyone would just buy it without question because it's a Dream Product.

I'm just hoping that with more people not being able to afford them, that it will speed up development of support for the other linux STB's?

I think DMM have priced themselves out on this one. They certainly have for me!!

30-10-2008, 08:30 PM
not me, that's well over price! had it been 425 I would
had it been 425 I would have consider it.

30-10-2008, 08:46 PM
i got the 800 when it came out when people said it was to dear but though if you want it then no probs you pay for what you get but 869 for the 8000 basic is a rip off but people will buy it i just hope the price comes down a good bit

30-10-2008, 09:04 PM
going to wait for the clone,i have the 800 and very happy with it but the price of the 8000 is way to much for me,just hope china dont take to long to have it ready.for a hobby the 8000 is just not worth that amount you could build a great media center for that price

30-10-2008, 09:05 PM
Crazy price. :frown:

30-10-2008, 09:34 PM
too expensive, cant afford it simple as that

30-10-2008, 09:53 PM
theese prices are just getting to much for a hobby

Dr Watson
30-10-2008, 09:58 PM
what last date price of dm 8000s ?

30-10-2008, 10:38 PM
1 milliooooon dollaaaarrs

31-10-2008, 02:08 AM
I've seen adverts in the papers over here offering the DM8000S for €799 (about £640).

So it sounds like rip-off Britain again. But I suspect they are in very short supply so there aren't many going at those higher prices. Prices will probably stay up while dealers shift the lower models and then they will come down to a sensible price.

31-10-2008, 02:32 AM
The Dreambox 8000 marks the king class of Sat receivers.

It does seem to contain everything you could ever want:


31-10-2008, 08:28 AM
It will be intresting to see how much the darkbox 9000 will be as it looks like that will be a good receiver.

31-10-2008, 06:14 PM
ill hold out till it comes down or see if i can get a friend to send me one from germany at a better price if this is how its going to be in the uk

31-10-2008, 08:19 PM
ill hold out till it comes down or see if i can get a friend to send me one from germany at a better price if this is how its going to be in the uk

Been watching the news lately? the bit about the pound against the euro now! and the new taxes on STB's so don't hold out much hope for a better price.:respect-037:

They will all be imported from Germany probably anyways, i paid £1,150 for my Reelbox avantgarde in Febuary 2008 this year just after that the price went upto £1,200 due to importation taxes etc and he is the official supplier in the UK.:respect-037:

Best Regards.

31-10-2008, 11:49 PM
I,ll stick with my dreambox 7000,that price for the 8000 is way too much for me.

01-11-2008, 04:32 AM
@detlef and @bnc


Thanks for cheering up a grey Friday morning!

It wasn't meant to be that funny :D

The 8000 is a very high spec STB but there must be a price above which peeps will just not buy in any quantity. At the moment, even the lower German price is above what the market will stand - after all it is only a hobby.

You have to consider that a Sly HD box and a years sub would be less than the cost of an 8000 (Similar for the German Prem!ere offering).

That price is 2 weeks skiing in my currency. :)

01-11-2008, 11:40 AM
Dear Sir;

Dream Multimedia Germany has increased the prices from yesterday of all Dreamboxes because of Strong Dollar rate. The New Retail Selling prices for Dreamboxes are as follow.

DM800 = £ 399.00
DM600 = £ 229.00
DM7020 = £ 339.00
DM7025 = £ 399.00
Please kindly change your retail price urgently.

Thanks for your cooperation.

all dreamboxes have a price increse

01-11-2008, 01:35 PM
Never fails to amuse me. When people have less money to spend what do the producer of white goods do? Whack up their prices. Not wanting to be a doom monger but if things carry on the way they are with more black screens the reasons for buying top end will become less making it much more difficult for suppliers. Speaking for myself it would be a middle road HD purchase for our native scene and not the dm 8000 I was hanging on for. With its redundant cams and ethernet connections. Different if you are into cs I guess


01-11-2008, 01:49 PM
These price increases are affecting every electronic consumer goods company, my missus works for one, and they typically (but not always) negotiate contracts locally here in the UK in GBP, while their products are priced ex-far east in USD. Some companies, like those from the DSGI group, buy FOB China in dollars, and they have to hedge currencies to maintain their UK prices.

Smaller outfits, like DM, are probably not as well managed, and don't hedge currencies, or prefer to push the risk upstream by raising their RRP.

