View Full Version : already dead!

01-11-2008, 10:30 PM
i mean had this box for 10 months and in several months nothing new in terms of software.

i think it is way behind nearly all other boxes in terms of what it can do(especialy the lan features.)

not even a cs client or anything.

i am really thinking about getting another box and leaving this box in the closet.

02-11-2008, 12:41 AM
Well WHAT a constructive post M8 - no details whatsoever - another mindreading job! lol!!!:respect-001:

02-11-2008, 12:46 AM
i mean what new features has this box got the last couple of months(other than correcting errors)?

02-11-2008, 10:37 AM
Well WHAT a constructive post M8 - no details whatsoever - another mindreading job! lol!!!:respect-001:

Well the OP has already mentioned in his post of about the lack of the most awaited feature in a receiver, which has got an ethernet port and I tend to agree with him...

I bought this box when it was first released and acted as a Guinea pig for the developers but what I am seening is the lack of features which were advertised it is capable of when it was released in the market.

Before I bought the receiver it was advertised that it was capable of streaming directly to the PC, able to connect a webcam and stream on the internet etc. but nothing seems to be happening at that end...

The other receivers which have came out after the Vantage, like the Octagon, Technomate Super etc have at least CS implemented in them where as most of the firmware updates for the Vantage are related to the Player bug fixes.

When I called Vantage in May, they said the Lan features will be in out in the next month.

02-11-2008, 12:17 PM
the lan features are improved!
now u can stream to youre 2nd box:rofl:

02-11-2008, 02:17 PM
the lan features are improved!
now u can stream to youre 2nd box:rofl:

So you mean invest another Vantage box costing Ģ300+ ?

02-11-2008, 04:43 PM
So you mean invest another Vantage box costing Ģ300+ ?

yes ofcourse but the price is closer to 350 i think!
meaning u have spend more money than the dreambox 8000 hd!

and u dont even have a single harddrive included in the price!

20-12-2008, 02:45 AM
Vantage are under pressure now because itīs financecrisis and customer will to Vantage shall put Linux in receiver, but donīt for they will have more money when all want got help from company with own firmware.. But itīs end of story now and Vantage most accept to customer and change this system to Linux-OS.

Vantage can go in bankruptcy if they donīt take all desires to how receiver shall work..

Wake up Vantage! Linux are future and your os are very bad and lost of all moneys in financecrisis... A change from own OS to Linux are a big step...