01-11-2008, 04:13 PM
Don't care what their excuses are it way to much for a receiver !!:rant: ill be waiting for another alternative.

01-11-2008, 04:43 PM
For me its not just the price, but that is important, more is will it have any good images. Every linux box i have ever bought i have bought to early then had to wait for 6mths+ before decent images came along.
I will get a hd linux box but none seem to be working well yet

01-11-2008, 04:46 PM
i was waiting to get one..
but the price has let me down, so no dream for me, at least not for now!

01-11-2008, 04:57 PM
If the DM8000 offers nothing better than existing/upcoming boxes then there is no point wasting money on it at this price.

01-11-2008, 04:59 PM
not going to even think about it unless the price comes right down.

im still running my tm9100 and from what i have read im not going to get much more from a dm800

01-11-2008, 05:39 PM
Looks like we have waited over 2 year to be seen off

i have been in the sat trade since 1987 i have all vers of dreambox
but they are now taking the p now there is nothing in that box worth that unless it is gold plated with platinum parts


are they alailable in plastic by any chance ?


02-11-2008, 03:56 PM
Have also been told that Technomates are going up 15-20% because of dollar at sat warehouse on Thursday

26-12-2008, 05:32 PM
One year waiting for it... but will never pay this price.
Absolutely out of the market. Sorry for them... late (one year) and too expensive.

to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs

26-12-2008, 07:45 PM
The price is driven buy the import cost as the £ gets weaker against the Euro then the price increases.

27-12-2008, 01:08 AM
I have always been a fan of DM and always backed up their products, but I can tell you that there is no way in a million years I could afford £924.00 (price at Golwafers) for this...
Its a complete pi**take.
If it was half the price I would still have to have a long hard think about it...
I will be keeping an eye on the competion and hoping that they come up with a winner.
Sorry but up yours Dream Multimedia.

27-12-2008, 01:37 AM
Hold onto your hats guys all euro and dollar bought items will rise. As stock go in the uk, new import prices will rise to reflect the change in currencies . Even my prawns going up as new stock arrives...

dm8000?dont think you need one...800 will do all you need once networked to your pc hard drive...

28-12-2008, 03:13 AM
Picked mine up on Xmas eve from official UK supplier in ******, he had 388 delivered that day by the time i got mine they had all gone!! paid £860.00 inc just thought you might like to know.:respect-052:

Best Regards.

31-12-2008, 06:59 PM
Now we have some prices for the DM8000.

I thought I'd ask a quick Poll.

So will you be getting one for the £850+ Price??

No doubt Crazy prices double then real Price.

Raping off people price.

31-12-2008, 07:34 PM
The dealer i got mine from UK official supplier? had 388 of them delivered on xmas eve, i picked mine up about 4 o'clock on my way to Portsmouth before sailing to Spain he had sold all of them @£864.99!!.:smash:

He has also sold most of the next shipment which will not be until middle of February 2009, these are likely to be close to £900.00+ as you can see from the board sponsor so if anyone wanted one you should have bought earlier!.:respect-044:

Best Regards.

01-01-2009, 10:14 AM
Lol, nice prices. Economic crisis where?

If you got this much money for a piece of equipment, you probably have enough for a legit subscritpion too?

01-01-2009, 07:59 PM
IPBOX for me when it arrives :)

01-01-2009, 08:08 PM
I can not see many people buying them at that price, but i suppose if you have got a spare 900 pound lying about, then why not.

I think theres only 2 people who have got them on this forum.


02-01-2009, 09:24 AM
Its the old 'chicken & the egg' situation eh - only, say, THREE sold on this forum (est.) so there cant be MANY altogether, how can THAT make good commercial sense?
Cant DB see that to take a much lower pofit just MAY sell them MORE boxes, resulting in HIGHER prifits on it?
They are in cloud cuckoo land!:confused:

02-01-2009, 11:55 AM
I reckon within 6 months they will have dropped the price to about 500 pound. I might consider one then.


02-01-2009, 01:45 PM
I reckon within 6 months they will have dropped the price to about 500 pound. I might consider one then.


In your dreams....literally...

DMM have never dropped their prices.

How many other Dreamboxes have dropped in price?

Answer... None.

02-01-2009, 01:50 PM
all have gone up in price

02-01-2009, 01:56 PM
So maybe they'd rather go bust then, cos thats the likely outcome of playing silly beggars!:respect-067:

02-01-2009, 02:39 PM
It is highly unlikely that DMM would go bust as STB production is probably not there core business?, also it wasn't a case having £900.00 sitting around or anything to do with the economic crisis but one of say forward planning fact is that compared to the now advertised prices around some people were astute enough to buy now and in comparison potentially saved most if not all are now whinging becuase you missed the boat!.

An example here i had ordered one from a well known German supplier they mucked around with delivery dates right up until the 21st December then decided to send out the next day!, i had already been in discussion with the UK supplier a few days before!.

Around midday i had a call from him on Xmas eve to say that he had them delivered and had reserved one for me to pickup that day @ £860.00. literally 10 minutes after that call i had UPS knock my door with the same box only problem was he wanted 1027 euros which on that day was about the same in ££££ can you guess which option i took!.

Now if you're whinging now wait until as i have said the board sponsor stocks them @ £900.00+ what are you going to do then start complaining about the suppliers prices i don't think so?

Best Regards.

02-01-2009, 05:05 PM
In your dreams....literally...

DMM have never dropped their prices.

How many other Dreamboxes have dropped in price?

Answer... None.

Is allways "one Fist Time".......

02-01-2009, 05:31 PM
Yep - STILL whingeing Zipper M8, because your arguments just DONT hold water - ok if people are DAFT enough to pay £900 in such numbers - IF it was all true re those alleged sales - well IF its all true whatever happened to good old fashioned supply and demand and 'fair' pricing?
How CAN a DB8000 be THAT much 'better' (however you define 'better' in this context!) than all the other stbs on the market?
How do you KNOW that guy wasnt spinning you a yarn about all the boxes he says he sold - especially when so FEW people on here have admitted owning one - flipping heck, if I HAD bought one I'd want to be getting involved with all these discussions wouldnt YOU?:respect-069:

02-01-2009, 06:06 PM
Maybe why so few people are posting is because the kind of people who dont know how to use a dreambox properly in the first place aren't likely to spend 999 euro on a DM8000.

Those who do know what they are doing wont be posting on forums asking for help as they'll already know the ins and outs of the box.

Posting just to boast you own a DM8000 isn't really cool. Posts of that nature would just alienate the poster to those who wish they could own one but can't afford it.

I'd be very surprised to see a newbie asking how do I flash a DM8000 or how do I get cccam to work etc :D

02-01-2009, 07:06 PM
In your dreams....literally...

DMM have never dropped their prices.

How many other Dreamboxes have dropped in price?

Answer... None.

Who said house prices wouldnt drop??

who said that cars been sold buy one get one free?

Its all happend last year and thats only the begining, do you think they can stockpile recievers?? as no one will buy them at that price and when they dont move you will see the price come down.

If you think that bloke who said he had 388 and sold the lot, you must be joking.

Pimps, den and darkmans site are the biggest sat forums in the uk, how many people have you seen discussing the dm8000? Hardly any

Why would they all be trying there best to get the stock out for christmas, because they know after christmas no one will be buying them.

The last thing in a recession like the one we are in now, people will be forking out that much for a reciever.

Its like cars a lot of people who are wealthy would buy jaguar or landrovers, but not now, there on there arses due to no one buying them, and i think they have got a biit more money behind them that DMM.


02-01-2009, 08:06 PM
Lol, you don't honestly think a margin product like a sat receiver will stay at the same price while everything needed for day to day living becomes unbearable to pay? I'd rather have something to eat than watch satellite tv.

BTW, weren't DMM the ones not getting permission for HDMI, or am I mistaken?

02-01-2009, 08:17 PM
Even it were on offer at 2 for the price of 1, I still wouldn't buy it, and if the price does tumble due to lack of sales, I'll bet those that jumped in and bought them at £900 will have some choice words to say. :biggrinjester:

02-01-2009, 08:22 PM
Even it were on offer at 2 for the price of 1, I still wouldn't buy it, and if the price does tumble due to lack of sales, I'll bet those that jumped in and bought them at £900 will have some choice words to say. :biggrinjester:

yeah all three of them will be well happy:willy_nilly:

If you ask me if your silly enough to spend that much on a reciever, you have got more money than sense.


02-01-2009, 09:09 PM
just waiting for the clones to come :)

02-01-2009, 10:07 PM
Well - said MY piece now - just waiting to see all these HUNDREDS of box owners coming forward to sing its praises etc as they SURELY couldnt resist it by NOW - if there ever were any that is!!:grouphug:

03-01-2009, 02:23 AM
i dont think prices will go down for the time being. just take a look at the dm800 it has even increased to what they were.

Hopefully those Clones wont be long before they appear and that might force prices down.

They know Dm lovers will buy them at any price and support is good so that sells aswell. Just think they havent even realesed a dm 8000 original image yet and out there are already loads of images from different teams.

Im very tempted to get 1, my head says yes but my pocket says no

for the time being is a BIG NO.


03-01-2009, 11:24 AM
the db 800 might have increased, but its still not overpriced that much, most hd boxes are about 300 pound plus, the 8000 is triple the price of a average box, it might be good, but it cirtainly isnt that good.


03-01-2009, 04:34 PM
I agree. None of all Dreambox models has dropped its price. Why? Because the price made sense. The same can´t be said for DM8000, far from that. No need to lower the prices for the previous boxes, but it will probably be neccessary for DM8000 if DMM wants to sell the normal quantities.

03-01-2009, 06:09 PM
You would think for the price they could put a hdmi connector on it.

03-01-2009, 10:16 PM
It is highly unlikely that DMM would go bust as STB production is probably not there core business?, also it wasn't a case having £900.00 sitting around or anything to do with the economic crisis but one of say forward planning fact is that compared to the now advertised prices around some people were astute enough to buy now and in comparison potentially saved most if not all are now whinging becuase you missed the boat!.

An example here i had ordered one from a well known German supplier they mucked around with delivery dates right up until the 21st December then decided to send out the next day!, i had already been in discussion with the UK supplier a few days before!.

Around midday i had a call from him on Xmas eve to say that he had them delivered and had reserved one for me to pickup that day @ £860.00. literally 10 minutes after that call i had UPS knock my door with the same box only problem was he wanted 1027 euros which on that day was about the same in ££££ can you guess which option i took!.

Now if you're whinging now wait until as i have said the board sponsor stocks them @ £900.00+ what are you going to do then start complaining about the suppliers prices i don't think so?

Best Regards.

Are you the same zipper who tried to sell a dm8000 on the den 3 days ago then decided to ask to have it deleted???


03-01-2009, 10:55 PM
You would think for the price they could put a hdmi connector on it.

Dream multimedia will not have HDMI slot as they can not pass there recievers with the people that hold the rights for HDMI or they will not pay them lol:puke:

i have the dm800 and must admit i'm really happy with it, but i would not pay that much extra for a dvd drive and an extra tuner that you would get extra in the dm8000

keep your money in your pockets and lets make dream drop there price!

Regards Jono:respect-013:


03-01-2009, 11:14 PM
I've wanted one for years but looks like I'll stick with the 7000S for a while longer! When I bought that I remember thinking 330 was a lot of money but it has been worth every penny to be honest. But - no way will I spend nearly £1K on a receiver for a hobby!

03-01-2009, 11:51 PM
Chelseaboy - didnt you notice he is the ONLY contributer who has hinted on LOADS of sales of the DM8000, when we on this forum have only heard of THREE? That was the point I was making - and 'hinting' that maybe our friend had much more than just a vested interest in this receiver by over-bulling it up - since I expect he TOO really knows it CANT get anywhere at its current EXTORTIONATE price?:respect-059:

04-01-2009, 12:55 AM
DM don't want to sell=this price is crazy
There are other HD boxes ;)

04-01-2009, 01:23 AM
Chelseaboy - didnt you notice he is the ONLY contributer who has hinted on LOADS of sales of the DM8000, when we on this forum have only heard of THREE? That was the point I was making - and 'hinting' that maybe our friend had much more than just a vested interest in this receiver by over-bulling it up - since I expect he TOO really knows it CANT get anywhere at its current EXTORTIONATE price?:respect-059:

Yeah the funny thing was i was on the den and i looked in the for sale section anyway someone called zipper,did try and sell a dm 8000, but then all of a sudden he asked for it to be deleted.

i think you are right mate hes trying to talk it up dont know why though?? infact ive noticed a couple of people all doing the same, some have even come on with there first or second post's, saying im thinking of getting a dm 8000hd??? yeah right:nopity:


04-01-2009, 04:01 PM
DMM are taking the p*ss, but all the time the got to have it's have got to have it , they will charge that price!!!!:respect-040:

04-01-2009, 07:33 PM
I have been waiting for this box for about three years since DMM first said they were going to build it.

It has, according to them been imminently coming to market since then.

It certainly should be the best HD receiver available allowing for the protracted period of R & D.

If anyone does have one I would be happy to hear of their experiences with it, I'm not sure I believe Mr Zippy is one of those, nor If he was could I be quite sure of his motives if he did post.

There must be many like me who are very interested in this box, some of whom with more money than me, who would be prepared to pay almost any price to be amongst the first to lay their hands on one.

However, I think that small number of people will soon dry up and DMM will then have to set their prices at a more realistic level.

I might consider a purchase when introductory manufacturing anomolies have been ironed out and prices are stable at around £450 - £500.

I don't really care how many millions are being sold at £1,000 or how much of a saving this will represent when the prices go up.

04-01-2009, 07:39 PM
If anything, I expect the price will be going up again!

Current price is January sale price...so get one quick before they go up. :leaving:

04-01-2009, 11:01 PM
WEL - what CAN one say? After all the posts to the contrary - thats a MEGA interesting one Zanadu!! lol!!:nopity:

05-01-2009, 12:21 AM
The real price for the DM8000 is £869.00 from Dist in U.K :congratulations-008 whilsed for the DM800 the price has gone up to £399


05-01-2009, 12:39 AM
If anything, I expect the price will be going up again!

Current price is January sale price...so get one quick before they go up. :leaving:

we will see, but i think with something like this if your willing to pay nearly a grand, DM might think we will put them up, if theres enough people to pay a grand let try and take them for more.

If they do that they will probably still only sell to the same people, as if you are mad enough to spend 1000 pound on a reciever, whats another 1000 pound on top?

I personally think they will come down, its like art cards and digitalb cards they all go up in price, when people want them, but when they stop buying the price drops, theres no way these cost more than 500 pound to make.


05-01-2009, 09:57 AM
Well I've said my 'lot' and thats it - DM8000 is a RIP-OFF - all we 'right minded' people - and 'wrong minded' people too - KNOW it - so PLEASE mods close this thread as its dereriorated into a farce - in MY opinion that is!:respect-059:

(And supply & demand will pevail in the end!)

05-01-2009, 10:58 AM
It is overpriced yes, and i dont like to get overpriced products.
But i couldnt resist to have 1 when they announced it was ready for the beta testers.
So i have one and for me its just what i wanted to have.
I removed my 2 7000 , the 600 and the 500 and i have only the 8000 right now.
But to be honest, there are not so many HD channels that i can receive to say that i enjoy watching HD.For me its my easy to use all together multimedia box.

05-01-2009, 03:58 PM
Thanx for that M8 - at least we have at long last heard from someone who's actually GOT one!! lol!!:flowers-007:

05-01-2009, 04:26 PM
It is overpriced yes, and i dont like to get overpriced products.
But i couldnt resist to have 1 when they announced it was ready for the beta testers.
So i have one and for me its just what i wanted to have.
I removed my 2 7000 , the 600 and the 500 and i have only the 8000 right now.
But to be honest, there are not so many HD channels that i can receive to say that i enjoy watching HD.For me its my easy to use all together multimedia box.

So basically you have got the same as what you had before, but with a few hd channels?

But now you just have one dreambox instead of 4, it must be a great reciever if it can replace 4?

Tell me how has the one reciever replaced the other 4?did you have the 4 recievers attached to one tv??


05-01-2009, 05:10 PM
I have upgraded from a 7000 to the 8000, but it was an extreme learning curve due to the crap instruction book, no detailed info on what the settings actually do!

It has taken me seven days to get it to work correctly.

05-01-2009, 06:27 PM

is the box worth 1000 euro ??
im intrested in this box , but i will buy it only before im sure it is worth the money

contact me please , you know where to do so.



05-01-2009, 07:50 PM
it's nice to be back, first and foremost from those of you who know me and know i have been somewhat absent from other forums in the past 3 months, my apologies, but i will explain in those. But back to the point.

Is this product worth the money?
Firstly i must say that i have always been a fan of dream multimedia products since the days of the magic module, an excellent ci module in its time.

And have been a fan of their work in recent years too with their development.

If some of you were pre digital times you will remember paying in excess of £1000 for a decent chapparall monterey receiver or an echostar lt8700 as i had so these prices used to be the norm for the top end of the market.

However, in recent years we have become used to the lower priced receivers and functionality due to some great team work, all of which makes the receivers what they are regardless of cost. Perhaps times are changing, i don't know, but what i do know is that at the moment the dream receivers have usually been at the front for everything so it's up to you to decide.

Would i pay it? Once upon a time i would have, but with so many other great products and developers out there coupled with the work of some fantastic teams i dont think i would, but time will tell.

All i know is when a new product comes along don't believe all the hype and always, always beware of the words future proof.


06-01-2009, 07:12 PM
Hi chelseaboy,
yes they were all connected to 1 tv with various inputs - rca - scart , and also with a chinese box that uses vga and has rca inputs so i could have multiple inputs in PIP ;)

06-01-2009, 07:45 PM
Hi chelseaboy,
yes they were all connected to 1 tv with various inputs - rca - scart , and also with a chinese box that uses vga and has rca inputs so i could have multiple inputs in PIP ;)

SO how as the 8000 replaced all of them? it only as one lnb input, my missus moans about how many boxes ive got but 4 boxes, she would think i was taking the ****.

cheers cheleaboy

06-01-2009, 08:28 PM
1 lnb input? We are not talking about dm800, but for 8000.2 onboard dvb-s2 tuners plus 2 pci-like tuners = total 4 inputs.

06-01-2009, 08:56 PM
Snakie forgive me for being thick, explain to me what you can do with this reciever that you could not do with the others??

I know it has 2 tuners so you can record and watch which is a nice feature, but the other 2 pc tuner things are additional, how much did you pay for them??

Apart from recieving hd channels?


07-01-2009, 12:45 PM
First of all is a compact solution for me,1 box for the needs i have.
I have around 10 dishes on my flat roof, giving instant access to various satellites without having to move my motors all time.
Cant tell about prices as i live in Cyprus and prices here are different, especially if you are an installer or part of a company.
For now im using the box to have access to the satellites,on terrestrial channels and also for watching divx movies on it from my usb stick.
Additionally i use it to watch youtube videos with the help of vlc server on 1 of my pcs, i use it as a multimedia station for pictures and music, using it as internet radio with netcaster plugin.
Ok , some of the above can be used with 800 too.
As i said its not the hd channels that made attraction to me for this box,as i could watch hd channels with Mvision 200 HD and Fausto ..
Its more the all in one access i can have.

07-01-2009, 06:04 PM
Bloody He** M8 - maybe it IS worth a grand after all then?
(Ok Chelsea Boy etc etc etc - only JOKING!!):respect-040::bowing-036::number-one-043:

07-01-2009, 06:57 PM
lol :)
No holmroad, its not worthing 1000 euros.
But let me clear something for me, 1000 euros = 580 cyprus pounds.
Some years ago i bought the humax 5400 for 450 pounds,so for me is ok.

23-01-2009, 09:19 AM
The exchange rates have moved alot !1000 Euro at todays exchange rate is nearer 900GBP ! I agree at the old exchange rate DM8000 offers very good value, but at the new.....................

25-01-2009, 09:53 AM
Its an overpriced piece of junk
Was a dreambox fan since day one but thats it for me...

I hope that a team will develope an emulator for the azbox hd that will have the ability to connect to cccam and gbox and share it down to others using a completly different protocol

That will be a serious kick in the b***s for dream multimedia

25-01-2009, 10:06 AM
lol :)
No holmroad, its not worthing 1000 euros.
But let me clear something for me, 1000 euros = 580 cyprus pounds.
Some years ago i bought the humax 5400 for 450 pounds,so for me is ok.

Its still an overpriced piece of junk my friend
I live in Cyprus as well
Most of the thinks you mentioned on a previous post can be achieved with a much cheaper receiver so whats point?
The fact that you paid 450 cy pounds for the humax many years ago does not justify the dm8000 's price today
I also bought a humax 5400 (patced) many years ago and i didnt pay nowhere near that price
And forget the cy pound... its long gone and its not coming back
A 1000 euros is a 1000 euros and thats that

Its not my intention to offend you my friend
Just trying to say things the way i see them